Chapter Twenty One - Dreams of the Past

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Hey guys, what's up? The sky, obviously.

If you're enjoying "The Ten Keepers" please vote, comment, and maybe a follow? Also, please check out my other stories because you might like them.

I also made an interview for my characters so if you have questions or to make things interesting, dares then comment there.


John's POV

He didn't know where he was. He remembered walking through the tunnels with his friends but he didn't know how he ended up here. He was walking through a forest, a familiar one. As he emerged, he spotted huge, tall walls in the distance and he gasped. He was right outside the city of Gaundor. Right outside his father's city. How did he end up getting here?

Just then, the scene around him changed. He was standing right in front of the gates of the city, the moon high above in the night sky. At one side where a group of soldiers from Gaundor while on the other side were more soldiers that looked like Conquerors.

"I'm warning you Gerald," said a voice and he spotted a familiar man, wearing a black hooded cloak, "If you don't side with the Conquerors now, your city will fall and we will kill your sons. There's a team of Conquerors waiting to ambush the Keepers."

"Why are you doing this, Derek?" The man named Gerald, which to John's surprise was his father, the Lord of Gaundor, asked, "You know that the Conquerors isn't the right side. You've always been with the Greencloaks."

"I have been with the Greencloaks," Derek replied coldly, "That is until you left."

"I needed to take care of my family," Gerald told him.

"Oh really? Or was it because you were given the chance to become the Lord of Gaundor, ever since your older brother died?" Derek sneered, "You always wanted to be the Lord of Gaundor. Always wanted power."

John felt confused. Had Derek and Gerald met before? Did they use to be Greencloaks?

"Yes, I did," Gerald admitted, "But I needed to take care of my family. Don't you understand?"

"Why would I understand?" Derek gave a humourless chuckle.

"Because you had a family before," Gerald replied, "You had a daughter. You told me yourself."

"Oh, yes I do," Derek replied, coldly, "She is with the Conquerors. She is one of the Keepers and she is going to destroy your son. What's his name again? Was it John? They all trust her, especially your son. Oh how I would love to see their reactions when she betrays them all."

"No," Gerald whispered, "You can't..."

"I already have," Derek almost growled, "So if you want your sons safe, then I suggest you do as you're told. And I suggest you keep your mouth shut if you don't want your sons to die and your city destroyed."

The scene changed again and this time, he was inside a clearing in the city. He saw himself and the rest of the Keepers. He also saw the Conquerors, Derek, Drina and his own father. Then he remembered, this was when he and Eilene had their huge fight. He saw himself fighting with Eilene while the others watched with shocked expressions.

"Derek, why?" Gerald asked Derek in a low tone that John had to step closer to hear.

Derek looked at him and something flashed between them, "It's all an act. None of it is real."

John thought that he meant that Eilene was just acting to get their trust, not meaning a word she said. But Eilene told him that she really did mean it and by looking at Derek, he meant something else.

Gerald's eyes seemed to be filled with confusion but Derek just gave him a tiny nod before walking to his horse. The John and Eilene in John's dream had already stopped fighting and Drina announced that they were leaving.

"You won't have trouble with the Conquerors anymore," Derek told Gerald before climbing on his horse.

The scene changed again and John was tossed in the middle of a battle. The second Devourer war. Nearby, he spotted Derek and Zerif fighting. Then Zerif had stabbed him as Derek fell to the ground in pain. John saw Eilene and himself running to his side.

John walked closer to hear Derek say, "Eilene, I need you to finish what I started."

That's when Derek gave Eilene a scroll. John's head was spinning. Why was he having this dream? Did the dream actually happened? What was in the scroll? And had Gerald and Derek actually met before?

"John. John wake up!"

John woke up with a jolt and saw his brother, George right in front of him, looking at him worriedly. He was back in the tunnels.

"W-What happened?" John asked.

"Sorry I woke you up but you looked like you were having a bad dream," George explained, "You kept on tossing and turning and saying things in your sleep."

"Oh," John said and looked around.

Zoron and Hope were having a conversation while Haley was taking a nap. Eilene was sitting not too far away, deep in thought. Right now, he just wanted to talk to her. Maybe she might know of the dream.

George followed his gaze and he smirked, "I'll leave you to talk to your girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend," John mumbled.

"Then what are you guys?" George asked, "Cause you're obviously not just friends."

As he walked away, John really didn't know the answer. John shook his head. He had too many thoughts and questions in his mind that he needed to know first. He stood up shakily, his head spinning a bit, before walking towards Eilene and sitting beside her.

"Hey," Eilene murmured, giving a small smile.

"Uh hey," John said, "Um, do you mind if I ask you a question?"

"Sure," she replied.

John didn't know how to ask her. She might think that being in the tunnels is starting to make John crazy.

"Uh well," John started, "Does it say in the book that when you get infected, you start getting weird dreams that may or may not have happened in the past?"

Eilene looked at him wierdly, "Uh, you start seeing wierd things but I don't think you start getting dreams that may or may not have happened in the past."

Okay, so the parasite wasn't giving me very wierd dreams, John thought.

"Why are you asking?" Eilene asked and John panicked.

He didn't know of how she would react if he told her that he had a dream of their fathers that had happened in the past. She probably would think that he'd gone mad or probably start laughing at how crazy he sounded.

John hesitated and Eilene asked again, "Are you hiding something?"

"What? No, why would I?" John lied but Eilene didn't believe him.

"John, the truth," she said in a warning tone.

John sighed then blurted out, "I just had a dream about my father and Derek. I don't know why but it looked like they knew each other before and it somehow happened in the past. I know you probably think i've gone mad but that's the truth."

John expected her to start giving him wierd looks or burst out laughing but she didn't do that. Instead, she was looking at him in shock, her eyes wide. Then she looked uneasy, unceirtanty filling her eyes with a bit of fear.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" John asked, confused.

"I..." Eilene paused then took a deep breath, "I had the same dream as well."

Both John and Eilene having dreams of their fathers from the past? Isn't that wierd. Please vote and leave a comment on what you guys think. Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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