The Battle of All Hallow's Eve

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     The might of Carnirus's army poured through the streets of Hunter's home town, howls and barks cutting through the once still night air. Claws clicked across the asphalt streets as the massive Shadow Dragon whipped around to face them. Stoke's scaly black tail batted away the oncoming hoard of vicious Shadowbeasts, and the dragon turned its face to Hunter and Kiara.

     "I can only stall for so long," he growled, "You must get the crystal from Carnirus and give it to me. I can handle the rest after that."

     Hunter stared at the black dragon in awe, having never seen a creature anything like it before. But Kiara nodded, catching Hunter by the wrist, "And then you'll destroy it?" There was something in the dragon's cunning eyes that made her doubt him. Something that made her disinclined to hand over something of such power. Dragons were terribly self-centered and clever creatures, though up until now she hadn't had that choice.

     "Of course," Stoke rumbled, turning on sharp claws the size of small cars to face the regrouping Shadowbeasts. "Now go- hurry, before the crystal heals itself from our last attempt."

     Hunter took off at a run after Kiara, staying on the opposite side of the fierce Shadow Dragon. Kiara ran along behind him, though running took her no effort as she drifted above the sidewalk. Hunter swerved around a corner, his eyes leaping from the ground to the roof that he knew Carnirus was watching the battle on.

     "Up there," he said, and Kiara pointed to a windowsill to his left. He grinned at her, and she pushed him towards it.

     "Hurry," she told him, then faded through the brick to join him on top. His fingers curled around the windowsill as he lifted himself off of the ground. The sharp edges of the brick cut into his fingers as he heaved himself onto the roof. He felt his hand slip, slicing itself open on the brick, but a hand grabbed his arm before he could fall. Hunter glanced briefly over his shoulder at the rocky ground beneath him as Kiara pulled him up.

     "Carnirus!" Kiara shouted over the bellows of the dragon as it battled the dark monsters, and the Shadow Lord cast a glance over his shoulder at them.

     Carnirus turned slowly around to face them, his yellow eyes flickering with annoyance, "Tell me that beast is not called Stoke." 

"... he is," Hunter said as he exchanged glances with Kiara, "Why? Do you know him?"

     Carnirus curled his lip, a look of pure hatred filling his eyes, "He is hell," he snarled, whipping around to face the beast. He gripped the staff with the dark crystal mounted on it tightly in a clenched fist, and sprang at Stoke. The wind slung him towards Stoke's face, and Carnirus raised the staff above his head to bring it down.

     Kiara leapt off of the edge of the roof after him, the wind catching her vaporous form in its gust, and she tackled Carnirus away from Stoke. They both crashed down onto the roof across the street from Hunter, rolling down the sloped surface.

     Hunter cursed under his breath, turning to drop down off of the building.

     Kiara caught herself on the rooftop, pulling herself to her feet. She heard a clatter, followed by a shout from Carnirus, and she peered down to see him reaching desperately for the staff, which was sliding off of the shingles.

     Hunter, who was racing up the street towards them, spotted it lying beside a storm gutter in the side of the curb. He sprinted towards it as Carnirus dropped down for it, but Kiara slid off of the roof. She crashed down onto Carnirus as he lunged for the staff, and he fell. Hunter scooped up the staff in his hands, clutching it tightly.

    "To Stoke!" Kiara cried, and he turned to run.

     Carnirus caught her by the throat, slamming her into the ground. She tried to make herself slip through his fingers as any ghost could, but a ghost could not phase through another ghosts' grip. She gasped as he hurled her into Hunter, and he fell beneath the impact. Kiara rolled swiftly off of him, but Carnirus grabbed Hunter by the shirt collar, lifting him from the ground. The blow dealt to his gut made him choke, doubling over as blood filled his mouth. He was dropped to the ground, and Carnirus turned to Kiara.

     She grabbed the staff from the ground, holding it close to her to protect it. Carnirus reached a hand towards her, his eyes more menacing than she ever remembered seeing them. There was no humor or enjoyment in the Shadow King's face, only a grim scowl.

     "Give me the staff, girl," he growled through gritted teeth, "Give it to me!"

     Kiara bit her lip, but shook her head defiantly.

     A dangerous look crossed his face as he stretched his hand out to her so she could give him the staff, "I'm not asking."

     "And I'm not going to," she replied cooly, stepping away.

     Carnirus moved so fast she didn't have time to blink. Blood spurted from her forehead as she staggered back, still trying to cling onto the black staff. Carnirus yanked it from her grasp with inhuman strength, and she felt the edges cut across her palms and fingertips. Silver blood ran down into her eyes as spots swirled in her vision. Next to her, Hunter stumbled to his feet, leaning heavily against the brick of the building.

