Interview: Zoron and Hope

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Location: Inside Olvan's huge meeting room

Time: After book three (using the alternative ending)

Interviewer - Underlined

Ten Keepers - Italics

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Griffin: Bla bla bla, you already know that this is another interview. Here we have Zoron and Hope so let's get started.

Griffin: Hope, what's up with you getting bad feelings that always seem to come true?

Hope: I honestly don't know. It just sorta happens and it scares me sometimes.

Zoron: For such a hopeful person, you get bad feelings.

Griffin: Now Zoron, would you think about becoming captain of your own ship one day?

Zoron: *looks thoughtful* I never thought about that. I've had an experience with driving a huge ship and I must admit, I wasn't too bad. Lazu could keep a look out.

Griffin: Next question is for both of you. Why did you give your Spirit Animal these names?

Zoron: *mumbled* You just had to ask that one.

Hope: I like to be optimistic so why not name my horse Faith? I have faith in her.

Zoron: Lazu just came into my mind.

(A/N: I was thinking of the bird named Zazu in the Lion King so that's how I came up with Lazu 😂)

Griffin: Next question, the most awaited question. Actually, i'm just going to save that for last cause why not?

Griffin: What do you think of the other Ten Keepers starting with Ivan?

Hope: He's fine I guess. But I noticed how much more quiet he was.

Zoron: I haven't talked to him much but he's nice. Though he seemed to act differently. I guess it's because he got infected.

Griffin: What do you think about Jef?

Hope: He's

Zoron: He's fun to be with at times. Like Hope said, fast.

Griffin: How about Riley?

Hope: Never talked to her much but she's kind.

Zoron: She's quiet but kind.

Griffin: *sighs* You two and your short answers. You've been too busy spending time with each other, right?

Zoron and Hope: *blushes* Um...

Griffin: I'll take that as a yes. What do you think of Zoey?

Hope: She's a close friend of mine and is fun to be with. And of course, she's Zoron's sister.

Zoron: She's my first friend and my only sister so I have some right to feel slightly protective over her. I have promised my father.

Griffin: What do you think of Irene?

Hope: She's another best friend of mines. Probably the closest and I could trust her with anything.

Zoron: She's really kind and I have talked to her a couple of times, just so you know. I do talk to other girls, not just Hope.

Griffin: Sureeeeeee. Anyways, what about George?

Zoron: He's a great friend and a friendly person. Probably one of my closest.

Hope: He is very kind, especially when he befriended Haley but I think there's more to it than just comforting her.

Griffin: So what do you think of Eilene?

Zoron: *lets out a nervous chuckle* Yeah, um, Hope can go first.

Hope: She's still my friend and I know that our friendship wasn't a fake. Even when she betrayed us, I still cared.

Zoron: Um, I still haven't forgiven her for forcing me into driving the huge ship and basically giving me the responsibility of everyone's safety. Other than that, I have forgiven her when she betrayed us.

Hope: Seriously? You forgave her for betraying us but you haven't forgiven her for forcing you to ride a ship? Admit it, you like riding that ship.

Zoron: I...well, I guess?

Griffin: Last but not the least, what do you think of John?

Hope: He's a great friend. I'd be lying if I didn't say I was worried when he got infected.

Zoron: He may be annoying but he's one of my closest friends. I was quite hurt when he tried to kill us, even if I knew he was infected. It's...sad.

Griffin: Yeah, sad. Anyways, what do you guys think about the Four Heroes of Erdas?

Hope: I haven't talked to Abeke but from what I heard, she's friendly.

Zoron: I admire her archery.

Hope: I've seen infected Conor and it didn't match the brave and kind Conor from the stories I heard.

Zoron: I'm glad he's okay now. I've talked to him and he seems cool.

Hope: Meilin is a fierce fighter and I know better than to argue with her.

Zoron: I would be lying if I said she didn't scare me.

Hope: Haven't talked to Rollan but from what I heard, he was funny.

Zoron: I admire his...dagger skills?

Hope: *shakes her head in amusement*

Griffin: Okay, final question. Rumor has it that you guys have started dating. Is this true?

Hope and Zoron: *exchanges a glance*

Zoron: Yes, it's a fact.

Griffin: *looks at them in surprise* You serious?!

Zoey and Irene: *breaks into the room unexpectedly*


Zoron: How did you know?

Griffin: It's, um, live. But anyways, up next is John and Eilene!


Hope: Guys...he literally just asked me this morning...

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hAh ya'll tHouGhT.

There's just one more interview after this XD

Just like these interviews, I also have like a couple hundred few of unpublished and incomplete drafts in my SA one-shot book (and elsewhere) and I've been considering to just publish them as it is and allow others to "continue" or change the "concept" of the one-shot for others. Idk yet, maybe I will.

But okay, back to what I'm supposed to do with the Ten Keepers series. does an Epilogue book sound like? (Don't expect 30 chapters on this tho)

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