S2C Chapter 62: Back Home

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Hello everybody, another chapter coming at you because I've been thinking about Splatoon recently and this idea is in my head right now while I can't sleep.

Oh yeah, and this chapter turned out surprisingly longer than I expected, so hopefully, you all enjoy it.

Took a couple more days to finish it since I wrote so much, but again, thank you all for reading!

Veronica POV

In the early morning, Veronica was sitting on the living room couch, polishing her E-Liter while sitting on the couch, watching cartoons.

(Y/N) was walking into the kitchen to grab some morning breakfast when he noticed her.

(Y/N): What're you up to? Don't you usually polish your weapons at night, not in the morning?

He said, while still preparing a bowl of cereal.

Veronica: Good morning!

(Y/N): Good morning, Veronica.

Veronica: The Square has been pretty empty lately, so Three called me this morning and asked if I wanted to do some turfing. She said it'd be easier to raise my rank because of the lack of people around.

(Y/N): Well that's a pretty good idea. Hopefully, that doesn't just mean that the only people left are the extremely dedicated ones.

Veronica: Yeah, I'm a higher rank than her, but I didn't want to make her feel bad, and it sounded like fun anyway. Would you like to come with us?

(Y/N): When are you two going?

He asks while munching his food before the phone starts ringing, and he goes over to answer it.

Veronica: She should be here in about ten minutes or so.

(Y/N) holds up his finger for Veronica to hang on a second while he listens to what's on the phone.

(Y/N): Mhm... Yeah, I think I can do that... Okay, nice talking to you. See ya.

He hangs up the phone, puts it back in his pocket, and turns back to Veronica.

(Y/N): Sorry, doesn't look like I'll be able to play with y'all. I'm going to be out for the weekend, I'll let Liz know to stay here with you or whatever when she gets here.

Veronica: Girls night!

(Y/N): Girls nights, two nights.

Veronica: Are you going to be okay? Safe?

He smiled at her concern for him.

(Y/N): I'll be fine, I'm not going anywhere TOO far or on any kind of mission.

Veronica gasped.

Veronica: That's exactly what secret agents say when they're going to go on a mission all sneaky beaky like!

(Y/N) chuckled.

(Y/N): You're just saying that because of the movie you watched last night, aren't you?

Veronica: Maybe. But it's still the truth either way!

(Y/N): Could be, but no, I'm not some secret undercover agent going to sneak into any place.

Veronica: Isn't that exactly what we are though?

He thought about it for a second.

(Y/N): Huh... oh yeah...



(Y/N) had already told Liz when she arrived about how he was going to be gone for the weekend, so now he was throwing a couple of outfits into a bag, along with his toothbrush and a few other essentials.

His phone was on the bed when it started to ring. He saw it was Callie calling before he answered it.

(Y/N): What's up, Cal?

Callie: Heyyy! So, I'm gonna get right to the point. I'm really bored, but Marie just wants to read her book today, so I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me today.

(Y/N): Well, I'd love to, Callie-

Callie: -Awesome!

(Y/N): But-

Callie: Dang it! Why is there always a "but"?

(Y/N): I'm going out of town for the weekend.

Callie: All alone? And without telling me?

Marie: Ahem.

Callie: Us!

(Y/N): I didn't think there was a reason to tell you out of nowhere. Plus, I just found out about an hour ago, so I just let Veronica and Liz know before I got ready.

Callie: Well, where are you going? Someplace fun?

(Y/N): I wouldn't really say any place interesting.

Callie: Well then you don't understand how bored I am. Try me.

(Y/N): I'm just going to hop on a train to Calamari County.

He didn't get a response for a few seconds so he was confused.

(Y/N): Hel-

Callie: -We'll be over soon! MARIE!


The three were sitting in the train compartment together. Callie was napping on the whole seat on one side of the room, while Marie was sitting on the other seat reading her book with her headphones on, with (Y/N) on the side of the seat with the window.

