Water Spirit

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I could feel my hand tense up as I banged it with the forge hammer. I hissed in pain and looked to see if there was any bleeding. I pressed down on my finger with my other hand where I banged it. That is definitely going to bruise. I decided to just ignore it and continued to try and shape some sword. The radio in the background was playing at a low volume yet it was loud enough to hear it. The lyrics "Mary on a cross" kept repeating but to be fair I quite liked it.

"Hey lady are you open?"

I turned around to see someone standing in front of the counter.

"Yeah we're open, not for long though so whatever you want to buy get it quick." I told the customer.
"Yeah ok, how expensive is the samurai armour that's over there?" He asked. I looked over to see him pointing at the most expensive. Gosh, that's gonna pay for two weeks worth of food.
"£250." I stated. The customer put a hand on his chin and thought about it for around five seconds.
"I'll take it." He looked up and smiled. I smiled back and walked to where it was hung up on the wall. I took it off it's hook and wandered to the man in front of the register. He placed £250 in cash on the table and took the armour.
"Thank you and come again!" I said.
"Oh I definitely will." He stated as he walked away.

I'm always grateful for customers like that. I don't know whether it's out of sympathy or they're actually interested. I continued to forge more swords and shield when I looked up at the clock. Oh crap it's five past six I need to shut the shop. I closed the two double doors at the front of locked them. The radio is still playing and the same song is repeating.

"If you choose to run away with me, I will tickle you internally, and I see nothing wrong with that"

What does that even mean? It's a good song but I don't understand the meaning of it. I could hear the back door opening and closing.

"Hey Nya I'm home."

I looked over to see my brother Kai walk in. He usually goes around town selling weapons and armour while I stay here.

"Did you sell anything today?" I asked him.
"Yeah I did actually, £150 worth of swords." Kai responded.
"Oh that's great!" I remarked.
"How about you?" He questioned.
"Oh yeah, I sold the armour that used to be hanging up over there." I pointed towards the wall with now an empty hook.
"That's great Nya! Now we can probably afford five or maybe six weeks worth of food!" Kai cheered, he was practically jumping up in the air with glee. We still enough food in though for about three more days since I went shopping four days ago.

Kai and I's house have two floors, downstairs is the forge and the shop and upstairs is basically the house so the kitchen, bathroom and our bedrooms. We don't have a lounge since we can't afford it and there's no point since there is no room for it. Kai walked upstairs dumping his bag next to the back door. I shut the lights off and followed him upstairs.

Kai walked off the his room with some sort of magazine that he must've picked up today.
"It's your turn to cook tonight." He teased.
"Yes I know, no need to remind me" I said. Kai laughed and walked into his room. I walked towards the kitchen and went towards the fridge. I looked around to see if there was anything appetising. Ah yes, pizza. I grabbed the unopened box and threw it onto the counter. I closed the fridge door and walked towards the pizza box. I took of the sellotape on the sides and opened it. I turned around and set the oven to one hundred and eighty degrees. I threw the pizza in and now all I have to do is wait ten minutes. I walked around the counter and sat in one of the breakfast bar chairs. I grabbed a book off the corner and started reading it. I was enjoying the peacefulness until...


I whipped my head around as I heard something coming from the shop downstairs. I walkd towards the oven and took the pizza out and put it on a plate on the side. I walked down the hallway past Kai and I's bedrooms. I walked down the stairs to see...skeletons? Am I high? Or am I asleep and just dreaming.

"You knucklehead stop banging into stuff!" I heard one yell.
"Oh shut up bone-head!" Another one shouted.

I turned the forge light on and the two skeletons turned round and looked at me.

"What the hell is going on down here." Kai yawned as he walked down the stairs. He turned to face the skeletons or whatever they are and he made an 'O' shape with his mouth.
"What the hell are those?" Kai whispered in my ear.
"I don't know" I whispered back.
"Hey kids where are your parents." One of them said, he was the shorter one out of the pair.
"Oh we uh.. we don't have any" Kai stuttered.
"Oh sorry about that kid" The taller one said "Anyways where's the map?" He continued, almost shouting.
"What map?" I asked.
"Don't act stupid! The map, we know you have it!" The shorter one yelled.
"We don't know what map you're talking about!" I told them.
The tall one growled and picked up a sword from off the counter, the next thing I knew it was charging towards Kai and I. I pushed Kai out the way and he landed on the ground with a thump.

"Nya move!"

I shut my eyes, readying myself for being stabbed. I heard the sword clanking on the floor. I opened my eyes to realise there was some shield around me. It was made of water? What the hell? I looked around and saw Kai kneeling on the floor, damn I never knew someones eyes could go that wide. The two skeletons looked like they just witnessed a murder. I thought about getting rid of the sort of force field and it worked!

"Place your hand in front of you and think about the sea, imagine the waves being calm and then a sudden change it weather, the waves are high and loud. Imagine your enemy among the waves."

I could hear my mothers voice in my ears. It was a familiar and warm feeling. I raised my hand and imagine the two boneheads in the waves. Starting off calm and becoming dangerous. I could sea water forming in the air in front of my hand. It slowly became larger and larger. The water bubbled and it shot straight at the two skeletons. They got flung back and landed on the floor, they were spitting and spluttering.

"Get out now." I demanded.

The two knuckle-heads scrambled to their knees, falling on top of each other as they ran out of Kai and I's home.

"That was so awesome!" Kai cheered running up to me sister and hugging me. He was proud but my god was he confused.
"I don't- I didn't know I could do that" I gasped for a breath.
"Neither did I but that was awesome!" Kai was screaming like a little girl. I let go of the hug, I'm really tired, like full on exhausted.
"Are you ok Nya?" Kai asked me.
"I'm fine, I'm just really tired." That was the last thing I said before I passed out in Kai's arms from exhaustion.


I opened my eyes slowly, I was laying down on my bed with one of my arms hanging off the bed. My curtains were open and it was dead at night. I looked up to the clock above my desk. It was half past one in the morning. I walked over to my dresser and realised I was still in my jeans and t-shirt. I opened the dresser door and pulled out some shorts and a vest. I threw them on and waddled back to my bed. I flopped onto my mattress and cuddled with the red blanket that was half fallen off my bed and half on my bed. I could feel myself falling asleep again.


"What's going on?"

I looked around and saw some blonde boy yelling and looking up at me. Why was I in the air? There was water circling around me and my body was spinning.


I looked down and some some ginger, or was he brunette, guy looking up at me. That's not Kai?

"Nya this isn't funny stop it!" He yelled "Please Nya! You're not gonna survive it! Nya please..I-I love you!"


My heart was beating fast. What the hell was that? Who was the guy yelling at me? Both of them, the blonde and the brunette? I looked around to see it was daytime. It was one o'clock. Why didn't Kai wake me up? I opened my door and could hear Kai making something in the forge downstairs. I walked downstairs to see Kai forming a helmet.

"How was your sleep Nya?" Kai asked me.
"It was good, why didn't you wake me up?" I questioned.
"Well you literally passed out in my arms yesterday and you looked peaceful." Kai teased.
"Haha very funny." I deadpanned.

I ran back up the stairs and I walked towards the kitchen. I looked in one of the cabinets and grabbed out a box of cereal. I grabbed the milk from out the fridge and poured in the cereal, then the milk. I ate it as I looked out the window still wondering what was going on in my dream.


word count: 1607

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