     "We can't stop now," she panted, slicking blood-stained hair back from her eyes.

     "I know," he wheezed, licking away the blood on his lip as he straightened, "Come on!" He raced after Carnirus despite his throbbing stomach, and she followed the best she could on unsteady feet.

     A burst of blue flame exploded from the building in front of them, the force of it hurling them back onto the concrete. Carnirus was beside them, though he landed smoothly on his feet. The staff was secured onto his back, and Hunter knew getting it off would be difficult.

     The flaming wall of wicked blue flame lingered, and Stoke leapt onto the building to the side. A second jet of blue flame sealed off their escape behind them, and Stoke loomed over Carnirus, roaring, "Give it to me!"

    Carnirus didn't seemed concerned by his position as he said coolly, "You'll have to tear it from my cold dead body."

      "You're a thief," Stoke hissed, lashing his tail, "And a murderer."

    "Like you were any better," Carnirus scoffed, crossing his arms. He seemed unafraid of the enormous dragon, only annoyed. "You don't deserve the crown anymore than I do."

    "What?" Hunter glanced at Kiara, who looked as mystified as he did.

    Stoke slashed a claw down at him, but Carnirus ducked neatly aside, slamming his hands into the wall of the building Stoke was perched on. It exploded in a blaze of black light, and shadowbeasts began to pour into the alleyway.

    Carnirus sprang onto the back of the largest and snatched Hunter by the shirt collar, "None of you punks are going to ruin this for me! I have waited years and I refuse to wait any longer!"

    Hunter twisted around to face Carnirus, which the Shadow Lord had not expected, and the boy grabbed the crystal at the top of the staff. Carnirus's hand caught his cheek in a jarring blow that made him cry out. But as Hunter tumbled off the shadowbeast, the crystal was torn from its mount and came with him.

     "No!" Carnirus lunged at him, drawing his staff, but Hunter hurled the crystal as hard as he could through the air. The sharpened edge of the staff plunged through Hunter's stomach, and he gasped.

     "Hunter!" Kiara screamed as he dropped to his knees. His eyes were wide in shock as he slowly looked down at himself to see the blood darkening his shirt.

    Carnirus wasted no time withdrawing the weapon from Hunter, racing after the crystal with a shout of fury. But just as he neared it, a claw scooped it from the ground. Stoke examined it in his blood-stained claws as Carnirus leapt at him with a roar, but Stoke tossed it into the air. He tilted back his head, and the dark crystal vanished into his jaws.

     Carnirus stuck out his hand, and his staff formed in his palm. And he came plunging down towards the dragon with force enough to level a mountain.

    Kiara wasn't sure who to run to, Stoke or Hunter, but she didn't have time to decide. The force of Carnirus's attack on Stoke exploded all the buildings around them, and rubble went flying. She was knocked back by a chunk of concrete in her stomach, the contact making her roll across the ground with a cry of pain.

     Her ears ringing from the explosion, she forced herself to look up. She could hear her heart pound in her chest, but that was the only sound she could hear in the sudden silence. Then she saw a man standing in the center of the crater, smoke curling off of his muscular build. It wasn't Carnirus. It was a man she had never seen before.

    Long black hair was whipped around in the icy wind, tossed behind him. His eyes were narrow and hawk-like, glowing a menacing yellow. He wore only a tattered cloak, no shoes, gloves, or anything besides. Every aspect of the man bore a feeling of power, and Kiara found her mouth hanging open as she stared at the stranger.

     The man turned to face Carnirus, who gripped his staff in both hands, looking furious. There was an anger that contorted his face that made him even more frightening than he had been any time before.

     "Stoke," he snarled, and her eyes widened with realization.

     "Your power is gone," the man growled, tossing his head, "You have nothing left but death. And that is where I sentence you for your treachery, murder, and thievery."

     Kiara heard a faint groan nearby, and she dragged herself towards Hunter. Hunter's face was gray, his eyes glazing over. "Hunter," she gasped, grabbing his hand. It was as cold as ice, and fear knotted her stomach, "H-Hunter!"

     He blinked slowly, staring at her numbly. Blood was still running freely from his stomach, and she noticed a drop drizzling down his lip. She felt sick. "No, Hunter... Hunter, talk to me!"

     His hand gripped hers tightly for a moment, and her heart leapt in hope. Then the grip slackened and the knot inside contorted as life faded from his dulling eyes. His head fell to the side as his body went limp.

    Tears stung her eyes as she stared down at him, "No... this isn't fair. It's not right! You're alive, Hunter, you can't... y-you c-can't...." she trailed off, her eyes fixed on his face. But he was.

     Hunter, her only friend and partner, was gone. Gone because she had brought him into this war. And now he was never going to get out.

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