(Y/N) snapped out of it when Marie had suddenly closed her book with a thud before taking off her headphones.

Marie: So, what made you want to go out to Calamari County?

(Y/N): You finally finished reading your book? You haven't said a word or looked away from that book the whole morning.

Marie: No, I was just starting to get a bit motion sick from it, and wanted to take a break. So, what made you want to go out to Calamari County?

(Y/N): My parents called and wanted me to visit. They said I hadn't been there in a while, and I thought it'd be nice to see the place again.

Marie actually looked a bit surprised, which (Y/N) noticed because it doesn't really happen often to Marie.

Marie: You lived in Calamari County?

(Y/N): Yep, born and raised. I've told you that before, haven't I?

Marie: Maybe? I don't remember

(Y/N): It's fine, I don't remember if I told you or not anyways. Anyways, what's wrong with that?

Marie: Nothing, it's just that Callie and I are from Calamari County as well, so it's a bit cool or weird.

(Y/N): Oh right, I think I read that somewhere, I don't know.

Marie: Bet you regret not meeting me sooner then?

She said leaning over to him while giving him a joking smirk. He smiled at her playfulness.

(Y/N): Nah, not sure I could've handled that much ego in someone so small.

She hit him playfully in his arm due to his remark.

Marie: I'm still older than you, you know, so you would've been the smaller one.

Callie: Hey, 6 feet distance...Zzz

Callie spoke in her sleep while pointing at the two of them, causing them to laugh.


The three were walking on through the roads of the small town.

Callie was taking in a deep breath.

Callie: Aaah, that sweet country air, nothing's more fresh than it.

Marie: Stinky is more like it.

Callie: I said fresh.

(Y/N): It reminds me of home, so I like it.

Marie: Fair point.

(Y/N): So, did you two live around here or where exactly?

Callie: Nope, our families lived around maybe 15 or 20 minutes away from here. Festivals would be held there.

(Y/N): Ah, compared to me you two may as well be some of them there city-slickers.

Marie: Nah, you and Callie are both just some bumpkins.

Callie: Proud of it! And why do you act like you're not as well!

Marie just smirked at Callie's remark. Marie did love being back, hoping Callie and her could surprise their families since it's been a while.

(Y/N): Here we are.

He said with open arms when they had finally arrived at his quaint little country home.

The two cousins just admired it. It had been a while since they had been back, so it was nice taking in the smaller houses of the country compared to the giant skyscrapers and mansions.

(Y/N) walked up to the door and knocked on it. A few seconds later, his mother opened up the door before giving him a hug.

Mom: There's my boy. How have you been?

She asked before she looked past her son and saw Callie and Marie standing there.

Mom: Oh, I didn't know you were bringing your friends.

She said with a smile before hugging Callie and Marie; Marie feeling almost crushed by the strong hug, while Callie was giving a hug back.

Marie: Hello, ma'am.

Callie: Hi mom!

Mom: Why don't you go show the Squid Sisters up to the guest room and the three of you can put your things down.

She said with a little chuckle as (Y/N) lead the two up to the guest room.

Marie: I see at least your mom recognizes our talents, unlike you did.

She said with a joking/teasing tone.

(Y/N): I'm honestly surprised she did.

Callie: Maybe we've become local legends since you've left, due to our ever-increasing popularity.

Callie said with her fake pompous voice.

(Y/N): Anyways, here's the room you two can stay in and leave your stuff for now. Only one bed of course, so you two will have to share.

He said as he showed off the normal-looking bedroom. Marie knew what sharing a bed with Callie was like, so she was "less than excited" to say the least.

(Y/N): My bedroom is right next to this one if you two need anything.

Marie just gave a thumbs up, acknowledging his statement, while making sure Callie didn't just throw everything around immediately.

After a couple of minutes of getting acquainted, the three gathered back up.

(Y/N): So, what do you two want to do first.

Marie: I'd like to visit our folks. They're not far, but since we plan on staying here and we'll only be in town for the weekend, I want to make sure we do that first.

