💙Chapter 3: The Authority's New Member💙

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*Monday Night Raw*

Eliza's P.O.V.

I was walking down the hallway until I saw Summer walk up to me.

"Eliza." she said.

"Hey, Summer. What's up?" I asked.

"Stephanie and Hunter are asking to meet you in their office." she explained.

"Okay, thanks." I said before I side-hugged her and walked off.

I found Stephanie and Hunter's office and knocked.

I slowly opened the door and walked in.

"Hello, Liz." Hunter said.

"Hi, guys." I said as I closed the door behind me.

Stephanie came over and hugged me.

"How are you doing? How's your condition?" she asked.

"100% clean and sober. Ready to go." I said.

"Good. We missed you too badly." Hunter said as he hugged me.

"Please. Take a seat." he told me as he sat down.

I sat down in front of them as Stephanie sat down as well.

"So, Liz. We're glad to have you back. Now, we are gonna ask you. Do you want to go back with The Shield? Or do you want to start something new?" he asked.

"Anything is okay as long as it has nothing to do with being a part of The Shield. They wanted me out, they got it. They wanted Rachelle instead of me, they got it. I want to make them feel the pain I felt when they replaced me and hurt me." I explained.

"Very well. Okay, we were thinking this. How about we put you in a storyline relationship with Dolph Ziggler?" Hunter asked.

"I'm down for it." I replied.

"Very well. You will start the storyline relationship with Dolph tonight. Then, tomorrow on Smackdown, you, Dolph, and two other guys will face Rachelle and The Shield. Okay?" Hunter asked.

"Okay." I said before we shook hands. "Another offer. Not only will you be part of the storyline relationship. Tonight, we would like for you to join The Authority storyline as a member. If you want to change it in the future, we will." Stephanie said.

I smiled and nodded.

"Okay. I'll go get Dolph in here." Triple H said as he exited the office.

It was then Stephanie and I started talking.

"So, how have things been since your last appearance?" she asked.

"They've been good. I went to rehab. I got the counseling I needed. I am eating and sleeping more. I'm perfectly sober and clear of any drugs or alcohol in my system." I explained as she smiled.

"I'm glad, Sweetie. We were all worried. Even you're on-screen enemies admitted it was boring without you. The Divas wouldn't stop crying and the Superstars wouldn't stop complaining, besides the Shield." she explained.

"I am ready to get back where I left off, but Rachelle is still in my way and that's gonna be a problem." I said.

"Don't worry. If Rachelle tries to stir things up, we will do something about it." she said.

"Thanks, Stephanie." I said as the door opened and Triple H walked in with Dolph.

He sat down beside me as we did our signature handshake.

"So, Dolph. We are going to put you in a storyline relationship with Stella here. Okay?" he asked him.

Dolph nodded his head.

"Well done. Tonight, Stella will reveal herself as a member of The Authority and soon, she will reveal Dolph as her on-screen boyfriend. Okay?" Triple H asked.

We nodded.

"You're free to go."

The Authority and Evolution all stood at the entrance ramp.

Tonight, my return would be announced and I will reveal myself as a member of The Authority.

Now, The Authority is coming out to announce me as not only Dolph's mystery girlfriend, but as the newest member.

Also, since Rachelle had Cameron and Eva with her as Diva backup, they decided to bring in Paige and AJ with me, who are also members. Also, they have Roman and Dean, so the guys can take care of them.

"You see, we think that you deserve to have payback for what you did. We believe that this 'Hounds of Justice' thing is not based on justice. You let someone important go for someone who isn't worthy of being a Diva. Now, you all can smirk all you want, but we have recruited someone who would love to get their hands on you." Triple H told them.

Stephanie then spoke up.

"Trust us, you will love this one. Everybody, get out of your seats and welcome the newest member of The Authority!"

Behold the king
The king of kings

I walked out in my gear and I was met with screaming fans who jumped out of their seats.

Seth, Roman, and Dean looked in shock as their former member was here.

I smirked as I stood in between Triple H and Stephanie.

I hugged each member of The Authority as I did a bow.

Triple H, Stephanie, Batista, Randy, Kane, Paige, AJ, and I all smirked as we all walked down the ramp.

Jerry: "No way! Eliza Hardy is now in The Authority! What does this mean for The Shield?"

JBL: "It means bittersweet revenge is coming and it's gonna rain down on them really bad."

I went to Lilian and hugged her and she looked like she wanted to cry.

I went to the commentary table and hugged Michael, Jerry, and JBL.

I flipped my hair and smirked as I made eye contact with Dolph.

I walked up the steel steps and stood next to Dolph.

He and I smirked as I placed my hand behind his head, gripping his hair. I looked at the WWE Universe, who was doing their 'Yes!' chant.

I looked and Dolph before making eye contact with Dean. I smirked and before I knew it, I placed my lips in Dolph's, kissing him.

He wrapped his arms around me as we kissed passionately. It soon escalated and we were basically making out.

Jerry: "Whoa, whoa, whoa, young lady! What are you doing?! There are children here!" 

JBL: "The girl has found someone else to love, King. Let them show their young love!"

Michael: "Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins don't look very happy."

JBL: "They shouldn't be feeling this way. They brought this upon themselves, so it isn't right for them to be feeling pissed off Eliza and Dolph's newfound romance."

Stephanie handed me her microphone.

"So, since Dolph is gonna going against one member of The Shield, I have an announcement of my own. As a member of The Authority, I proclaim that the lunatic fringe is gonna be Dolph's opponent. But, just in case these bitches or assholes try to interfere, both their hands will be handcuffed to the ropes and won't be released until the match is over."

"Also, as extra payback, Dean Ambrose will have to do it with one arm tied behind his back. No excuses. Kick his ass, Baby." I said as I kissed Dolph's cheek and walked down the steps, joining The Authority.

Referees came in and handcuffed Roman, Seth, Cameron, Eva, and Rachelle's hands on the bottom rope.

Rachelle protested as she shook her head and held the title close to her.

"Rachelle, put your hands out and let the handcuffs go on or I'll strip you of of the Divas Championship and fire you." Stephanie warned.

Rachelle stomped her foot and let the referees handcuff her.

Dean's left arm was tied behind his back tightly and I could see him look at me with a mix of hurt and a glare.

All the referees left except for one.

He signaled for the bell to ring.

*Later on in the match*

Dolph was hanging onto the ropes as Dean was waiting to strike.

"Come on, Dolph!" I cheered.

I saw Dean about to take a step, but I beat him to it as I jumped onto the apron, went to Dolph and gave him a kiss.

Dean froze on the spot as I smirked when I jumped down. Dean then went to face me from inside the ring as I rejoined my group.

"What the hell are you doing?! What happened to us?!" he yelled.

Just then, Dolph rolled him up.

"One! Two!" Dean kicked out and Dolph hit him with the Zig-Zag. He pinned him again.

"One! Two! Three!"

The bell dinged as I clapped.

Dolph got out of the ring as The Shield, Cameron, and Eva were released.

They went to check on Dean as Rachelle held his face in her lap as she glared at me.

I smirked as Dolph went next to me and grabbed my hand. I wrapped an arm around AJ as I hugged her.

I did the same with Paige.

Roman, Dean, and Seth all glared as Dolph kissed my temple and we walked up the ramp.

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