Chapter Five - Meeting

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Zoey's POV

She was outside the huge castle of Greenhaven with her brother Zoron. They both were trying to get their Spirit Animals into passive form by forming a stronger bond. They went straight to Greenhaven while Olvan stayed to look for the third Keeper in Amaya.

"Now what should we do, Chloe?" she asked her Spirit Animal which was a rabbit.

"You named her Chloe?" Zoron asked.

"Why not?" Zoey replied, "What's your falcon's name?"

Zoron thought for a moment then answered, "How about Lazu?"

The falcon screeched making Zoey giggle.

"Lazu it is then," Zoron smiled and stroke the bird's feathers.

Zoey spotted two figures walking in the distance, "Zoron look. Olvan's back."

A young girl walked beside Olvan with a huge, brown horse trotting beside her. She smiled shyly at Zoey and even more shyly at Zoron who was staring at her. He must've realized he was staring for he shook his head and blushed. Zoey watched the whole thing in amusement.

"The others should arrive soon," Olvan informed them when they spotted more figures coming.

An adult female Greencloak was walking beside two young boys that looked like they were from Nilo. One of them had a cheetah while the other had a leopard. They both gave them a friendly smile.

"Look at this place," the boy with the cheetah said.

"I already love Greenhaven," the other boy added.

More figures appeared. Two adult Greencloaks, one male and one female were walking beside two girls that looked like they were from Zhong. The girl with the fox looked beautiful while the other girl had a panda. The girl with the fox gave them a smile while the other girl looked a bit shy.

"I guess you're the rest of the Keepers," the girl with the fox said.

"No wait, there's still three more from Eura," Olvan told them just as two figures appeared.

Both boys had blonde hair and looked quite handsome. The younger one had a lynx while the other one had a wolf.

"Woah, that's a cool wolf," the one with the leopard said.

"And that's a cool leopard," he replied.

He gave all of them a charming smile until his gaze stopped in front of the Zhongese girl with a fox.

"Well hello there beautiful," he said as she giggled.

"There's one more from Eura," the other Euran with the Lynx spoke.

Two more figures appeared. There was an adult male Greencloak who was walking beside a young girl who doesn't seem to have any Spirit Animals in sight. She nodded at all of them, not giving them a single smile,

"Well, looks like that's all of us," Olvan spoke.

"Yeah, but who is she?" the Euran boy with the wolf asked, pointing at the Euran girl.

She raised her eyebrows but stayed silent.

"I shall start then," Olvan said, "My name is Olvan, leader of the Greencloaks."

"I'm Lenori," the woman spoke, "I was the one who received the vision."

"My name is Ella and I will be one of your guardians," the other woman spoke.

"And my name is Eric," the Greencloak said, "I'm also your guardian."

"My name is Sam," the last Greencloak spoke, "I'm just escorting."

"Now let's start with the Amayans," Olvan suggested.

"Hi, i'm Zoey," she said cheerfully, "and I summoned Chloe the rabbit. We live near the coast of Amaya."

"I'm Chloe's brother, Zoron," Zoron added, "and I summoned Lazu the falcon."

"And i'm Hope," the other Amayan said, "and I summoned Faith the horse. I live in a small village in Amaya."

"Nilo's next," said the Niloan boy with the cheetah, "My name is Jef and I summoned Breeze the Lynx. I live in a small village in Nilo."

"I'm his cousin Ivan," the other Niloan boy added, "and I summoned Navi the leopard."

"Navi? Really?" Jef asked.

"What's wrong with Navi?" Ivan asked.

"Anyways, i'm Riley," the Zhongese girl with the fox cut in, "and I summoned Nada the fox. I live in a big city in Zhong and i'm the daughter of a great Zhongese warrior."

"I'm Irene," the other Zhongese girl said, "and I summoned Selene the panda. I used to live in Jano Rion until me and my father which is Sam, had to escape because of enemies attacking our cities."

"Most of us have evacuated before they reached our city," Riley added.

"Well, my name is John," the Euran boy said, "and I summoned Rusty the wolf. We are the sons of Lord Gaundor in Eura."

"And i'm his brother, George," the other Euran spoke, "and I summoned Lire the lynx."

"And my name is Eilene-" the Euran girl started.

"The girl with no Spirit Animal," John cut in rudely and added, "Unless it's a rat."

Eilene glared at him, "You might be used to bullying others in your city but not here and certainly not me you spoiled brat."

"Excuse me?" John exclaimed.

"You want to see my Spirit Animal?" Eilene asked him.

"If you even have one," John replied, "It can bite me right now."

Eilene suddenly grinned and in a flash, a huge, brown grizzly bear appeared.

"You heard what he said Ursa," Eilene told the bear, still grinning.

The bear growled at him and started walking towards John who was staring at the bear with wide eyes.

"Eilene, tell her to stop," Olvan commanded.

Ursa looked at Eilene who nodded and she gave John another growl before walking back to Eilene.

"Woah, you got her into passive form already?" Zoey asked.

"It's more like she went into passive form," Eilene admitted.

"I'm glad we're having some fast learners today," Olvan said, "Now let's all get some rest. Eric and Ella will show you your rooms. Tomorrow we will begin training and i'll explain everything on why you're here. There are also some people i'd like you to meet."

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