Chapter 3 : Sparrows Fly East

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I yanked on the cord, slashing at it with my claw but I couldn't make a dent. Yeowch, the thing was tougher then it looked. Cat Boy took advantage of my dilemma and leapt up and over us, snatching up his stick and vaulting onto the back of a pterodactyl, fleeing like the scaredy cat he was.

"Come back here!" I yelled at his retreating back, "I'm not done kicking your butt!" I flapped my wings, trying to chase after him, but polka-dot girl wrapped her yo-yo cord around a tower strut and dug in her heels, making it impossible for me to get away. I bared my teeth at her and growled, "let go Princess, unless you want to be catfood."

Polka-dot girl didn't move. Probably because she didn't speak English, but I doubted she would've moved even if she did. My arm was starting bleed where the cord was cutting into it, and I was not in the mood to hang around like a kite on a string.

A black butterfly suddenly flew past me, then another, then another, all headed towards polka-dot girl. I peeked over my shoulder. There was a huge swarm headed in our direction! Polka-dot girl suddenly released me, leaping like an acrobat higher up the Eifel tower to avoid the iridescent purple creatures.

"Agent [Y/L/N]."

I turned, and saw a person dressed in a purple suit standing at the edge of the roof, a cane in one hand. A purple mask covered the face but the figure was unmistakably female.

"I am your contact, Hawkmoth, you must come with me while Ladybug is distracted."

I looked back at the black swarm of butterflies. Polka-dot girl, or, Ladybug seemed to be attacking the butterflies with her yo-yo, the lid opening and closing as she swung it into the cloud, over and over again. Once or twice a butterfly would get too close and she stop her attack in order to move out of range. I wondered if she was afraid of them, or if something would happen if they touched her. I looked back at Hawkmoth. It could be a trap. It was rare that anyone tried to capture an agent by pretending to be a foreign contact but it had happened before. Also, I had kinda had the impression that Hawkmoth... was male.

Hawkmoth reached out a gloved hand.

"Quickly!" She said, "we don't have much time!

"You're Hawkmoth?" I asked, and she nodded. "Good. Then you'll know the code phrase that you're supposed to give me upon meeting."

A flicker of irritation showed on her face, despite the mask.

"We don't have time-" She started, but I cut her off.

"Tell me the code phrase or I assume you're another enemy and take my chances against you and Ladybug-once she's done with the butterflies, which is in about two minutes." Hawkmoth sighed.

"Sparrows fly east in the spring."

I nodded. That was the code #412 had given me.

"Crows fly west." I replied.

Hawkmoth reached out her hand again and this time I took it. It was a little weird she wanted to shake my hand...of course then the next second she gripped my hand as hard as she could and leapt off the edge of the roof, dragging me with her!!!

"Ahh! What the hell! Are you crazy?" I scream, as I free-fall for the second time today towards Paris. I'm about to open my wings and let this crazy b**ch fall on her own when my face collides with something solid, soft...and invisible.

Through the eye that didn't get bruised during collision I can see Paris sprawled out below me, buses, cars, and people; just faint specks of color, going about their day.

I feel the surface underneath me with my fingers, it feels like a carpet, with a soft weave and fibers that smell of new carpet, I just can't see it.

I look up at Hawkmoth who –judging by the hand motions and beep-beep noises- was pressing invisible buttons. Suddenly the whole thing seemed to shimmer, and the grey carpeted floor and curved walls came into view around me. With walls of buttons and sleek panels, the whole thing looked like something from a sci-fi movie or a comic book.

"What is this thing? I ask.

"A top secret stealth craft owned by Mr.- uh- a financial backer of mine." She says shortly. "Hold on."

I feel powerful engines suddenly rev to life underneath me and my next question is lost as Hawkmoth suddenly accelerates, the speed face-planting me into the carpet.

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