Chapter Six - Training Begins

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Eilene's POV

Eilene woke up. She was laying down in her room. She got up and walked towards the table where she placed her cloak. Last night, all ten of them had taken up the Greencloak so now, they were officially Greencloaks.

Ursa grunted as Eilene walked past her.

"Come on Ursa," Eilene told her, "We need to get to the training room and meet the others."

Ursa just grunted and laid down on her back, exposing her belly.

"Do you even know what i'm saying?" Eiline muttered.

Ursa snorted, got up and started walking towards the door.

"So you can understand me," she mumbled.

She stretched out her arm, inviting Ursa to passive form. Ursa looked at her arm then looked away, pawing at the door.

"Fine then," Eilene sighed, "Just don't eat someone else's Spirit Animal."

Ursa walked through the hallways with Eilene. Greencloaks looked at her in awe which made Eilene feel uncomfortable. She didn't like it when the attention was on her. Spirit Animals quickly scuttled out the way, afraid that the huge bear might eat them. Ursa just kept on walking, her expression giving nothing away.

They finally made it to the training. It was a wide space. To the sides there was a wall and table full of weapons. Not one single person was there yet.

"Looks like we're the first ones," Eilene said.

Ursa grunted as if to say, "Told you so."

"Well, it's a good thing we're early," she went on, "Cause we'll have more time to train and we'll be way ahead of the others."

Ursa just snorted in response. Eilene walked to where the weapons were. There were different looking swords, bow and arrows, axes, staffs and other weapons. In the middle of the room, there were a couple of heavy looking sacks that were hanging on a rope in one side of the room.

Out of all the weapons, she picked up the staff. She'd never had any experience in fighting. She felt the weapon in her hands.

"A staff?" Eilene heard someone exclaimed and she groaned.

She saw John walking into the room with his wolf, Rusty. He had a look of disbelief which made Eilene roll her eyes.

"Out of all the weapons you chose a staff?" John exclaimed, "You couldn't have chosen a sword or an axe at least?"

"You got a problem with that, oh son of Lord Gaundor?" she asked, exaggerating.

"Yes, a very big problem," he replied, "You'll get killed the second you step on the battle field."

"And this matters to you because?" she asked.

"Because we're in the same team," he answered, "It's going to be an embarrassment if you get killed. And it will be a big shame to your family."

"Well, good thing my family is dead then," she muttered.

That seemed to have silenced John for a moment.

"Oh i'm sorry," John said, "I didn't know."

"There's no reason for you to be sorry," she mumbled, "They never cared about me anyways so why should I care about them?"

"Well, you'll still get yourself killed out there," John went on, "You're lucky i'll be there to save you."

Eilene scoffed, "Thanks but I can take care of myself."

Before John could speak, she spotted the others walking into the room with their Spirit Animals.

"Well, look who's here early?" Ivan said, "It's the two Eurans who slashed out yesterday."

"I was giving her a lecture about which weapon to choose," John replied.

"I didn't need a lecture," Eilene muttered.

"Can't you be just grateful for once?" he asked.

"Hey guys," Zoey cut in,"Guess what?"

"What is it?" Zoron, her brother, asked.

Zoey extended her hand towards her Spirit Animal Chloe. Chloe leaped into the air and disappeared, reappearing in a tattoo on Zoey's arm.

"You mastered the passive form," a deep voice spoke.

She spotted Eric, Ella and Sam enter the room. Olvan and Lenori were nowhere to be found.

"Sorry we're late," Ella apologized, "We'll start training now."

Sam went to where the heavy looking sacks while Ella went to the other side of the room.

"First thing we're gonna be doing is a test to see how strong your Spirit Animal bond is," Eric explained, "You're going to start where Ella is standing. Then you're going to run to the other side of the room where Sam is and jump as high as you could. Then run back and hit the sack."

"Ask your Spirit Animals for help," Sam added.

"Now since there's ten of you and only five sacks," Ella instructed, "Zoron, Zoey, and Hope will go first along with Riley and Irene."

Zoey called out Chloe and they talked to their Spirit Animals. After a while, they walked to where Ella was standing.

"Ready, set and...go," Eric said and the five sprinted to the other side.

Eilene didn't seem to see anything different until Zoey jumped. She was the shortest of them all but she seemed to have jumped higher than the others. They all ran back and threw a punch at the sack which barely moved at all.

"Hm, not bad," Eric spoke.

"Zoey seemed to have had a little boost when she jumped," Sam reported.

"How did it feel Zoey?" Eric asked.

"I think I felt a bit of a boost," Zoey replied, "It was...a great feeling."

"Good," Eric said, "Don't worry, as your bond gets stronger, you'll see that you Spirit Animals will give you more powers."

"It's time for you guys," Ella told them.

Eilene walked towards Ursa and whispered to her, "Can you help me out?"

The grizzly bear looked at her in the eyes but did nothing. Eilene quickly joined the others who were walking towards Ella.

"Good luck," John told her, "Cause i'm gonna win this."

"It's not a race, John," George told him then turned to Eilene, "Don't mind him."

She gave him a quick, grateful smile.

"Ready, set, and...go," Eric yelled.

Eilene took of running. She found herself head to head with John while the others were not far behind. John flashed her a surprised look while Eilene gave him a quick smirk.

"I'm not slow you know," she wanted to say. As they neared the wall, John and Eilene both slowed down and jumped. Nothing happened as she turned around and ran back. She managed to spot George jumping a bit higher than Ivan and Jef, even though he was shorter. John and Eilene were head to head once more until she heard a wolf howl. There was a rush of air and she saw John sprinting much more faster than before and rammed his shoulder on the sack, falling back with a huge thud. He barely moved the sack.

That's gotta hurt, Eilene thought.

As she neared the sack, she heard Ursa roar so loudly and she felt strength go through her. Without thinking, she jumped up and kicked the sack with both legs, moving the sack.

"It's obvious that you had a bit of a speed boost, John," Ella said, "How did it feel?"

"It felt amazing," John replied, "As if I could run forever. Until I hit the sack."

"George seemed to have jumped higher," Sam reported.

"Yeah, I felt strength going through me as I jumped," George said.

"And Eilene, you're the first to move the sack," Eric said.

"Yeah, thanks to Ursa," Eilene said and smiled at Ursa who grunted.

"I'm proud to see some progress happening," Eric announced, "We'll have a bit of a break and then we'll continue-"

Just then, another Greencloak entered the room.

"Eric, Olvan is calling for you guys," the Greencloak informed.

"Never mind then," Eric said, "Time to meet Olvan."

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