Chapter Twenty One - The Fight

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Hope's POV

The clearing was filled with shock silence. Everyone looked at her with shock and confusion in their faces.

"W-What?" he stammered.

"I said you shouldn't have saved me," Eilene replied, "You shouldn't have given the talismans."

"I...I don't understand," John said, confused.

Hope couldn't believe what Eilene was saying right now. She expected her to be happy and all that but this took all of them by surprise, especially John.

"Why did you give the talismans?" Eilene asked.

"To save you," John answered.

"Well, how much more people are you going to save when the Devourer takes control of the talismans?" Eilene said in a harsh tone.

"Eilene, he just saved your life," Zoron spoke.

"He's a Greencloak, isn't he?" Eilene snapped, "The Greencloaks duty was to save Erdas not giving the talismans away cause that is the complete opposite of saving Erdas."

At the corner of Hope's eyes, she saw Drina and the Conquerors watching them with amused expressions.

"Then what do you want us to do?" John fired, "Let you die?"

"That's exactly what you should've done," Eilene fired back, "So why didn't you?"

"Because...," John hesitated, "Because I care."

Eilene stopped and looked away. Everyone looked at her, wondering what she was going to say.

"Then I wish you haven't," Eilene replied darkly, "because...I don't."

Hope looked at her in horror. This wasn't the Eilene she knows, this was a totally different person. She glanced at John and saw hurt filled his eyes which quickly turned into anger.

"I wish we should've just left you to die," John fired.

"Good," she said, darkly, "Cause I wish I haven't met you."

The clearing filled with tensed silence. No one moved, unsure of what to do. Drina finally broke the silence.

"Well, we gotta get going," Drina announced as if nothing had happened, "We have some talismans to catch."

The Conquerors saddled up on their horses and left.

"Don't worry," Derek told Lord Gaundor who had also been watching, "You won't have any trouble with us."

Derek gave them one last glance and then rode after the other Conquerors. The clearing once again filled with silence until Eric broke it.

"We need to get going," Eric told them quietly and started walking towards the horses.

No one moved for a while before Ella followed him. John quickly followed after, not even glancing at anyone. He looked furious but Hope saw a flash of hurt in his eyes. Eilene followed last, avoiding eye contact. The ride back to Tellun's Pride was the most tensed ride ever. No one spoke until they reached the ship, much to Hope's relief.

John went straight to his room with his brother George following him worriedly. Eilene followed a while after once John had disappeared below the decks. No one spoke before they split up to do their things. Some went down the decks while others stayed up. It wasn't a good day, she can tell. Not only did they give up their talismans but two certain people got hurt. Hope heard footsteps behind her and she didn't need to tell that it was Zoron.

"I don't get why Eilene said that," Hope said, "I don't understand."

Zoron sighed, "We had a similar chat when you guys were out buying food. I can tell that she never meant it. Even though she won't admit it...she cares about John. What I don't get is why she said it."

"I know," Hope replied, "It's not like her to say that."

"I can tell that she had thought it through," Zoron said, "I just...I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have said that unless there's something up."

"But what could be the problem?" Hope asked.

"Only Eilene knows that," Zoron answered.

John's POV

He was lying down on his bed, just looking up at the ceiling. Even though he lashed out on Eilene, deep down he felt hurt. He didn't know why but her words hurt him a lot. It took him all his effort not to show how hurt he felt. George who was sitting on a chair, looked at him and sighed.

"I'm sure she didn't mean it," George told him.

"Yeah like she didn't mean to say that she doesn't care about me," John replied sarcastically, "I'm sure she didn't mean to say that she wished she haven't met me."

He knew he was being harsh but it was because he was too confused and angry to think straight.

"I wish we just left her to die," he went on, his voice rising, "I wish I've never met her. I wish she wasn't on our side at all!"

"You don't mean that," George said.

"I do mean it," John insisted, "I don't give a care in the world if she died!"

"John, you're not thinking clearly," George told him calmly.

That made his anger boil and before he knew it, words poured out of his mouth, "I don't care about her! I wish she was dead because I hate her! Don't you understand? I hate her!"

George sighed, "I'll come back once you've calm down."

George walked towards the door but before he left, he looked back, "We know what the truth is."

As he walked out, John regretted using that tone on his brother. The thing is, George was right. John sighed and closed his eyes. He felt a warm tongue on his hand and he looked to see Rusty looking at him with understanding. It's as if he was saying, "Don't worry, i'm always here." John petted him and was glad to have him as his Spirit Animal.

"Thanks Rusty," John whispered.

George's POV

As he walked out John's room, he saw Eilene leaning on the wall nearby, looking on the ground. George's eyes widened.

"Y-You heard the whole thing?" he stammered.

Eilene nodded, "I don't blame him if he hates me."

She started walking away but George quickly caught up with her and stopped her.

"Eilene, wait," George said.

"What?" Eilene snapped.

George recoiled. She never snapped at him. She must've realized for her eyes widened.

"Sorry, I'm just...," Eilene apologized, "I'm just not in the mood today."

"Eilene, did you really mean it?" George asked.

Eilene paused, then replied, "Yes, I mean it."

George looked at her eyes, searching to see if she was right. Her eyes seemed to be struggling to hide something. They kept on staring until Eilene looked away first. George spotted a look of hurt cross her eyes when she looked away.

"Whatever you say Eilene," George mumbled, "You know the real answer."

"I meant when I said that I wish I haven't met him," Eilene said, her voice trailing, "Because...He..."

George looked at her, waiting for an answer.

"I...I can't tell you," Eilene said, "I just can't."

As she started to walk away, George said, "He's hurt you know."

Eilene paused then replied without looking back, "I know."

Ah, too sad. This is just too sad. What's going on between those two? (Only I know that) Keep on reading to find out. Please vote and leave a comment on what you think. Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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