Chapter 5: Meet Adrian Agreste <3

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[U/N] = Undercover Name

[A.L.F.I.] = Automatic Linguistics Frequency Interface (Language Translater)

#412 = Your C.L.A.W. Supervisor

C.L.A.W. = Combat Legionnaire Agency of Weird

The elevator doors opened and my jaw dropped in surprise. This place was huge! It looked like a mansion from a movie or a really popular TV show with its white and black marble walls and floors and high ceilings. The walls were covered with paintings as tall as me and giant crystal chandeliers hung in every room. Seriously, how rich was this Gabriel Agreste? I wondered, as I wandered down the hall, taking in the portraits and obviously priceless art on pedestals. One portrait in particular caught my attention, and I stopped to study it. It showed Gabriel Agreste with his arm around a cute boy who looked about my age. This must be the son he had been talking about. I stepped closer to get a better look. He was really, really cute, though he didn't look very happy. I wondered if...what was his name again? Adrian! I wondered if Adrian Agreste was one of those moody, spoiled, rich kids or he just didn't like standing for portraits.

"Qui es-tu? Que fais-tu ici?" Said a voice from behind me. I spun around, startled. The cute boy from the portrait – Adrian- was standing there, with a load of books under one arm. My first thought was that his portrait did not do him justice. It had captured the sweep of blond hair, the bright green eyes, but now his hair had caught the light and turned to gold, and his green eyes were narrowed, cat-like in curiosity and slight mistrust. And his smell...he was wearing something that was both spicy and male at the same time that overloaded my olfactory system in seconds. In short, I stood there for a good few minutes staring at him like an idiot while he continued to talk to me in French. I have no idea what he's saying, I realized and fumbled for A.L.F.I. which was in my jacket pocket.

"Hold on!" I said, "no...uh..,parlay view French." I put an earbud in one ear and looked at the controls. How was I supposed to make this work again? Adrian stopped talking and looked at me curiously.

"You American?" He asked in accented English, and darn it if my heart didn't skip a beat when I heard him say those words with his sexy French accent.

"Uh, yes," I stammered "uh, me, exchange student, " I said, pointing at myself then mimed reading a book. "I come here on airplane from America." I held out my arms like plane wings and made motor noises.

Adrian stared at me for a second, than burst out laughing. I stood there like an idiot, waiting for him to stop. Should I try to figure out how to make A.L.F.I. work again? I didn't know how I was going to survive in this country otherwise. At that moment, I wished I had Mockingbird's talent for languages. Why couldn't #412 have sent someone who was better at this sort of thing?

"Sorry," said Adrian, wiping tears of mirth from his eyes. "I'm actually pretty fluent in English, you didn't have to mime everything out for me."

"Oh," I said, embarrassed. "Well, now I feel like an idiot. "

"No, don't be," said Adrian putting a comforting hand on my shoulder. "You're in a foreign country and doing your best to communicate. I'd be terrified if I was in your position." He smiled gently this time and I had to remember how to breathe. He was definitely a lot cuter when he smiled. "And I apologize that my first response was to think you were a crazy fan that had gotten past my father's security. Natalie didn't mention we had a foreign exchange student staying with us, but then again, Father has never done anything like this before, he prefers his privacy."

"Sorry, back up a bit," I said, "crazed fan? Are you a movie star or something?"

Adrian stared at me in amazement.

"No, not really, I mean I do some commercials but I mostly do a lot of modeling. You''ve never seen my work?"

"No, I'm sorry," I said, hoping I hadn't hurt his feelings, " I'm not surprised you model because I mean, hello, look at you!..." I caught myself before I said something super embarrassing. 'You're so uh...fashionably dressed. But I've never seen your work."

"No, it's great!" Said Adrian, grinning, "if you haven't seen my work that means that you can just treat me like a regular guy, right? I'm so sick of people treating me like a celebrity, I like playing sports and video games and going to movies just like everyone else, but I'm still treated differently."

I couldn't take my eyes off him as he shrugged sadly. I was pretty sure there were other factors that made people treat him differently.

"Anyway," he continued, "I haven't even introduced myself. I'm Adrian," he said holding out a hand to shake. Light flashed briefly off a silver ring on his finger. "[U/N] I said, shaking his hand. It looked soft and delicate but there was a firmness to his grip that suggested hidden strength.

"Nice to meet you, [U/N], can I give you a tour of the house?" Adrian asked.

"Yes please, I don't even know where my room is yet." I answered, falling in step with him. "Mr. Agreste said he would send someone to show me where I was supposed to stay but you're the first person I've seen so far." Adrian stopped for a second.

"You talked to my father?" he asked in disbelief. I stopped walking too and looked at him.

"Yes, why?"

"Well, I haven't seen him in two days, he claims he's busy with work." I felt a twinge of pity for Adrian. I put a hand on his shoulder.

"My Dad was busy a lot too," I said quietly, "But I know he loved me and I'm sure yours does too."

"It doesn't seem like it sometimes," Adrian mutters. He shakes himself out of it. "Anyway. This is our best guest room." He opened the door and bowed, gesturing me in. "Après vous" he said with a smile and I couldn't stop from giggling. Then I stopped and stared around the room in amazement. A huge bed dominated one wall, with a small, intricate bedside table on each side. Another wall featured a bookshelf with soft-looking armchairs and cozy tables. The third wall had a desk and chair next to a door that opened into an elegant bathroom. The last had a sliding glass door that opened onto the balcony. Perfect for slipping out at night as Sphinx, I thought to myself.

"Do you like it?" Adrian asked anxiously. "We have six other guestrooms you can look at but I thought you might like the view from here. And it's right down the hall from my room," he added, and for a second it looked like he was blushing. "Normally Natalie would handle this," he continued, "but I thought-" I stopped him before he could finish.

"It's perfect." I said, and his face lit up with joy.

"Good," he sighed with relief. "So, the closet is that door over there, you can just put your stuff in there-" he looked around as if realizing something. "Where is your stuff?" he asked. "Maybe I picked the wrong room after all? We should check the other rooms and see if Natalie put your luggage there instead." I shook my head.

"There won't be any luggage, because-"

There is a knock on the door and a woman in a black and red suit opens it.

"Ah, there you are Adrian, I see you showed [U/N] to her room." She pulls a familiar suitcase and duffle into the room and I run towards it in amazement.

"My luggage! But I thought Chat Noir destroyed when he crashed my plane!"

Adrian's head snapped up in shock.

"I'm sorry, what happened?"

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