Callie: Yes! They'll be so stoked to see us so unexpectedly!

(Y/N): Okay, then I guess that's the first stop.

Callie: You're gonna love meeting them, (Y/N)! They're the nicest in the whole world!

She said while wrapping her arm around (Y/N)'s.

The three were walking downstairs and heading for the door.

(Y/N): Mom! We're gonna head into town, we'll be back later!

Mom: Okay! No dillydallying around! I don't want to have to come get you if you've forgotten your way around!

(Y/N): We won't!


Marie cracked open a bepis can after they left the local store since they wanted to see if anything had changed.

Callie: This place bringing back any memories, Marie?

Marie: Pretty nostalgiac, yeah. Although, nothing beats AC.

After admiring the classic scenery for a couple of minutes, Callie spotted her parent's house.

Callie: Ooh! I can see it! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!

(Y/N): We're hurrying.

Marie: The house isn't going anywhere, Callie.

(Y/N): So, where do your parents live, Marie?

Marie: A block or two away. Callie and I never stayed too far away.

Callie had run ahead and was waiting for the other two to catch up. She was hopping her legs up and down, unable to contain her excitement.

As soon as the other two got close enough, Callie knocked on the door, happy to surprise her parents. They could hear footsteps get closer to the door before it opened to reveal a woman with black tentacles, not as long as Callie's, but similar otherwise. The woman who was clearly Callie's mom immediately gave out a noise of joy and couldn't help herself but to immediately bring her daughter into a big hug, with Callie doing the same.

Callie's Mom: Oh my gosh! My sweet baby! What're you doing here!

She pinched Callie by the ear slightly.

Callie's Mom: Why didn't you tell me you were visiting, so I could've prepared!

Callie: Ow! Sorry, sorry. We weren't planning on it, but when we were coming here, I thought it'd be better to surprise you!

Callie's mom went back to hugging Callie.

Callie's Mom: A great surprise!

She said smiling, before looking over Callie's shoulder at the "we" Callie was referring to. She let go of Callie and went over to Marie before hugging her too.

Callie's Mom: Marie, it's so great to see you too. Do your parents know you're back yet?

Marie: Not yet, Auntie. Going to see them next.

Callie's Mom: Very good, well I'm glad you chose to come see us first.

She said, winking and smiling, causing Marie to let out a little laugh.

Callie's mom next looked over at (Y/N).

Callie: This is my husband, mom. Didn't I pick a good one?

Marie glared over at Callie before Callie's mom interjected.

Callie's Mom: Callie, are you still clinging to (Y/N)?

All three of them were a bit shocked at Callie's mother's response.

Callie: What? :D

Callie's Mom: You've grown a lot too, haven't you, (Y/N)? I hope Callie hasn't been acting too clingy to you in the city.

She said while giving (Y/N) a hug too, to which he awkwardly hugged back a bit.

Marie: Wait, how do you know him, Auntie?

Callie's Mom: What do you mean? Callie was always bringing him over to play. It was always you or him she hung with. You three were such good friends before you two moved away.

All three of them looked completely dumbfound, Callie blushing a bit.

Callie's Mom: Oh come on, have the luxuries of the city really caused all of your brains to melt this much?

She asked before knocking on Callie's noggin, causing her to cover it.

Callie's Mom: Oh, just come on in, you three, why are we still out here?

She walked in ahead of the other three while they all looked at each other confusedly.

Callie: Mom, when you say we knew each other, what do you mean?

Callie's Mom: Well, what else could I possibly mean, sweetie? Do I need to prove it to you?

Marie: It'd help.

Callie's Mom: Hang on one minute.

The three sat down while Callie's mom went into a little closet looking for something. A minute later, she gave an "Aha!" as she shut the door, holding the box.

She sat down in another seat around them, setting the old shoebox on the table, opening it, and taking out some old photos, looking for the specific ones.

