Chapter 3

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Everyone froze. No one dared to move as if afraid it would trigger one of them to snap. However, Izuku became the first to move or do anything, and everyone expected him to apologize profusely, beg for mercy and forgiveness, or even grovel at King Katsuki's feet, but he surprises all of them once more.

Izuku breaks out of his stance and roughly shoves Katsuki's arms out of his grip, growling and gritting his teeth before rising to his feet and baring his fangs down at the young King who was able to turn himself around and face the green haired man.

"Look here. I don't give a damn if you're King or not. If this is how you and your people treat another Kingdom who was on your side and who's entire Kingdom and its people were decimated mercilessly, then you can rot for all I care. If you truly want any sort of apology from me, then you'd better straighten your people before I do it myself," Izuku let out low but dangerous growls, clear threats to Katsuki who was still sitting on the ground as if still confused and surprised.

"How dare you speak to your King in such a way?!" Kirishima's voice rose Katsuki out of his trance-like state, the red haired Alpha must've freed himself and made his way over as he stood in front of his blond King as if the Omega was going to hurt him. However, Izuku showed no interest in an actual, aggressive fight, maybe more scolding and spitting, but he looked like he knew his resolve didn't involve fighting, that would prove useless and wasteful.

Before Katsuki can stop Kirishima from continuing, Izuku beats him to it, turning to face said Alpha now with bared fangs.

"He's not my King until myself, my friend, and the few remaining of our people receive the respect and safety that our statuses bring, since you seem so bent on statuses. Neither him or that bastard Endeavor will ever be my King until those requirements are met. Until then, you and him are just as knot-headed as the two Alphas I knocked out. Respect is earned, not given because of your status. You nor anyone else in this Kingdom would ever give Endeavor an ounce of respect just because he was King, would you now?"

That seemed to stump Kirishima as he opened his mouth to retort but nothing came out, he had nothing against that.

Tokoyami quickly rushes up to stand in front of Izuku and he immediately bows his head in respect. "I apologize for my friend's behavior towards the both of you—"

"No, he's right."

Both Tokoyami and Kirishima's eyes dart over to the blond King who had risen to his feet and was beginning to dust himself off.

"I want my Kingdom to be as safe as possible for any who inhabit it, even people who aren't initially from within these boundaries," Katsuki explains after lifting his red gaze to meet the green ones across the two between them, his expression was neutral but his eyes said everything; how he was impressed, surprised, determined, and even a little bit of embarrassed.

"I will properly discipline these two Alphas for what they've done towards you and your friend and your people, Prince Tokoyami," Izuku raised his brow slightly but says nothing as said Prince's eyes widened in surprise while Kirishima smiled slightly.

"If your people wouldn't mind, I would like to show my apology by inviting you and your people to dinner tonight, in the castle's dining hall," Katsuki offered and even Izuku looked surprised. Tokoyami looked completely shocked but after a moment, he nods and swallows nervously.

"Then I shall await for your arrival."

And with that, the King and his Commander left the scene, with said red haired Alpha dragging the two unconscious Alphas by the collars of their shirts after themselves. Finally, everything seemed to be dying down.

"Are you okay, Fumi?" Izuku now directed his attention to Tokoyami as his inner Omega calms down, he frowns worriedly to his friend and looks him over in case he had any bad wounds.

"I'm okay already, Izuku. They just pushed me, that's all," he reassures the greenette who can only sigh in relief and sags a bit. Seeing Izuku like this made him smile and chuckle in amusement, especially since the person he was a few moments ago was completely different. He learned how to get used to it when they first became really close friends and Izuku saw how Tokoyami was picked on by other Alphas since he wasn't as muscular, as strong, or as aggressive as them. He was just as surprised today when he pinned King Katsuki down to the ground to when he fought off an Alpha kid for the first time.

Izuku then smiles softly and wraps his arms around Tokoyami, embracing him in a light hug. "Well, either way, I don't regret anything I did. You deserve better, Fumi. You've done nothing wrong in your life and yet, these other Alphas think they're the shit."

The blackbird-like prince laughs as he hugs his freckled friend back. "Well, at least I have you here to beat their asses if they mess with me."

Izuku gasps.

"Fumi, swearing?! Oh my gosh, your mouth is foul!"

"Says you. You look more innocent than I do, yet you're the one usually with an Alpha's blood on your knuckles from breaking their noses!"

"I do not break their noses! I break their faces! There's a difference!"

"Pfft, you're more of a mother than my own! She would probably say 'you're so cute, Izuku'."

The two couldn't help but joke and laugh together, feeling safer and more relieved to know that at least the King seemed promising in helping them and preventing more incidents like this. Though in Tokoyami's opinion, Katsuki would be helping to prevent more Alphas from getting completely pummeled into the ground by Izuku. He didn't mind it though, the usually friendly Omega was a really great friend, and he was glad that he made it out of the massacre of his people, otherwise, he didn't know where he would be, mentally and emotionally wise.

Izuku really was a hidden gem. And he hoped that others would see it and maybe one day, the sweet but fierce Omega would find a mate. Tokoyami would like to see his dear friend happy more often.


(1080 words)

A/N: Kinda got stuck for a while, and had other things that came up. But, I hope you enjoy this update. Feels short to me, but I suppose 1000 words feels short in my standards. I hope to update more, I truly love this story and I want to share it with you all, so I hope you'll all stick around to see it to the end. Shit happens and Izuku gets even more badass Òw<


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