Caring!Agent 4!Emperor x Agent 3!Reader

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Your POV

It was a day like any other, participating in turf wars and hanging out with friends until Cap'n Cuttlefish or Marie called for me and I would have to use a bad excuse like "I forgot to refill my gold fish's water bowl!"
Of course, my excuses weren't THAT bad. I've been doing this for a few years after all.

Now you might be asking yourself why Cuttlefish or Marie would call me. You'll find out soon enough, if you didn't figure it out already.

I felt my squidphone vibrate and knew it was one of them, since I turned vibration off on every other one of my contacts. I pulled out my squidphone, pretending to be reading the message before putting it away again. "Sorry guys, have to go now. My brother/sister arrived and I promised I would get him/her once he/she did." I explained. They all nodded and I got up, running to the station entrance to octo canyon, quickly diving in.

Once I got there, I saw a familiar yellow-tentacled inkling standing there. My childhood friend and crush, Emperor. I was surprised as to why he was here. I knew there was a new agent beside 8, but they never told me who and I also never met them. Until now that is.

Emperor looked down to me since he was quite a bit taller, the smallest hint of worry evident in his eyes. He may not look like it, and he doesn't like to admit it, but he's actually very caring and probably even more of a cinnamon roll than Prince. (that's impossible though)

"Isn't this agent work a little too dangerous for you, (Y/n)?" He questioned me. I looked at him with an "If this was too dangerous for me I think I would've died years ago" face. His expression relaxed a bit, forming a small smile, "I guess you're right.."

Callie came over to us, seemingly very excited about something. "C'mon don't just stand there! You've got work to do while we prepare everything for the NEW Squidbeak Splatoon's anniversary!" She exclaimed, her voice sounding just as excited as her body language shows.

'Riiiiiiight today's the Squidbeak's anniversary!Why do we have to work today though?Normally we'd get the day off.' I thought, looking at Callie questioningly. "Why do we have to work today?We always got the day off.I'm not complaining, if that's what you think. Just curious." I word my question exactly like that. She doesn't answer. 'Guess we'll have to find out on our own.' After letting a short sigh escape my lips I ask here were the last octo sighting was, her response being nothing but a giggle. "What's so funny?" I ask, a little annoyed. Emperor chimes in, "With 'work' she meant helping with the preparations as this year's anniversary is also going to be 8 and my welcome party."

And with that, we started working. It wasn't too much, so we were done after around an hour or two.

Skip to after the party •﹏•

By the time the party was over it was already dark and Emperor wouldn't let me walk home by myself. So here I am, walking to my house/apartment while chatting with the King by my side. We weren't talking about anything in particular, just about how long it's been and what had changed over the years.

It didn't take long to arrive at our destination, but it started raining a few seconds before we got there. We hurried inside before we got hit by too many droplets. Looking at the tall inkling, I told him I wouldn't let him leave if the falling torture device didn't stop within the next hour. He just nodded, walking into my living room right after. I followed, asking if he wanted anything. He declined and we sat on the (f/c) couch. I switched on the TV and we started watching whatever they were showing.

An hour went by like it was nothing and the rain stopped. "I'll be going now then." Emperor said, getting up. I got up as well, accompanying him to the door. We said our goodbyes and he left. It was nice talking to him again, but I wanted to tell him how I've felt for the past years. I couldn't bring myself to though. 'Maybe tomorrow?' I thought.

I went back to the living room after closing and locking the door to my house/apartment. After switching off the TV and lights, I went through my night routine.

Once I was done with that I went to my room and layed down. Since I wasn't tired yet I just played some random games on my squidphone until I was half asleep and playing.

I placed the device on my nightstand and went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up, put on my gear, ate breakfast, and all that stuff. On the way out I grabbed my (f/w), walking to the Square.

It was still pretty early, so there weren't too many squiddos or octos around yet. But among all the people around, four stood out. Team Emperor. I walked up to them. They noticed and looked at me. "Hey! Uh... Is it okay if I speak with you in private for a minute?" I asked, looking up at Emperor. He nodded and walked away with me, somewhere where no one was. "So, what is it?" He asks. 'It's now or never' I tell myself in my head. "W-well.. Uhm.. How do I put this.. Ah squit.." I was just a stuttering mess. The only proper words coming from my mouth being questions to myself and curse words. The tall inkling asks if I was alright. All I do is nod and say: "Sorry for wasting your time." He just said it was alright and that I could tell him once I knew how to before walking away.

'Guess I'll have to do it another time.. Damn' with that thought our ways seperated again.

Later that day I was playing some turf war with random squiddos. I rarely got teamed up with octos. I decided this one would be the last one before I took a break since I've been at this for hours.

We won by literally a single drop of ink and I left Deca Tower to take the break I needed. Making my way to Crusty Sean's food truck, I was already having trouble deciding what I wanted. In the end, when I arrived, I told him to give me whatever he wanted and that I'd give him the ticket to pay for it once I knew what it was. He gave me a Super Seanwich and I gave him the ticket for it before walking to one of the tables to sit.

