Chapter 1: Welcome to Paris

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[Y/L/N] = Your Last Name

[U/N] = Undercover Name

Despite my exhaustion, I didn't get much sleep on the plane. I spent the time reading tourist pamphlets, looking at places I would be seeing as soon as I landed. I hadn't done a lot of traveling growing up. My dad was an archeologist but I always had to stay home because I was "too young." I begged and begged until he finally let me go with him to Egypt when I turned thirteen. And that was the trip that...

The onboard communications monitor beeped with an incoming message and I was almost relieved to see #412's face on the screen. Almost.

"Agent [Y/L/N], I just wanted to call and remind you that while you're in Paris, you are a representative of C.L.A.W. and essentially an emissary for our agency. Any lack of decorum on your part will reflect poorly on us, therefore it is in your best interest to-"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Don't do anything that would make you look stupid." I interrupt tiredly, and #412 makes her lemon face.

"In a nutshell." She agrees coldly. "As I said before, you weren't the most experienced choice, but circumstances demanded it. Now, if you open the overhead compartment, you should find a package of items for you."

I obey immediately, my mood improving. My previous missions had always been so minor that I'd never required additional equipment to deal with the baddie. "Items," were #412's boring way of saying GADGETS. SPY TECH. Finally, I was getting some cool stuff!

I ripped open the packaging and pulled out something that looked like an iPod with a wireless headset, a wallet with a fake student ID, and a passport with the same name.

"Your cover while you are in Paris is that of a foreign exchange student by the name of [U/N]. " #412 continued, "therefore your items were designed to look like things that an ordinary student would carry. For example, your student ID has a cloning strip that can gain you access to any room that requires a keycard."

"What happens if the door just needs a normal key?" I ask.

"Our designers took that into account, therefore the side that does not have a magnetic strip has been coated with diamond edging, which you can use to cut through any lock." 412 said, somewhat smugly. "Now your passport is another piece of ingenious technology; it's actually a homing device. Should you be in any serious jeopardy, press your photo twice, and a C.L.A.W. agent will be dispatched to your location. Now I want to emphasize this," # 412 said, looking over her glasses at me severely, "you must only use this as a last resort. If I have to send someone after you, they better find you dead or dying."

"SO nice to know you care." I reply. The sarcasm made a slight whistling noise as it flew over her head. Either that or she chose to ignore it.

"Lastly, your iPod contains a new program we've added called the Automatic Linguistics Frequency Interface- or A.L.F.I. for short. Simply plug in your headset, hit the fast forward button, and A.L.F.I. will translate for you. If you wish to respond, speak into the mouthpiece on the headset, and A.L.F.I. will convert what you say into whatever language you chose."

"So like Woogle translate." I say with a smirk.

"Yes. Except A.L.F.I. has access to over four hundred languages and dialects."

"Thank you #412," I say sincerely. "I really appreciate this."

412's mouth twitched upwards for a second. Was that a smile?

"I am aware languages are not your strong suit, Agent (Y/L/N]. Hopefully A.L.F.I. will save C.L.A.W. considerable embarrassment on your behalf."

Ouch, I think, and wince despite myself.

"You might be interested to know A.L.F.I. has a few other useful functons." #412 continues. "Tap the play button, and you can use it as an x-ray scanner, which can see almost 10 feet into any solid object. Hit the rewind button, and it can take video and photos, which will automatically be sent back to us."

I slide ID, passport and iPod into my jacket pockets for safekeeping.

"Now I want to remind you again, Agent [Y/L/N]-" I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, I got it the first time, I'll be on my best behavior."

Suddenly a tremor shook the plane and #412's wavered on the screen slightly. "Agent [Y/L/N] what is going on? I'm loosing your signal."

Something hit the side of the plane and I felt my feet leave the floor as we plummeted a hundred feet.

"Agent [Y/L/N]! Respond!" #412 shouts, as the screen freezes, then goes black.

C.L.A.W. planes are all flown remotely, so on one hand if the plane crashed, I would be the only casualty. On the other hand, there was no one to react to this kind of crisis. I started to move slowly towards the cockpit, when I noticed something black flash past the window.

A second later I yelled as a clawed fist punched a hole through the wall, a faint black haze floating around the green cat's paw ring on one finger.

The plane and everything in it suddenly disintegrated around me and I found myself staring into the bright green eyes of a blond boy wearing a catsuit. He grinned at me and winked, then gravity kicked in and I plummeted towards the ground with a scream.

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