Callie's Mom: Here, I've got some photos of you three throughout all these.

The four of them were looking through the family photos. Callie found one first.

Callie: I think I found one.

She held it up, letting the others see it.

Callie's Mom: Yep, there you three are playing in the backyard.

Callie pointed at (Y/N) in the photo while looking at the real him.

Callie: That's supposed to be you?

She was giggling to herself looking at it.

Callie: It's kinda weird how different you look.

(Y/N): Well, it's not like you two look the same either, not my fault I had a major glow-up. Besides, I'm younger than you two, so of course I'd look more different.

Marie: Then if it's true, why didn't you ever remember us?

He just shrugged.

(Y/N); I don't know. My memory is not really one of my strongest aspects.

Callie's Mom: Probably doesn't help how you three stopped hanging out so young once Callie and Marie moved out to Inkopolis with Marie's parents.

Callie: That's right! After the Youth-Folk Singing Contest, it wasn't too much longer we started trying to build our career.

Marie: Good times, I was a cute kid.

Callie's Mom: Yep, it was a sad day when I had to let you move away with your Aunt and Uncle to the City, but I was so happy at you trying to achieve your dreams. And once you two were gone, I had to let little (Y/N) know that you two had moved away.

(Y/N) looked back down at the picture.

Callie's Mom: I still remember the sad look on your face when I told you. I still kept relatively in touch with your parents though. I was hoping you would run into each other again when they told me you were moving to the city as well.

(Y/N) rubbed the back of his head while giving an awkward smile.

(Y/N): Well, luckily I kinda bumped into Marie almost immediately, completely on accident.

Marie: Yep, but that was around the time when Callie was missing.

Callie's mom just shook her head.

Callie's Mom: Oh no, don't even remind me. I was so worried the whole time.

She turned to Callie.

Callie's Mom: I hadn't heard from you in a while and no one knew where you were. I've never been more scared in my life.

Callie: Luckily I was okay though.

Callie gave a nervous laugh.

Callie: Luckily, (Y/N) and Marie were there when I came back.

Callie's mom smiled.

Callie's Mom: Thank goodness.

Callie: So, where's dad at?

Callie's Mom: At work, he'll be home later. How long are you in town for?

Marie: The whole weekend, so we'll have plenty of time to spend together.

Callie's Mom: Wonderful to hear! Callie, if you want, you can go check up on your room, don't worry, I didn't touch anything.

Callie: Sure, thanks, mom!

She says before hugging her mom and then leading the other two upstairs.

Callie's Mom: Leave the door open, sweetie!

Callie: Mom!

Callie's mom just giggled at her daughter's embarrassment.

Marie: Wow, it really looks untouched from when we were kids. Your mom did a great job of keeping it together.

Callie was just staring at Marie.

Marie: What?

Callie: I last redecorated this room a couple years ago.

Marie: Oh.

(Y/N) took his turn to laugh at Marie's shame jokingly.

Callie then looked over and noticed the picture frame on her nightstand. She picked it up and saw it was a picture of Callie, Marie, and (Y/N) as kids, all huddled up and smiling at the camera. Callie smiled looking at it before setting it down.

Callie: Ah, just got a wave of nostalgia and memories rushing back.

Marie: I know what you mean. I remember us sitting in here practicing our singing.

Callie flops back onto her bed, happily, realizing her old bed is pretty small now. She had a hint of a blush thinking about how the three of them were even older friends than she had remembered.


The three waved goodbye to Callie's mom after she gave Callie one last hug and told her to come back over while her dad is home, to which she said of course.

(Y/N): It was nice of her to make these snacks for us.

He said while taking a bite of one of them and loving how delicious they tasted.

Callie: Yeah, she's always like that. She's the best!

(Y/N): So, we're going to your place now, Marie?

Marie: Yep, it's right over here too.

(Y/N): Speaking of which, the way you kept talking, you made it sound like they lived both here and in Inkopolis.

Callie: Well, that's not too far off!

