The Scary Sillombres

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This race of beings were created by me! I own all the ideas put into this race and I will be really fine if you wanted to created an oc using this race, just please tag me and let me know! I would really appreciate it if you kept with the lore and what the race is all about, but I don't mind seeing your ideas added in! Just PLEASE ask me before you do, because this is a race of people I am proud I have made and can one day put a copyright on!

What exactly is a sillombre?
A sillombres, commonly called shadows, are a race of creatures made of pure dark magic and fears of other living things. Many people make the mistake of calling them a sub race of demon, when in reality, they are a sub race of monster. The common reason people make this unfortunate mistake is the high amount of evil shadows roaming around. It is estimated that 96% of the sillombre race murders, steals, and commits other crimes while the other 4% throw themselves in prison, give to charities, or just don't do anything wrong at all.

How was this race created? History?
It wasn't at all evolution or anything of that sorts, but literal human and monster fear being used when a dark wizard was trying to create a race to dominate all other races. However, for centuries he had failed with the race. They were very peaceful and calm, helping out with humans and monster fears. It wasn't until some extremists wanted to wipe out the shadow race and drove the first one thousand shadows into the brink of insanity by infusing so much dark magic in hopes that if enough was put into them, they'll explode. However, it just made the sillombre race into what they are today unfortunately. The remaining sillombres that weren't made insane were killed off by the newer sillombres because they were weaker. Sillombres were finally forced onto and island all on their own, although some still live in many places around the world. The majority in the island, called Dark Island, have their own form of government to suit the shadows needs and wants yet keep the community from going into utter choas. Some examples of these laws are: don't murder the pure 20% shadows (see shadow reproduction/mating), don't intentionally light fires or do anything that'll emit light, don't fuck anyone under the age of 20 (It is literally what the rules say), don't force ANYONE into committing suicide you sick and lazy fuck, do your own work (again, their words, not mine), and don't murder ANYONE on the island with the special pass, you know the one. (That's the only reason I wasn't killed on the island while I was doing this research). The current shadow leader is a shadow named Nightmare, who is 7 thousand years old and is still on his first life.

Shadow Reproduction/Mating
Children: Besides having people turn into shadows on occasion, shadows can at reproduce like all living things can. Shadows do it the exact same way a monster can, physically and magically, although many prefer physical mating, for... obvious purposes. Shadow children tend to be like any other child, unless they are a shadow reborned from a past life. Shadow's have 12 lives in total, unless they get saved (see How to Save a Sillombre), to which they are gone forever. Shadows that are reborn tend to just be like their old self and are usually independent and away from the parents by age 10. There is 20% of shadows that are born with no past life as a shadow, so they are taken in as the highest and most powerful of shadow kind and get many high position jobs quickly. The 20% ONLY grow to be like the rest of shadow kind is the way their parents are raising them and what they learn.
Shadows in Heat: Shadows get into heat exactly like monsters, although they are usually a lot more violent toward people they use for sexual needs. Weaker/younger shadows tend to not be really violent though when they are in heat, but the powerful/older ones are. You would actually be surprised with the amount of times other races take full advantage of a shadow in heat because they really like the roughness that the powerful shadows have. Unfortunately though, people always make the assumption its shadows that are the ones forcing it upon others. Shadows heat can vary with each individual shadow, usually happening around November-December. The time period is the same as a monster, which is a 30 day heat. Just like monsters though, there is medicine that helps control the heat so a shadow isn't hurting for the whole month.
Matemarking: Shadows absolutely LOVE to show off who you belong too as a mate, so they would of course show the love in the matemark by making it as big and noticable as possible. Usually, you can easily tell how much a shadow loves you by how big and noticable they are. The bigger and more noticable the mark is, the more they adore you. This is a common step for shadows saving themselves from the insanity of the dark magic on their mind (see How to Save a Sillombre). Although, there are cases where shadows do accidentally kill their mate when they mark the other with too many cuts and marks that they either bleed to death or the cuts get infected.

How are Shadows Made Besides Reproduction?
1- If a human/monster/animal was turned into one by a powerful enough shadow.
2- If they were just a TERRIBLE person when they were alive and there was literally no other punishment
3- There is a ritual that'll summon the dark wizard that'll turn you into a shadow. It includes dark magic, no will to live as a human/monster, and for you to be in a dark, dark room ALONE, preferably away from society.
4- The most common way is if you encountered dark magic right as you died or if you were killed by dark magic.

See the next page for the rest of the information.

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