Chapter Twenty - Survived

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John's POV

The last thing he remembered was that he was falling, falling off the mountain. Then it abruptly stopped, pain shot through his body and everything went black.

He saw images flash through his mind. He saw fighting around him, Greencloaks and Conquerors dying left and right. Then he saw people drinking a black liquid and animals started appearing. Then he saw the rest of the Ten Keepers, only he couldn't see Eilene. Then everything went dark again.

"John," he heard a familiar voice but it was blurred, "John!"

John opened his eyes to see a blurry figure standing above him.

"John, I thought you died!" he heard George exclaim.

As his vision cleared, he saw George, relief drawn all over his face. He spotted the others with the same expression.

"It's a miracle you survived at all," Ivan added.

John slowly sat up and groaned, "What happened?"

"You've been unconscious until now," Eric explained.

Then John remembered about Eilene, the poison. He looked up and gasped, the sun was high above him. All the pain left him as he got up.

"We don't have enough time," John exclaimed, "We need to go now!"

Everyone quickly saddled up and raced back towards Gaundor, towards the other half of their team. John had completely forgot about his dream.

Hope's POV

Hope woke up feeling very tired. She hadn't had enough sleep last night for she worried about Eilene. When she looked out the window, she gasped. She had overslept for the sun was high up. She rushed out her room, almost bumping into Zoron.

"Oh, you're awake," Zoron said.

"Are they back yet?" Hope asked.

Zoron shook his head, sadly.

"Oh no," Hope said, "They need to get here before the sun sets."

"I'm sure they'll get here on time," Zoron reassured her but she was still troubled.

"Zoron, remember when I had a bad feeling back in Amaya?" Hope asked, "Dwayne had died. Last night, I have a bad feeling something's going to happen today and it won't be good."

Before Zoron could reply, there was a shout from upstairs.

"Guys, quick get up!" Chloe was yelling.

Zoron and Hope burst up the stairs and into Eilene's room. Hope gasped as she saw that Eilene had turned really pale.

"I tried waking her up," Zoey explained, "but when I touched her, her skin burned."

Hope pressed the back of her hand on Eilene's forehead almost bringing it back quickly. It was burning really hot.

"I'll get the healer," Zoron said, already bolting out the door.

"Quick, find some cloths and wet them with cold water," Hope instructed Zoey.

Zoey's eyes were wide with fear but she ran out the door just as Irene and Riley went in.

"What's happening?" Irene asked worriedly.

"The poison," Hope answered, "They need to get here soon or she won't last."

John's POV

They were racing through the woods as fast as they could. John had never ridden so fast on a horse but right now, all he could think about was Eilene. He glanced up and saw that the sun has already touched the horizon. They were still some miles away.

Just then, the dream came crashing back into his mind. The part were he saw the Ten Keepers but Eilene not being there made him deeply troubled. He hadn't notice that the Silver Wolf was hanging from his neck.

"Eric," John asked, "What does the Silver Wolf do?"

"It sharpens your smell and hearing," Eric answered, "Sometimes gives you prophetic dreams as well."

John's heart skipped a beat as he remembered the dream. Did that mean Eilene won't survive?

He shook his head and rode faster. He had to save Eilene, he just had to. Half of the sun had already been swallowed by the horizon when the city came into view. They burst into the city and stopped in the clearing where his father and Derek were standing. John quickly got off his horse, the others doing the same.

"We have the talismans," John told him, "Now give her the antidote."

"Hand me the talismans," Derek ordered.

Eric reluctantly gave him the Marble Swan and the Copper Falcon. John took the talisman off his neck and reluctantly gave it to Derek.

"Now, the antidote," John said.

Derek looked at all three talismans then pulled something out of his pocket.

He tossed him a bottle with liquid in it, "Better run boy. I heard that she was already near death."

John ran as fast as he could. He felt himself running faster and saw Rusty running by his side. He gave him a wordless thanks and bolted into the house and up to Eilene's room. Irene and Hope were sitting right beside her with Ursa. He gasped as he saw Eilene. She looked very pale and...lifeless. He quickly gave the healer the antidote and she got to work.

"I believe I need you to wait outside," the healer told them gently, "but the bear can stay."

John looked at Eilene then reluctantly walked out the room followed by the others.

As he walked out the house, he almost growled as he saw the very last person he wanted to see. Standing beside Derek, holding the talismans was Drina. Drina had spotted him too and gave him a triumphant smile.

"Ah, weak Greencloaks," she sneered, "You make things much easier."

"Drina," John growled.

"What? Are you sad that your girlfriend is about to die?" she taunted making his anger boil.

He felt something warm and furry beneath his arm and he looked down to see Rusty. He looked back at him with intense eyes and somehow, some of his anger cooled down. The door burst open and the healer came out.

"How is she?" George asked.

"She's recovering," she answered but she sounded perplexed, "Much faster than I expected."

Just then, a Eilene had walked our the house with Ursa behind her. She was walking shakily but she didn't look pale anymore. It got silent around the clearing as everyone looked at her in shock. It was as if she was never shot by a poison arrow.

"Eilene," John whispered.

Eilene looked at John or more like glared at him. Then he heard the words he least expected.

"You should never have saved me."

So many miracles! John survived and Eilene recovered fast. (and I mean very fast) What do you think will happen next between them? Please vote and leave a comment on what you think. Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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