Marie: Yeah, we all lived here, but when we wanted to go to the city to try to start our career, Callie and I were just kids, so our parents decided my parents would move to Inkopolis and raise us both there, but once we were old enough and able to take care of us, they moved back here.

Callie: Living with Marie and her parents in the new city was so much fun! Albeit, kinda scary at first.

Marie: Callie, we already lived basically right next to each other and hung out almost every day.

Callie: Yeah, I know! But living directly with you, it was like we actually were sisters!

(Y/N): So, is that how you two came up with the name?

Marie: More or less, yeah.

The three were now in front of Marie's parents' house and were walking up to the door.

Callie: Ooh! Marie! What if we knocked on the door but then we hid out of sight a couple of times before actually revealing ourselves?

Marie: No, I'm fine with just knocking normally.

Marie said while smiling at Callie's enthusiasm and usual giddiness.

Next, she knocked on the door before someone came up and opened it. Standing in the doorway was a man with dark grey tentacles and a bit of a beard going on, whose face quickly turned to a wholesome smile before holding his arms out for a hug, to which Marie gave him one.

Marie's Dad: Sweetie, why didn't you tell us you were coming to visit? Your mother and I would've prepared more otherwise.

Marie: Sorry, dad, sudden trip and wanted to make sure you weren't getting old enough to where a sudden surprise like this is going to start giving you a heart attack.

Marie's Dad: You're one to talk, you two are growing so much, you're going to be an old fart like me someday.

Marie: No day soon.

Callie: Uncle!

Callie said, giving him a big hug.

Callie: Is Auntie here?

Marie's Dad: She's in the kitchen just about getting lunch ready.

Callie immediately ran into the house, probably to give her aunt a greeting as well.

As (Y/N) heard what sounded like two girls squealing coming from in the house, Marie's dad turned to (Y/N).

Marie's Dad: Hey, kid. You're (F/N)'s kid, aren't you?

(Y/N): Um, uh, yes sir.

Marie's Dad: Good to see you again. You've been taking care of those two in Inkopolis?

Marie: More like me taking care of him and Callie.

Marie said while smirking, seeing how (Y/N) was a bit nervous re-meeting Marie's father.

Marie's Dad: Well, are you two going to come in?

Marie: Well I sure ain't sitting outside.

She said while grabbing (Y/N)'s hand and leading him inside.

Marie's mom was walking into the room behind Callie. Marie's mom walked up to Marie, hugging her.

Marie's Mom: You really need to visit more often.

Marie: Sorry, mom, been a bit busy lately.

Marie's Mom: Busy with what? Your podcasts? Your cousin's the one busy with her acting.

Marie blushed a bit embarrassed by her mom lightly roasting her in front of Callie and (Y/N).

Marie's Mom: Either way, I'm just glad to see you. Do you want to stay for lunch?

Marie: That'd be nice, sure.

Marie's Mom: Good to hear. Callie, put that bag down, I know it's sweets your mother made.

Callie: Wha?! Nuh uh!

Marie: Callie.

Callie: Fiiine, I'll save them for later.

She said as she set them down on the table.

Marie's Dad: Why don't you three go hang out upstairs in Marie's room while we prepare everything.

Marie: Sure. Come on.

Marie lead them up to her old room.

Callie: Aah, looks as dull as ever.

Marie: Well, I always did have a finer taste than you, Callie.

Callie: Hey! My taste is refined.

Marie: If you mean how your old room was almost all pink.

(Y/N): I've got no room to talk, both of your rooms are kept up more than mine.

Callie: Hey, (Y/N), let's look around for any old embarrassing photos Marie has of herself in here!

Marie: What.

Callie: I remember specifically she had one bad hair day and we got a couple photos of it.

Marie: Hey, no!

Just as Callie went to start grabbing around Marie's old things, Marie pinched Callie's cheeks, tugging lightly on her face.

Marie: You know what happens when you go through my stuff Callie.

