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So first of all:NO LEMONS!!!I'm not comfortable writing them.

I don't care if it's characters from the manga only or characters that are also in the games (like the squid sisters,agents 3,4&8 or off the hook)

I'm a girl so I'm sorry if the male reader oneshots suck.

I'm from Germany so if there are spelling mistakes or something doesn't make sense feel free to tell me and how to make it better.

Some charas might get out of character.

OC oneshots are allowed.Just dm me a detailed description of your OC or if you have a picture of them in an art book tell me in which part I can find it.

I'll try to make every oneshot at least 1,500 words (without the side notes that no one cares about) so they're not too short,but if they aren't,there's probably a reason like maybe I've been working on it for a while,but couldn't come up with enough stuff to make it that long.

Updates will be random.I just can't go with a schedule because then most chapters would just be packed with everything that comes to mind,and rlly,if I don't sort out my ideas it wouldn't make sense.Plus I have school till 3 and after that a half-hour walk back home.(well right now with the shit that's going down I don't but once it's over it's gonna go back to that) And let me tell you,that's more annoying than a brick being thrown through your window everyday.

I don't wanna put a key before every chapter so here it is:
(Y/N)-Your name
(I/C)-Ink color
(E/C)-Eye color
(H/S)-"Hair" style
(H/G)-Head gear
(F/W)-Fave weapon (sometimes I'll give you a weapon because it has to be)

That's all for now!

The wild Author-chan ran away!

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