💙Chapter 4: Eliza, Randy, Punk, and Dolph V.S. The Shield💙

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Eliza's P.O.V.

I was backstage with some of the Divas. We all had fun with the girl's night out.

We ate dinner and then we went to the karaoke club. We sang for hours and got a little wasted.

After that, we decided to go for a stroll in the park.

I was happy to be hanging out with the girls once again in such a long time.

I missed this.

Nikki, Brie, AJ, Paige, Nattie, and all the rest made me feel happy about going out again.

"I'm gonna go out there and give those assholes a piece of my mind. I'll show them that they did a huge mistake." I said as I got up.

It was then Summer placed a hand on my shoulder.

"You don't have to. They're not worth your time. They don't deserve you after what they did." she said.

"Summer's right. When they hurt you, you saw how all of us Divas beat the shit out of that bitch. Also, the guys beat up The Shield pretty bad." Paige agreed.

I remembered that day like it was yesterday.


I held my head in pain. The Shield had hit me with their finishers.

Roman hit me with a Spear.

Seth hit me with the Curbstomp.

Dean hit me with the Dirty Deeds.

They betrayed me for Rachelle. They kicked me out.

I was crying as Seth grabbed his microphone and walked to me.

"You're worthless to us!" he yelled.

It was then Dean kissed Rachelle and I covered my mouth before Rachelle came to me.

"Too bad you weren't good enough. Don't worry, I'll make sure I become a better replacement." she said with a smirk as The Shield laughed.

I slapped her face and the guys glared as Rachelle stepped forward.

Eagle Screech

The crowd went wild like crazy.

I felt relief as Rachelle looked at the ramp in fear.

Paige, AJ, Summer, Natalya, Alicia, Brie, Nikki, Tamina, and Naomi all ran down the ramp with Paige in the lead.

The guys got out of the ring as Paige was the first one to attack Rachelle.

Soon, all the Divas began stomping on her. Rachelle tried to get to Dean, but Natalya draged her back and Clotheslined her.

Soon, all the Divas performed their submissions and finishers on her.

I grabbed a microphone and looked at the crowd.

"You want me to finish this bitch off?!" I yelled.

The crowd screamed and did their favorite 'Yes!' chant.

I threw the microphone and smirked as I saw Rachelle trying to get up. I locked her into my signature submission, the Stone Cold Lock.

I released her. I stuck my middle fingers out and kicked her in the gut before I performed the Stunner on her.

The crowd went insane as my theme played. The Divas all hugged me as I kicked Rachelle out of the ring.

The Shield helped her as all of us Divas raised our arms.

We then placed out fists next to each other and smirked at The Shield.

I hear voices in my head
They counsel me, they understand
They talk to me

The guys looked in fear as The Usos, Dolph, CM Punk, John Cena, Randy Orton, Triple H, and Daniel Bryan all ran down the ramp, Randy leading the charge and attacked them.

They beat the guys up as Tamina got out and slid Rachelle back in the ring.

Me and the Divas all stomped and ganged up on her as The Shield got their asses kicked.

Soon, the guys lay motionless and the rest of the Superstars joined the Divas in the ring and we all looked at The Shield.

I sent a look to AJ and Paige.

"Pick this bitch up now!" I yelled.

They did and I smirked and looked at them.

"Triple Powerbomb time, Babygirls." I told them.

I screamed before Paige and AJ placed Rachelle on my shoulders.

We triple powerbombed Rachelle and she was knocked out. I grabbed her hair and tossed her over the top rope, next to Roman, Dean, and Seth.

Randy and Dolph came over and placed me on their shoulders as I did the middle fingers and celebrated with my friends in the ring.

*End of Flashback*

I smiled at the memory.

"That was the greatest moment of my life." I told them.

"Dude, Roman and Seth are terrible friends. Dean is a terrible person to be in a relationship with. If they really cared, they wouldn't have done this shit." AJ told us.

I sighed as I stood up.

"I agree with you all. But, I need to let my anger out on them. I've been through so much pain and suffering because of them. It's time to show them what I've been feeling." I said.

"Stella, we will try everything we can to put an end to that little bitch." Natalya said.

None of the Divas liked Rachelle.


Not even Eva and Cameron like her.

They are only her backup because she forces them.

"You're right, Nattie. I will do anything in my power to take down that little slut once and for all. Once I take that title away from her, I'll crush her chance of being in The Shield and the Divas Champion all at the same time." I said with a smirk.

"Roman, Dean, and Seth better watch their backs. Because the Stella they knew is long gone and she is never coming back." I said as I walked off.


The Shield, Rachelle, Cameron, and Eva all stood inside the ring.

I was going to be teaming up with Randy, Dolph, and Punk in a 8-Person mixed tag-team match against The Shield and Rachelle.

First, Punk went out. He did his entrance and walked down the ramp.

He stopped at the front of the ring as Dolph's music played.

I'm here to show the world
I'm here to show the world

Dolph walked out and did his entrance before we joined Punk. Randy and I looked at each other.

"I can't wait to get back in the ring. I miss it so much." I told him.

"Well, now, you can. Everybody will be happy to see their little rebel back even more badass." he told me as he ruffled my hair.

