Chapter Twenty Two - Trouble is Near

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My brain must've been still sleeping because I accidently wrote chapter 30 instead of chapter 21. Anyways here's the next chapter! Enjoy!

Major spoiler alert for book 3 "The Return."

Riley's POV

"Land, at last!" Ivan exclaimed while Riley rolled her eyes.

They finally reached the island where Mulop was said to be summoned.

"The ship ride wasn't that bad," Riley told him, "Or terrible."

"You're right," Ivan sighed, "It was sea-sickening. I was having a hard time sleeping."

"I see why you're bonded to a wild cat," Riley mumbled.

King or Shane told them that it's better if the Greencloaks go for the Redcloaks will just atrract suspicion. Since the water was too shallow, they had to go on a rowboat so the ship won't get stuck. Just as soon as they stepped on the land, people started coming out from the bushes, bows and spears pointed right at them. Some of them had their Spirit Animals out.

"Who are you and what is your business?" One of the men demanded.

"We are Greencloaks," Rollan said, raising his hands, "We are the good guys. As you can see we wear the green cloak. And wearing the green cloak means that-"

"Rollan, I think they get the point," Abeke interrupted.

"I see that you're Greencloaks," the man replied, "But we do not welcome visitors."

"As you may or may not have noticed," Rollan quickly added, "I am Rollan of Amaya and this is Abeke of Nilo. The rest of the Greencloaks are the Keepers of Greenhaven."

"Ah, the Heroes of Erdas," the man said, "Sorry but we still do not accept visitors, even if they are Heroes of Erdas."

"You probably might be wondering why the Heroes of Erdas came here. We came here to find Mulop and his partner," Abeke spoke, "The Great Beasts are being summoned back to Erdas but a man named Zerif is hunting them down. He already has most of the Great Beasts on his side and will soon come here for Mulop and his human partner."

The man gave a humourless laugh, "How can a man steal someone's Spirit Animal? They're bonded."

Riley looked at those who had Spirit Animals, "Surely you have felt the straining of the bonds just as we had. The connection felt weaker than before."

Some exchanged uneasy glances as she continued, "The Evertree holds the bonds of Spirit Animals and their partners. Without it, there won't be Spirit Animals at all. But now, the Evertree is sick and it's because of the rot below it. That same rot is controlling Zerif to rule over the world. That rot is allowing Zerif to control others and has the power to take away your Spirit Animal. He is getting stronger with each Great Beast he captures and is coming here as we speak. Greenhaven has already fallen because of him and we are probably the only Greencloaks left."

"She speaks the truth," Abeke added, her voice shaking as she pulled up her sleeve, "My Spirit Animal, Uraza, was right here. And she was taken just like that..."

The clearing filled with shocked silence. Abeke never mentioned that Uraza had been taken away from her. Riley heard that losing a Spirit Animal was worst than losing a limb. She couldn't imagine what would it be like to not have Nada, her Spirit Animal, in her life.

Before the man could speak, Rollan suddenly yelled, "He's here!"

Everyone looked at him confused as Abeke asked, "Who?"

"Zerif," Rollan gasped, "He's here."

Just then, Riley spotted another ship sailing right towards their island.

Eilene's POV

No, no, no, Eilene thought, That can't be true. It isn't possible.

The minute she told John that she had the same dream, John was about to bomb her with a million of questions until Haley announced that they keep going again. She was walking near the end of the group, her mind swirling with questions.

John couldn't have had the same dream. That's impossible. That couldn't have been John's father.

But the more she thought about it, realization started to dawn in. She glanced back at John who had a distant look on his eyes. She knew that he deserved to know as well but even she was still figuring it out.

Just then, John stumbled and fell. Eilene was at his side in an instant with the others right behind her. Just when she was about to grab his shoulder to support, John withdrew with a hissing sound, his eyes didn't look normal at all.

"J-John?" Eilene stammered, fear rising in her voice, "John y-you need to fight it."

Just then, John's eyes turned back to normal and he fell back, his eyes wide with horror. They both knew what just happened.

"I-I didn't m-mean it," John stuttered shakily.

Eilene carefully walked towards him. John gulped and slowly lowered his cloak. Right at the base of his neck was the parasite, slowly making its way up.

Double cliffhanger! Will they get Mulop out or lose another Great Beast? Will John make it to the end before he succombs to the Wyrm? What does Eilene know about the dream that John didn't?

Will there be a book 3? And which character am I in this story? (I just want to see your guesses)

Please vote and leave a comment on what you guys think. Stay tuned for the next chapter!

Don't forget to answer my questions. (I'm curious to what you guys think)

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