Energy Spirit

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If I had a choice too, I'd stay in bed in all day.
But sadly I do not.

Since I live with my Uncle Wu, everyday is constantly training, yeah I got abs from it but for what? I have no social life, no friends and no experience with anyone. I mean, my Uncle is nice since he didn't dump me with someone else to live with like my mum.

"Lloyd! Get up it's training time!" I could hear my uncle yell.
"Yes uncle I'm up!" I responded as I threw some sweat pants and a random green shirt off my floor. I walked out to the training yard and saw my Uncle setting up a bunch of bricks and stacking them on each other.

"I hope you enjoy your sleep Lloyd." My uncle remarked. I nodded and rolled my eyes as he finished stacking the bricks up.
"Lucky for you, this is your last time training with me alone." My uncle remarked.

Has he lost it?

"Are you getting a carer then?" I asked, I was dumbfounded because what the hell does he mean? My uncle sighed and tutted.
"I meant you'll be training with other people." He almost snapped. My mouth formed an 'O' shape.

"Anyways Lloyd, today I need you to break all these bricks in half, only using your hand." Uncle Wu broke the silence.

I backed up and faced towards the tower of bricks. I had a running stance and I could feel my warm breath against the cold weather. I ran as fast as I could towards the stack of bricks and leaped as high as I could. I shut my eyes as I felt the bricks crumble under my hands. I opened my eyes again to see all bricks crumbled on the ground and my uncle drinking tea.

"You did well, a lot better from when I did it back in my day since it took me 3 tries to do it." He told me. He placed his hand on my shoulder.
"Thank you uncle." I smiled and he smiled back.

-About an hour later-

"Lloyd can you come to the market with me?" Uncle Wu asked me.
"Oh yeah sure" I responded.
We walked out of the monastery and down the stairs.

Oh god the stairs.

The stairs that lead up to the monastery are the longest and the steepest stairs in the universe, and that is not an exaggeration. I'm already out of breath thinking of the stairs. As I was walking down my mind couldn't stop wandering. What does Uncle Wu mean by training with other people? Who are they and how does he know them?

"What are you thinking about Lloyd?" Wu asks me.
"Nothing nothing I just zoned out that's all." I said. Wu nodded and looked forward as we continued to walk down the stairs.

When we finally reached the end the market place just came into view. Nearly there, I can make it Lloyd without dropping down dead. As we were walking through the town I could sense something, it was an uneasy feeling. My uncle walked into the shop and I wandered off somewhere as soon as we entered. I looked up and down the shelves and saw food, food and more food.

"Everyone get down!"

I heard a voice yell in the distance with a bunch of screaming following. I walked towards where all the commotion was happening.

"No one move or I shoot!" Some guy wearing all black yelled, what is this, a tacky teen "comedy" movie? I looked around to see everyone in the store kneeling down on the floor hiding behind shelves. The guy with the gun turned to face me.

"I thought it said everyone get down!" He snarly commented. He cocked his gun as he lifted it up to face me.

Oh crap, am I gonna die?

I close my eyes ready for the impact of the bullet, when I hear the shoot I can see my life flashing before my eyes.

"Lloyd no!"

Moments pass and nothing happened. I open my eyes again to see I'm surrounded by some green force field.

What the fuck?

"No way man, what the fuck is going on." I heard the robber say. I was able to somehow shut off the force field by thinking about it.

"Raise you arms Lloyd, and think about attacking your opponent."

I could hear Uncle Wu's voice from a previous training session. I raised my arms slowly and thought about attacking him. Suddenly, I was pushed back a little bit as some green orbs formed in front of my palm and charging towards the robber. He grunted in pain and fell backwards, banging his head on the floor. I could hear whispers around the room, all of them talking about me. I looked around to see Uncle Wu smiling at me.

I walked towards Wu ad he stood up and hugged me. We noticed the police barging in and taking the criminal away.

"So is this what you've been training me for all this time?" I asked.
"Yes it is Lloyd and you've done it!" Wu responded.


I was dumbfounded but also sort of happy? I was happy that I have a really cool power that Wu said was "energy" which can basically critically damage someone if they've been hit and drain their energy but I'm also adjusting to it, which is confusing. I walked into the monastery lounge and plummeted on the sofa. God I am so tired.

"How are you feeling Lloyd?" Wu asked walking in and sitting on a chair opposite the sofa.
"Tiredd." I moaned.
"Well you're going to have to get used to using your power now, you'll be working with others now." Wu said.
"Oooh so that's what you mean when you spoke about training with other people" I realised. Wu nodded and hummed in agreement.

Uncle Wu started talking about some other things but I could feel myself falling asleep. My eyes started closing slowly and I yawned, feeling my body shut down I could finally have some well-deserved rest.


"Hey are you ok?"

I could hear someone talking to me, and rubbing my shoulder. I lifted my head up to realise I was laying on some grass. I sat up and looked in front of me to see a girl, she's definitely around my age and from her appearance she was definitely Asian, at least Japanese?

"Are you ok? I found you passed out on the grass." She said.
"Yeah I'm fine" I rubbed my head as I responded.
"What's your name?" She asked me as she grabbed something from her pocket, oo yay it's food. She gave me some sort of protein bar that hasn't been touched.
"Lloyd." I said.
"Nice to meet you Lloyd I'm N-"


I woke up abruptly, I looked around my room. Wait my room? What time is it? How did I get here? Who was the girl in my dream? I put my hand on my forehead,or fourteen head my uncle calls it. God I feel like I've just went swimming I'm sweating that much. I get out of my bed and open my window. I stick my head out and let the cold air hit my face. God that feels nice. I walk to the desk next to my bed and pick up my phone. It's 00:05. I place my phone back down onto the desk and climb back into my bed.

I can feel myself falling asleep again, my eyes shut and I've gone fast to sleep.


word count: 1226 (ik its not that much but its 3am in the morning 😭)

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