Chapter 6: Remember Your Mission

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"You're wrong!" Adrian protested, "Chat Noir would never destroy a plane with a passenger inside."

"Well I don't just jump out of planes for fun," I retorted.

"You have to be wrong!" Adrian insisted, and ran to a wall and pressed a button, revealing a large TV screen behind a panel. The TV flickered on, and a woman with purple smiled for camera as she spoke into a microphone. In French.

I pulled A.L.F.I. out of my pocket, frantically pressing buttons, there had to be some way to make this thing work! Suddenly, and to my relief, English filled my ears.

"Thanks to Ladybug and Chat Noir, another villain created by the nefarious Hawkmoth has been defeated. Museum Curator Dr. Crichton, also known as Dr. Jurassic, was stopped from his master plan of destroying an invasive Airline Company with the dinosaurs he had brought to life.

"That explains the pterodactyls." I mutter.

The camera widened to reveal a familiar black and red-suited superhero.

"Ladybug, there have been numerous reports of Chat Noir involved in the attack as well, do you have any explanation as to why at this time?"

"Yes, Chat Noir was involved," Ladybug said seriously, "however, it wasn't his fault! He was akumatized by Hawkmoth, he had no control over his actions!" She continued earnestly, "Chat Noir, is a good person. I know he would never hurt anyone intentionally."

"Convenient." I mutter.

I remembered how Chat Noir had gleefully destroyed my plane and attacked me, how Ladybug had come to his aid. It looked like Hawkmoth was right. They were causing chaos in Paris along with the villains and blaming it on the only person who tried to stop them.

"Ladybug," Adrian whispered, touching the screen longingly. I felt a nasty emotion that was definitely not jealously tug inside me. So Adrian Agreste had a crush on the evil Ladybug, I thought. He had no idea what she was really like.

On screen the purple-hair woman seemed to be wrapping up.

"And there you have it, folks, from Ladybug herself. Despite Hawkmoth's best efforts, Ladybug and Chat Noir will continue to fight to keep Paris safe from his akumatized monsters. I'm Nadja Chamack, with the news."

Adrian turned back to me, an expression of relief on his face. I hid A.L.F.I. in my hand. It'd probably be easier to have a pocket translator rather than depending on someone to translate everything for me, but on the other hand, I might hear something on A.L.F.I. that I wasn't supposed to hear.

"Ladybug said it herself, Chat Noir was akumatized, he had no control over what happened."

"Oh, so that makes it okay?" I took a step forward, jabbing him in the chest. "Chat Noir gets a free pass on almost killing me because he can't control himself when he goes 'evil'?" I made little quote signs in the air.

"Look, you're new here," said Adrian, looking irritated. And cute. Why did he always look so cute? "When Hawkmoth akumatizes someone, they go evil, and the only way to bring them back is destroy their akuma, then Ladybug has to release the evil energy and everything sorta....restarts. It goes back to the way things were, and everything that was damaged is repaired."

"Well, that's handy," I say sarcastically. "So what would've happened if I had hit the ground from a thousand feet in the air? Think I would be fixed along with everything else?"

"If Ladybug had seen you falling, she would've saved you!" Adrian insisted. "She'd never let anyone get hurt." He paused a second and looked at me "Actually...if Ladybug didn't save you, how did you survive when your plane was destroyed?"

Oh crap, I had forgotten about that. And I couldn't reveal to him my secret identity.

"I uh...have a fear of flying, so I always wear a parachute." I stammer. "Guess it really came in handy this time, no one is going to call me crazy when I tell them this story."

Adrian looked at me searchingly, as if he wasn't sure whether to believe me or not.

"Yeah, I guess it was lucky." He finally said, turning away from me.

"If I may interrupt, Adrian," came a quiet voice from the door, "dinner will be served shortly. Perhaps you could head down to the dinning room? [U/N] and I will be down shortly."

We both turned, startled. The woman - Natalie- was still standing quietly in the doorway.

"Sure, Natalie." Adrian said, brushing past me. He slipped out the door and was gone. Suddenly it felt like half my brain cells were awake again.

"You were hired because Mr. Agreste was assured you would be discrete. He would be disappointed to find otherwise."

I turned toward the dark figure in the doorway, suddenly she looked a lot more imposing. She closed the door firmly, stepping closer to me.

"Let me be clear, Agent [Y/L/N], your job is to investigate the secret identities of Ladybug and Chat Noir, while undercover as a foreign exchange student. However I feel I need to impress upon you the fact that as long as you are living under Mr. Agreste's roof, you will abide by his rules. One of which is that his son is not to be aware of your mission and involved with your activities in any way."

"Yeah, I got that, this is not my first mission." I mutter.

"And yet you almost revealed your secret identity to his son."

I had no response to that.

"Be sure it doesn't happen again." Natalie continued coldly, than gestured towards the door. "Now if you will follow me, it's time for dinner."

Natalie led me down a flight of marble steps to the first floor, and opened the first door on the right. Inside, was a long table that seemed to stretch a mile long. Adrian sat at one end, his blond hair the only spot of color in the stark room. He looked up for a second, then stood up politely as Natalie led me in, indicating a place setting for me at the opposite end of the table.

"Natalie, will my father be joining us?" Adrian's voice sounded very small from his place at the far end of the hall.

"Not tonight Adrian, he is very busy with work." Said Natalie. She nodded to both of us. " The cook will be along with your food shortly." She said, and left the room.

We sat in the silence for a while, Adrian at his side, and me at my side of the room. After two minutes of sitting I picked up my place setting and walked over to the seat next to Adrian and pulled out a chair. He looked up at me in surprise as I sat down.

"What, you wanted to yell across the room the whole evening?" I asked.

A slight smile crossed his face and he shook his head.

A cook entered and stopped, a look of confusion on his face. After a moment he placed a dish of pasta before both of us and left.

"Bon appetite," said Adrian as he dug in. I followed suit eagerly, I hadn't had anything to eat since I'd gotten on the plane; I was starving.

"Oh my gosh, this is the best pasta ever!"

"Yeah, our cook is awesome," Adrian said with a smile as he took a more delicate bite of the noodle dish. We ate happily for a few seconds, before he said quietly, "it's nice to have someone to eat with. Usually I'm by myself."

I looked over at him. He had good looks, money, fame, but at the moment he just looked like an ordinary, lonely guy. A really cute lonely guy I thought, as he ate a slightly bigger bite of pasta.

"I'm usually by myself too," I say quietly, and he looks at me curiously.

"Your parents don't eat with you either?" he asked, and I shook my head.

"My mom was never in my life, my Dad..." I stop as a vision flashes before my eyes. A darkened tomb, the tunnel collapsing around me, a bright disc of gold flashing through the air...

"He's gone too." I say quietly. A tear rolls down my face, and I feel a warm hand on my shoulder. Adrian is looking at me with sympathy, a handkerchief in his hand. I take it, scrubbing at my cheeks as another tear falls.

"Mes condoléances. I mean, I'm sorry.'' Adrian says quietly, and those words mean more to me then the thousands uttered by every person who approached me after my father's death. Because when Adrian said it, they weren't just words. He seemed to truly mean what he said and understand my sorrow from the bottom of his heart.

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