Stoke's Story

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    Carnirus surged towards Stoke, and the man ducked nimbly beneath, striking back with a smooth kick that caught the Shadow King in the jaw. Carnirus wasn't even fazed, his knee lodging itself into Stoke's stomach and making him double over. But he rolled away before Carnirus's elbow snapped down onto his neck.

     The shadowbeasts nearby howled eerily, but seemed confused. They made no move to attack either of the fighters.

     Kiara got to her feet, trying not to look at Hunter's body as she faced the two obviously powerful men. But her eyes were on Carnirus as a mixture of tears and blood ran down her face. "Carnirus!!" she screamed, her voice tearing at her aching throat.

     He made the mistake of glancing over, and Stoke's fist made contact with his face. He flipped back landing in a crouched position on his feet, "So what if he's dead? He can't come back, so thats a good thing for me! A being killed by a ghost can't come back as such, so it's actually good that he's dead."

     He slid easily away from another one of Stoke's attacks, flipping smoothly over his opponent's head, and his feet made contact with the back of the head. Stoke was knocked forward, but he rolled to his feet before Carnirus could land anymore hits, and spun around with a blow that landed in Carnirus's chest.

     Kiara looked around desperately. Even without the crystal's power backing him up, Carnirus was too powerful for Stoke to defeat. Her roaming gaze caught sight of Hunter lying limply on the ground, and she inhaled sharply. This madness needed to stop, so he had not died for nothing.

     Thick clouds covering the moon began to let down a light drizzle of rain onto them, though she found she couldn't feel it. Anything that was from this mortal world would become but an illusion to her again. And now she had no Hunter to talk to. Loneliness crashed into her, but she let out a shaky breath. She needed to help Stoke now.

    A wind picked up, and moonlight was freed from behind the clouds in a small patch of clear sky. The streets were soaked in silver light, and she heard a faint voice behind her.

    "On the night of All Hallow's Eve, the only magic in the crystal is that from moonlight."

     Kiara spun around, and she saw with shock Melody floating behind her. There was a pleading look in the transparent face of the spirit, and Kiara hesitated. Then she understood Melody's words.

     "Stoke!" she screamed above the sound of the battle and the wailing of the shadowbeasts, "The moonlight! The crystal draws power tonight from the moon!"

    Stoke's yellow eyes flickered with understanding, but the silver rays only escaped in patches from the rain clouds. He was standing in shadow.

    Stoke rolled away from Carnirus, his lip busted and bleeding badly. He sprinted towards the silver washed street ahead of him, but Carnirus tackled him to the ground. Stoke rolled with the added weight, then tossed Carnirus off. The Shadow King's staff appeared again in his hand, and he sprinted forward.

    The sharp end cut through Stoke's shoulder, but the former dragon rolled away. And with waning strength, he skidded to a halt beneath the moonlight.

    Carnirus refused to hesitate, bringing his staff forward into the moonlight at Stoke. But the wounds on the man began to heal before their eyes, and Carnirus spat a curse. Having eaten the crystal, the powers were inside of Stoke.

     With a roar worthy of his dragon form, a burst of white flame leapt into the shadows, curling around Carnirus. The smell of burning flesh filled the air, but Carnirus pulled free. He fell onto his knees in front of Stoke. But he didn't make a move to stand. Instead, he laughed, tossing his head back with maniacal laughter.

     The cackle rose up among all of the howls of the monsters, making Carnirus sound deranged. "You know what?" he laughed, the chilling sound making Kiara cringe away, "Kill me! Go on, do it! I no longer have any reason to live. You seem to have taken that from me too."

    Stoke's eyes glowed, suspicion lingering on his face, "It is not honorable to kill a man on his knees."

    Carnirus laughed again, "You've never been a man of valor before!" He got to his feet, shaking his head so his black hair fell into his eyes, "Your very title screamed dishonor from the start! Oh, you make me sick. But I'll do you a favor, how does that sound? When I get to hell, I'll save a spot in the pit of fire for you, because one day you'll join me. And my suffering will be quenched with my laughter."

    He went rigid suddenly, and the tip of a sharp rod jutted from his chest. He looked up at Stoke, who hadn't moved from his spot and looked just as surprised as Carnirus himself. Then the blood came, cascading down his chest and back as Kiara withdrew the rod from his back. Carnirus fell forward, crumpling to the ground.

     Stoke turned his eyes to Kiara, whose face was set like stone. When his gaze didn't turn away, she said quietly, "He deserved it."

     The corners of Stoke's mouth twitched as if he was trying not to smile, "I know."

     Kiara sat down hard on the debris covered ground, wiping her face. "Hunter... h-he's... he's gone."

     He became more serious as he crouched down beside her, "I know," he repeated, "He seemed... like a good person."

