Chapter 2: Sphinx Vs. Chat Noir

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When I was a kid I dreamed of bouncing on clouds like they were fluffy trampolines. But reality was much different. They were large, insubstantial, and full of water. I was falling fast, air singing past my face, getting drenched by every cloud I fell though. Below, France was a large green patchwork, getting closer all the time. I had to act quickly.

Wind resistance made the act of grabbing my amulet difficult. I gripped it tightly in one hand, and screamed, "Guardian of the Gate! Awake!"

There was no response. Paris was coming into view below me, the Eiffel tower spearing up into the clouds. If I didn't stop falling I was going to be a very small piece on a large kabob. "Guardian of the Gate! Awake!" I screamed again. Nothing.

Then, the amulet suddenly burned hot in my hands, and I dropped it in reflex. Retractable claws grew from my fingertips, and the bones of my legs lengthened, changed shape and grew fur. A tail swished out behind me, to be whipped around by the wind. I felt a sharp pain in both shoulders as huge wings, golden brown in color, sprouted, flexing out to catch an updraft and slowing my descent. I let out a wild scream in triumph as I flapped them hard, swerving around the Eifel tower and soaring up into the clouds, free as a bird. Or as free as...well a bird that also happens to be half lion.

I shot up, riding the thermals, my eyes open for my mysterious attacker. My eyes were eagle-sharp now, strong enough to see for miles. But there was nothing to see, except for a flock of birds in the distance. Wait a second.

I peered at the flock again. There was something strange about those birds that I couldn't put my claw on. They seemed to be heading in my direction...and getting bigger... and bigger then normal birds should be.

Now that the flock - if that was the right word for those creatures - were closer, I could see they weren't birds but pterodactyl, creatures that – last time I checked a museum, were extinct. Each pterodactyl's wingspan was at least fifty feet long, and riding one of them, waving them on, was the same mysterious cat-boy who had destroyed my plane!

I flapped my wings, gaining altitude as they flew closer. My attacker bowed deeply, despite the fact he was riding a prehistoric flying reptile.
"Salut ma jolie," The cat-boy smiled. "Qu'est-ce qu'une gentille fille comme toi dans un endroit comme ça?"

Shoot. I needed my A.L.F.I. device. Unfortunately it was somewhere under enchantment and fur.

"Okay," I yelled, "I have no idea what you just said, cat-boy, but that doesn't mean I can't still kick your kitty butt!"

The boy smiled and then to my surprise he spoke in almost perfect English.

"You are American? Welcome to Paris."

"Yeah it's been super fun. Love the welcoming committee." I retort sarcastically. "I really should return the favor."

Below, the cat-boy twirled his staff, and leveled it at me like a sword, challenging me.

I tucked my wings in and dive-bombed the prehistoric creatures, but was knocked back almost instantly as the boy's staff lengthened, catching me square in the chest.

"Well, well, it seems to be raining cats and more cats." The boy smirked, leaning on his staff like a cane. "Of course," he winked an emerald green eye, "I'm the more attractive one."

"Sorry, I'm more of a dog person," I retort, keeping a safe distance. The boy cocked his head to one side.

"How does that even make sense?" He asked.

I took his moment of confusion to dive again. His staff shot out and I dodged, rolling to one side and plowing into a pterodactyl flying behind him. It squawked and tried to claw my face as we fell downward. The flock followed in pursuit, cawing what sounded like vengeance. I dug my claws in, trying to keep on top of the fighting reptile and dodging the sharp beak and claws. Over the creature's shoulder, I saw the spire of the Eiffel Tower looming, growing larger as we fell. At the last second, I released my hold, leaping up into the air and opening my wings to catch an updraft.

CLANG! The creature's head collided with the iron structure and crumped with a squawk on the metal deck as I landed lightly on the top of the Eiffel Tower. Two Pterodactyl flying too close behind collided as well, collapsing beside the first. The cat-boy jumped free and landed lightly on a narrow ledge in a crouch. He was waaay too much like a cat if you ask me.

" Good thing cats always land on their feet." He joked, and I rolled my eyes.

"Seriously, what is up with the cat jokes? You're just a guy in a leather suit and mask."

He smiled at me. Pity he was a super villain, he was almost as cute as the guy I had a crush on at home.

"You've never heard of Chat Noir in America?" He asked, teasingly, "such a shame."

He lunged suddenly at me and I ducked, hearing the staff whistle over my head. Chat Noir twirled his weapon, using it in his attacks as a quarterstaff. I ducked again, then pivoted, lashing out with my hind leg.

He back-flipped out of range, landing on a higher ledge.

"Show-off." I muttered, leaping after him.

As Sphinx my reflexes were faster, my attacks stronger. We fought across the side of the Eifel tower, neither of us giving either more than a few feet of ground. The pterodactyl clustered on the fringes, clinging to struts and ledges. One or two tried to peck at me, but otherwise they ignored us.

Suddenly, I saw an opening. As Chat Noir whipped the staff towards my head, I ducked, leaping in the same moment. He stumbled back, tripping over a wing and losing his staff. In that instant I pounced, pinning him to the slopped side, one claw raised over my head.

"Any last words?" I ask. Chat gulped nervously. "I really hope I have nine lives." He said anxiously.

" You probably don't." I say, sweeping my claw down.

WHIZZ! A red and black yo-yo zipped out of what seemed like nowhere and wrapped around my wrist.

I looked up to see another villain, dressed in a red suit with black spots, holding the other end of the yo-yo. Blue eyes glared at me through the red eyeholes in her mask.

"laisse-le tranquille!" She demanded, and I sighed, speaking out loud.

"Oh great. Now there's two of you."

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