He was always like a big brother to me, along with Punk.

I hear voices in my head
They counsel me, they understand
They talk to me

Randy walked out and he did his entrance before walking down the ramp.

Just then, I saw Paige and Summer run to me.

"Stella, Eva has Rachelle and Cameron with her. So, do you mind if we back you up?" Paige asked me.

"So we can even the odds." Summer added. I smiled and nodded.

"Sure, ladies." I said as I waited for my theme to play.

  It was called "Spiteful" and was very badass.

I walked out as the fans jumped from their seats and screamed.

"And, from Columbus, Ohio, accompanied by Paige and Summer Rae, representing The Authority, Eliza Hardy!" Lilian announced.

The girls and I walked down the ramp and I hopped on the apron and got on the top rope, raising my arms up.

I went over to Dolph and kissed him, making the crowd go wild. I heard Dean yelling, talking shit to him.

Jerry: "Oh, yeah! Young love, Gentlemen!"

JBL: "Dean doesn't look too happy and it is honestly very funny."

Michael: "Well, Eliza is showing Dean that she is her own person and doesn't need him anymore."

When we pulled away, Dean was being held back by Roman and Seth.

'Pathetic bastard.' I thought to myself.

Randy told us he would start things off. Me and the others stepped out of the ring and stayed on the apron as he had a stare-down with Seth.

The bell then rang.

"Let's go, Baby!" I encouraged.

Dean looked at me with a blank stare.

*Later on in the match*

CM Punk had sent Seth down and both of them lay on the mat. The guys and I reached our hands out.

"Come on, Punk! You got this!" I encouraged as Seth was crawling towards his partners.

Seth tagged in Rachelle and Punk tagged me in.

I got in and Clotheslined her numerous times. I sent her to the ropes and hit her with a brutal kick to the gut. I ran to the rope and hit the Curbstomp on her.

Jerry: "Curbstomp to Rachelle! Eliza Hardy performing her former Shield brother, Seth Rollins' finisher on the Divas Champion!"

I waited for her to get up and when she did, she dodged me and rolled me up.

"One! Two!" I kicked out and dodged a Clothesline from her before I punched her in the face as hard as I could.

The crowd went wild as I looked at them and smirked, nodding my head.

I stuck my middle fingers out.

I ran to the ropes and hit the Suicide Dive on Roman, Dean, and Seth, taking them down.

Michael: "Suicide Dive to The Shield! This girl is taking things to the next level!"

JBL: "They call her the Princess of Extreme for a reason, Cole. She may be the sister of The Hardy Boyz, but she has carved her own path."

I slid into the ring and smirked.

I hit the Stunner on Rachelle and locked her into the Figure Four, later transitioning into the Figure Eight.

Roman and Seth came in, but Randy hit Roman with an RKO and Dolph hit Seth with the Zig-Zag.

Rachelle screamed and thrashed her arms before she finally tapped out.

I stayed like that and applied more pressure and force until the referee forced me to let go.

"Here are your winners by submission, the team of Eliza Black, CM Punk, Randy Orton, and Dolph Ziggler!" Lilian announced.

Dolph, Randy, and Punk came into the ring and we all raised each other's arms.

Dolph grabbed my hair and pressed his lips against mine. Half of the crowd cheered while the other half booed.

We pulled away and I hugged Punk and Randy before we all got out of the ring and I smiled at The Shields' look of hurt on their faces, especially Dean's, since he was trying not to cry.

Randy and Punk lifted me onto their shoulders as I rose my arms up and they rose theirs.

Roman, Dean, and Seth look absolutely devastated when they laid eyes on me as Rachelle held her legs in pain.

The guys set me down and I smirked as I mocked a crying face to my former team.

I turned and Dolph wrapped an arm around me as we all walked up the ramp and Raw went off the air.

"See you guys soon." I said to Randall and Phil.

They said bye and me and Nick headed to catering.

"Damn, it looks like people aren't liking this storyline relationship." he said. I shrugged.

"I don't know. Anything as long as it doesn't have to do with those I called my boyfriend and brothers." I said as we got to catering.

We saw Stephanie and Triple H there.

"May we speak to Stella alone?" Stephanie asked Nick.

He nodded before he ruffled my hair and walked off I guess trying to look for Saraya. I got a slice of pizza and a water before sitting in front of them.

"What's up?" I asked them.

"Stella, you are pumping up the crowds. You're bringing a little bit of the Attitude Era back, this is exactly what we need for the Divas division. You've proven you have so much talent. That's why we're putting you in a match." she explained.

"You're going to face Rachelle for the title on Sunday at Hell In A Cell. However, you two will be inside Hell In A Cell. Not only will this be the main event, it will also be history in the making." Triple H explained.

I smiled as I nodded. I've been in steel cage matches, so, a Hell In A Cell match? I'm prepared for this.

"Great. Also, if Rachelle loses, she will get another opportunity. The second match will be a No Disqualification match. If she loses the second time, she's fired." Hunter explained.

I smiled and nodded.

"I'm sure as hell accepting." I said as I almost dropped my food, making them laugh.

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