After eating the unhealthy food and washing my hands to get rid of the fat on them, I was thinking of going back to playing turf wars. But before I could do that I noticed just how dark it had gotten. The tower had to be closed by now. "Guess I'll go back to it tomorrow." I mumbled to myself, taking out my headphones and squidphone. I put the playlist on shuffle and started to walk home. It was a quiet walk, nothing happened.

Once I got home I made myself comfortable on the couch, switching through the channels as I was thinking about how I wanted to confess to Emperor. It had been on my mind the whole day, so I was pretty surprised I barely got splatted during the turf wars.

After a short while I switched the TV off again, nothing interesting was on there. I went to my room, quickly checking my phone for the time and came to see the date right underneath. ".....Tomorrow's Emperor's birthday!" I yelled in a bit of panic. 'Alright, (y/n), calm down. It's just a day like any other. He never even cared about his birthday and you don't get to talk to him too often anymore.' I thought. It did help, but I still felt ashamed to have forgotten for a moment. I just went to bed after doing the same routine as last night and every other night before.

I woke up to my phone going off. "Who is even still awake at this time? It's freakin' 2 in the afterno-" I cut myself off as I saw how late it had gotten. I quickly read the message, getting ready as fast as possible.

Once everything was done, I grabbed my phone and (f/w) while running out of my house, slamming the door shut and locking it before taking off again. I dove into the nearest entrance to Octo Canyon.

Marie looked at me annoyed. She had the right to be, she had been trying to contact me for the past few hours, but I just slept through it all. And since she didn't know where I lived she couldn't just come and drag me here. After getting an earful from her, Marie told me what was up and that agents 4 and 8 were already working on it. I just nodded and ran off again, this time to the kettle that would bring me to my destination.

I jumped in, getting ready for whatever was going to be there.

All I saw was ruins, magenta colored ink everywhere and the two agents hiding from the HUGE army of octarians of all types and even more octolings.

That wasn't what I was expecting at all! I somehow snuck by all the guards until I was with Emperor and 8.

We agreed to get rid if the octo snipers before anyone else and had a plan on how to do it.

8 went to do what had to be done while Emperor and I waited in our hiding spot for the signal. Once the alarm went off, we knew it was our time to come out. They somehow only noticed the snipers not being there anymore after ALL of them were six feet under.

That made it easier for us though. We would just splat whoever was completely alone until there were only about 50 left. I'm saying only because there were roughly ten thousand before we got rid of 'em. Of course, that took a loooooong time, but we managed to finish the job. So that's a win, right?


I felt an immense pain in my back just as we were about to go back. I turned just to see an octoling standing there,holding out their octoshot and breathing heavily before collapsing and turning into a puddle of ink. Now they were dead.

And then.. More octarians came and started shooting at us and all that squit. We barely managed to dodge and kill them off, but once we did we waited fir a minute to see if more were to come. Thankfully they didn't and we made our way back.

There, Callie noticed the wound on my back, gasping and asking what had happened. I tried telling them it was nothing, but Emperor cut me off, "Nothing?! You hid a serious wound and still fought! You could've died out there!" He yelled. It was true, there weren't any respawn platform thingies there. "Come on, Empy I can manage" I told him, using the same nickname as back when we were little. Emperor being the guy he is just draged me off and back to inkopolis.

"We're going to the hospital right now." He said with a serious tone. I tried to protest, saying we're still in our hero gear and I didn't wanna go there. But to no avail. We got there and he explained what happened. Well, not really, it was a lie. He explained that someone had tried kidnapping me and what not and shot me before running off.

They sent Emperor out of the room and did what they could. It was enough to allow me to leave right away.

I walked out when they told me I could leave, Emperor getting up as soon as he saw me and asking if I was alright again. "Aside from the pain, I guess." Was all I said. The tall inkling nodded, "I'll walk you home" this was so typical for him. And he wouldn't let me say no so I just walked past him. Of course he followed.

The walk was quiet for the most part. But at some point the silence was unbearable, so I broke it. "Soo uh...the thing I wanted to tell you...." I tried getting myself together for this, but of course it failed. Emperor looked down to me, "what is it?" He questioned. I had to suck it up and finally tell him. It shouldn't be too hard. It's three damn words! I took a deep breath. "I.. uh... I-i lo-.. damn..." I took another breath. "What I'm trynna say here is....Iloveyou.." Not only did I say the last part super fast, but it was also more of a whisper. "Could you please repeat that? I didn't hear you" he said. "I love you" I repeated, louder and slower this time.

I didn't expect him to take my hand. Or kiss me on the forehead. It made me look up to him. And all he said was: "Then be my empress." Guess that's his way of saying "I love you too" and it made me smile, our walk back going silent again.

When we got there, he kissed me on the lips and I, of course, kissed back. We said our good-byes after and I went inside while Emperor walked home where Prince was probably waiting already.

And that's how I came to be with the King of turf wars.

Word count: 2312

This was requested by Carmelijeli

Hope you liked it!

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