     Kiara nodded wordlessly, her shoulders locked stiffly into place. She squeezed her hands together in front of her, staring down at her lap. Then, after a long moment, she looked up, "How... how are you..."

     "Human?" Stoke sighed, shaking his head, "I've always been this way. Carnirus cast my soul away into the nearest creature to get rid of me and never looked back. Of course, he thought it was just a lizard, not a baby dragon."

     She stared at him, her confusion written plainly on her face.

     "A few centuries ago, I was the king of the shadow domain. The castle in the dark dimension was my home, and I ruled with the shadowbeasts. But, you know... one gets lonely after awhile." Stoke snorted as if mocking his own stupidity, "I never saw it coming when I took that low-life off the streets. I had one good decade before I found he'd been stealing my power, and by that time... it was too late. He caught me off guard with powers I never knew existed. And he destroyed me."

    Kiara's gaze fell again, "That was why you were so quick to help me. You wanted your throne back."

    Stoke gave a brisk nod, "As much as I wish not to say it, I... I owe you lot a small favor for what you've done for me."

    "It's a shame you can't bring back the dead," Kiara whispered.

     "Maybe he can't," a voice said, "But maybe I can."

     Kiara looked up with a start to see Melody hovering in front of them. Her wispy hair floated serenely around nearly invisible shoulders as she gave Kiara a sad smile, "He was good to you," Melody whispered, "And I may have a way to get him back."

     "You do?" Kiara reached out a hand, taking Melody gently by the arm, "You have to tell me. Please!"

     "You must do what Carnirus was going to do tonight... in reverse," Melody told them softly. "You still have the power of the crystal, correct?"

     Kiara nodded vigorously, hardly daring to hope.

    "We can't put life back into this boy," Stoke said, and her hope vanished as quickly as a balloon popping. Stoke folded his arms across his chest, "He is a spirit now, for starters. A spirit on its way to the light as we speak. He is also a Seer, like Carnirus, so to bring him back, we would need the life of a ghost Seer and a spirit."

     "Carnirus, while living, was a ghost seer. His soul's life is now available. And only the living traits count, so his spirit in death won't do us much good," Melody told him with a mild sigh, "But you also have enough of a spirit to bring him back."

     "Not you," Kiara realized with a jolt, "Hunter was the best friend I can recall having, but I don't want you to go in his place! You've helped us so much, Melody!"

      "I won't be around for much longer anyway," Melody said sadly, shaking her head slowly. "If you use Carnirus's soul and my spirit before Hunter crosses over, he can come back. But we have to do it now."

     "She is right," Stoke said, raising a hand. His palm began to glow with a white fire, and a faded wisp curled from Carnirus's body to the flame, "Choose now. I have his life force; I just need hers."

     Kiara chewed her lip, turning to Melody, "I... this isn't fair to you."

     Melody drifted around to face Stoke, "Do it now. Please."

     "Melody," anguish filled Kiara's face as she stared at the faded spirit. Melody smiled faintly at her as her body began to fade, turning into a mist as it leapt into the white fire. Kiara stepped forward, "Melody, why are you doing this?"

    "You never liked being alone," Melody said softly, drifting slowly towards Stoke, "And it's my responsibility to keep you happy."

    "What?" Kiara stared at her, reaching out a hand, "Why?"

     Melody's face brightened into a warm smile, and for once the fading spirit looked happy though she was so close to true death, "Because... I'm your sister."

     And with her sister's name on her last breath, the troubled spirit simply faded away.

     The fire in Stoke's hand burned brighter, and he walked over to Hunter's body, "I am not certain there was enough of her left to count as a true spirit."

     "M-my sister...?" Kiara looked stunned, then her head throbbed so painfully she cried out. She stumbled back, her back hitting the wall. Melody... her sister... a car crash, and panic. A blow to her head in the car as shattered glass fell in from the windshield. All of these dream-like memories crashed through her head as it ached with a terrible pain, building up until she felt like she would explode. 

     Then the mental barrier in her mind shattered.

    Memories, faded but still present, burst into her mind like rockets, lighting up her past that she never could recall. Memories of her sister, her parents, their dog, all of these memories slammed into her like a bus.

     Kiara sank to the ground, her back against the wall as the pain faded. She remembered. She could remember! Excitement coursed through her as she stood up again. She couldn't wait to tell Hunter-!! The thought derailed as soon as it entered her mind. Hunter was gone. But her sister, her very own sister, had sacrificed herself to get him back.

     She only hoped the sacrifice hadn't been in vain.

     Renewed tears streamed down her face, but she held back her sobs. She watched with baited breath as Stoke pressed the white flame in his palm into Hunter's chest.

    This had to work. It had to. If not... everything Kiara had ever held dear in her life-  friends, family, hope-  would all be gone.


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