The Scary Sillombre Cont.

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How to Kill a Sillombre?
Sillombres are immortal beings that can be rather difficult to kill, but once killed, they are forced to wait to be reborn again by two shadow parents. Here is how to kill a sillombre.
1- if you leave it in a bright room for 3 days, with absolutely no shade for them to hide in, they'll essentially burn to death. It is... very painful for the shadow and usually result in flu like symptoms on day one of being in the room. The second day they loose a lot of the dark magic that polluted their mind, so while they are burning, they are also left to be horribly depressed and guilty for their crimes. It is a very, very sad and painful way for a shadow to die.
3- Save them and kill them like you would anything else or wait till they fade away. Again, a sad way to die when they fade away, plus, they'll still die with a guilty conscious.

How to Save a Sillombre and What Happens?
Usually, a Saved Sillombre will separate from the person they were before they were shadowfied, unless that shadow is of the 20%, then they just skip this part of the process. Slowly, the shadow will proceed to get lighter and lighter until the fade away, or basically die. When saved, a shadow will more then likely experience symptoms of PTSD or depression or other mental disorders from all the guilt and pain they made or had from being a shadow. The human/monster they were once before won't remember a thing about being a shadow and will probably continue to live their life like normal, well, unless they were from a different time period, to which they'll have to adapt to their new environment with the modern world.
1- Kill the person they are mated to because there is a high chance they made the mate their host. It has to be their mate, as the love connection they feel toward the mate will crush them long enough for you to get them struck by some light magic or nature magic. Whichever of the two is fine.
2- If they stay in a lit up room for two days and are able to leave before they die, they can be saved with simple nature/light magic.
It doesn't have to be nature of light magic, just anything that has to do with good change. If you knew them before they were a shadow, you can share memories you had with them until the shadow remembers its past identity with you and will be saved.

Facts About Sillombres
Finally, facts about sillombres. I didn't touch too much on these facts because, well, they are self explanatory.

Shadows don't need to eat, sleep, or drink anything, they just do it for fun.

Despite common belief, shadows absolutely hate rapists. The Dark Island community will throw out anyone of their kind if they are rapists. They'll even KILL other shadows if they break the law of doing adultery to someone under the age of 20. This applies to other races as well.

They are very, very protective of their young, and that's why the have the law protecting the young ones from being hurt by older shadows.

Common names for shadows are Shadow, Shade, and Dark.

The soul of a shadow will vary on who they were before they were a shadow.

Shadow's have celebrities just like monsters and humans. They model, sing, dance, and have committed interesting crimes.

There is currently ONE shadow who was an angel before she was a shadow. Her current name is Angelica and she is one her tenth life. She is a celebrity and is the only shadow who can float.

The lucky number in the shadow community is 5 and the unlucky number is 1.

There are actually suicide hotlines on Dark Island for Saved Shadows, New Shadows, or Shadows that have figured out how to clear out their mind enough to realize they are terrible as a species. Usually they get up to 3 calls a day, usually from the saved shadows

You know a shadow is interested in you when they don't mean to hurt you.

Shadow's absolutely LOVE hybrid shadow children. (And other races, but other races don't care)

90% of Shadow's are bisexual

Shadows can change their gender and can shapeshift.

Shadows mostly use dark magic, but some cases have shown them using other magic, the rarest being fire and light.

Most shadows are big dog people.

Shadows will actually never kill someone over a racial issue, because they hate everything about racism, yet they still face it. Shadows are only the way they are because of the mistake an extremist racist made when trying to kill them and the memory was stuck and passed down to this generation.

Will the future of the species become better? Who knows? Anyhow, I will also paste all this into my OC book, it just put it here because its my most read book, so I hope you guys comment and vote if you liked it. It really helps me and motivates me, which is something I need a lot, especially since I just got a lot of stress and worry about high school. Thank you for reading and I hope you keep in mind what I said at the beginning of this segment. If you wish to have your own OC based off this race, PLEASEEEE tell me and tag me!

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