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Moon strutted forward, his black and white pelt making him appear to be a swirling shadow that moved through the night. His hazel eyes were focused on one thing and one thing only - the Island of Life.

He sniffed his way towards the glittering stones set in the Crystal River and deftly jumped across them to the sandy shore on the opposite side, steadily making his way towards the rich green trees of the inner island.

Once he pushed past the undergrowth, a familiar sight greeted him: a small elderly white and grey wolf, a lean white one, a startlingly bright reddish-brown she-wolf, a large pale grey one, and a pale brown she-wolf with dark paws, all sitting in a circle around a sparkling smooth stone embedded in the ground, which shined with a plethora of swirling colors and hues.

Moon greeted each of the wolves in turn, and as he sat down in his place in the circle, the pale brown she-wolf spoke. "Now that we are all together, it is time to start the ceremony. Jade?" She said, looking expectantly at the reddish-brown she-wolf.

The wolf, Jade, stepped forward, and she bent down to gently touch her nose to the stone. After a few moments, she began to softly hum a haunting melody, and Moon was overcome with a sense of foreboding, as if something terrible was about to happen.

He growled uneasily, unnerved that this is what Jade was feeling. Why would the Autumn Wolf be expecting bad news?

Suddenly Jade lifted her head from the stone, and a pulsing auburn glow spread from where her nose had just been. It grew larger and larger until the color had enveloped the entire face of the stone.

Next, the large grey wolf, Fern, touched his nose to the glowing rock, and a smokey grey spread out from him in the same manner as the first color.

Each wolf repeated what the others had done, till equal slices of black, white, grey, green, russet, and blue pulsed and glowed together. As the last wolf stepped back, the colors all started to move as one, a complex pattern swirling across the face of the stone till they all were synchronized.

Then, suddenly, a beam of light shot forth from the center, where all of the colors met, and a disembodied voice rang out in Moon's head. He knew from past experiences that the others were hearing the same thing, but that did nothing to stem his shock at the words.

The disaster of the past has faded away
But now a new threat will bring its dismay

With great power comes the great three
Marked with golden eyes, you shall see

The ones who are different and strange
Will bring about the age of change

And the red that lies within us all
Will be reduced to nothing at all

But if the chosen do not succeed
The tribes will perish into their greed

And if they do not fulfill and pull through
The red will spread to all of you

Moon was so stunned that he couldn't stop a bark from escaping his lips, and the white Ice Wolf, Saber, jumped back out of fear. A flash of red was visible on his scruff, and Cyan, the brown Earth Wolf, worriedly whispered into his ear.

Saber stopped shaking, and he took a few audible breaths to calm himself down. The glint of fear seeped from his eyes, and slowly, the red faded, till his fur was white once more.

Fern sighed in relief. "That was close, Saber. Hearing a prophecy like that would make anyone afraid, but it's especially risky for an Ice Wolf such as yourself."

Saber growled in agitation, annoyed at having indulged in his fatal flaw. "Yes, yes, I know. But the moment has past now."

Jade suddenly spoke up, her melodic voice serious. "We should go back and spread this news to the tribes, so that they may know what has happened. A grave era is upon us, and we must be ready to find these golden-eyed wolves."

The Cloud Wolf, Mist, looked between her and Fern with a puzzled expression. "Why are we all getting in such a worry? Surely this isn't as bad as it was made out to be. Think about it, the prophecy said that "the red within us all will be reduced to nothing at all". Therefore, we don't have to worry!" He croaked, his voice cracked and broken with age.

Moon shook his head, amazed that the old wolf didn't seem to care. "It's much more than that, Mist. This isn't some sign of victory. This is the start of a war with no end."

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