Callie: Sowwie...

Marie turned to (Y/N).

Marie: That goes for both of you. Understand?

(Y/N) held his hands up with a slightly worried face while nodding.

Marie: Good.

Marie responded, now smiling and letting go of Callie's face.

Marie: So, you two want to play cards or something?

(Y/N): Sure.

Callie: Yeah!


Marie POV

The three inklings held up their hands of cards close to their faces so the others couldn't see. Then suddenly, Marie set down her cards.

Marie: Haha, full house.

But Callie suddenly cut her off.

Callie: Go fish!

Marie: What? Callie, we're playing poker.

Callie: I thought we were playing Go Fish?

(Y/N): Wait, then why the heck do I have UNO cards?

Marie just sighed.

Callie: Geez, how long does it take for your parents to make a quick lunch?

Marie: I don't know, shouldn't take too long unless their old bones are finally wearing them down.

Callie: I'm gonna go check on them then.

Callie walked out of the room and a few seconds later, (Y/N) and Marie looked out into the hall after Callie screamed.

Callie: What the heck?!

Marie and (Y/N) left the room quickly to check out what was going on from halfway down the staircase, but all they could see was Marie's parents looking quilty with a lot of Callie's mom's snacks eaten by the two of them.

Marie: Mom! Dad!

Marie's Dad: W-We're sorry, girls. But they just looked so good, we couldn't help ourselves.

Marie's mom gave a guilty little laugh about it.

Callie: So THAT'S why you wanted them!


After a bit more apologizing and making them a quick bite to eat, Marie, Callie, and (Y/N) had left from Marie's parents' house, promising they'd visit them some more before they have to go back to Inkopolis.

(Y/N): Well they seemed nice.

Callie: I don't know, they're still gonna need to make it up to me for the evil thing they did.

Marie: Callie, it's fine, we'll have your mom make some more tomorrow.

Callie: I know, I just wanted to have some now because they looked so good and it's been so long.

(Y/N): Especially with how perfectly baked they looked with all of the-

Callie covered his mouth.

Callie: Stop! You're just gonna make me hungrier!

Marie chuckled at the two's banter.

(Y/N): So, does this place feel as nostalgic as you remember?

Callie: Yeah, I kinda forgot how much I missed it here.

Marie: It's a little bit of a fixer-upper, but it still feels like home, I gotta admit.

(Y/N): Oh hey, look!

He runs a bit ahead of them to point at the poster on the window of the shop, with the two following up beside him to see what he was pointing at. Marie picked up the flyer.

Marie: Huh, the Youth Folk-Singing Contest is coming up in two days.

Callie: Really? Marie! We should enter!

Marie baps her on the head with the flyer.

Marie: No, Callie, we'd just hog all the attention.

Callie: Oh yeah... Can we still go though?

Marie: Of course, odds are our parents would just make us go anyways if they knew we were going to be here when it happens.

Callie: Yay!

Callie hopped up and down in joy and anticipation before putting her arm around Marie and (Y/N)'s neck.

Callie: Right back where it all started! Two cousins, a singing contest, a̶n̶d̶ ̶a̶ ̶n̶u̶m̶b̶e̶r̶ ̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶h̶i̶t̶ ̶s̶o̶n̶g̶.

Marie gave one of her rare heartfelt smiles, remembering the important time in their lives, and thinking about how she can spend it with two of her closest people on the planet, just like she did all those years ago (even if some of the finer details she doesn't remember all that well).

(Y/N): Who knows, maybe there'll be future celebrities here again, and you'll be able to say you watched them play originally.

Callie: OOH! I'll cheer on the kids as loud as I can!

Marie: Semmer down, Cal. The last thing we need is for you to be this hyper the whole trip now.

Callie: Okay, okay, fine, I am calm...

She said as she was still shaking a bit out of anticipation, causing Marie to just playfully shake her head as the two continued walking down the street.

4575 Words

June 28, 2021 - 10:24 P.M.

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