Mission - Error

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Yesterday, I heard from Jungkook, that a new student was coming to our school. I don't know how he gets information like that but he has more connections, especially with older people.

I, Park Jimin, would be the first friend of this student, and I was going to make sure that would happen!

I did the usual today, I woke up, changed into my uniform, ate some bacon and rice, brushed my teeth and left for school.

I lived in an apartment building, where it's just me, my dad and little sister. Luckily, I had a good father, who did good in his job, but thought of his children, since our mom died.

I just walked to school since it was near by, and saw my friend/ make believe mother, Jin-Hyung. He was much more older then me, but had the same classes.

"Jin-Hyung!" I said while running

"Hmm?" He turned back to see me, so he stopped

"I.... walk... you.....school?" I said trying to regain my breath.

"Sure, but this time, you don't have to run" he said while smiling.

He waited for me to stop panting, which I finally did after like 2 minutes

Along the way, we saw Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok-hyung, walking so we all formed a bigger group, then meet up with Namjoon-Hyung, when we went to our classroom, which we all had together.

After our teacher came in, greeted him and him doing the same thing.

We saw a student come in the slide door and handed Mr. Choi a note. He must have been the new student, i was so curious about him, that I noticed our eyes met and I felt blood rushing to my cheeks after he had turned away.

He was so pale, and his mint green hair was beautiful. He introduced himself and I saw him smile, it was amazing, I feel so addicted to it.

But then my whole face was red when Mr. Choi sent him to go sit behind me. I felt a bit jealous of Jungkook, because he sat right next to him, on his left.

He told a small story about his name and family, that I felt bad, I asked him to be my friend and he accepted! His voice is kind of deep but sexy, i don't know what to do!

I felt so heated up and red, that I didn't notice the bell ringing. Jin came up to me and have me good advice for today

"Hey lover boy, I see that you like him, under your mad blush~" Jin hyung said teasingly

"Yeah so, what if I like him" I turned my head facing the door, so I wouldn't have to look at Him.

"I can give you advice~"

I couldn't just sit, so I had to do what was right. Take his advice


"Of course, so to start off, don't act so noticeable about the fact that you like him, so play it normally. Second, ask him to lunch, he shouldn't suspect anything since you guys are friends. Last, I want you be with him almost all the time, so if something bad happens, he's always there too"

"That was long but I'll try!"

"I like your spirit!"

The bell had rung long before we had our conversation, so I went out to search or Suga. He wasn't very far away, so I was able to catch up to him.

"Hey Su-"

" it's hyung, since I'm older" he said in a cold voice, but that didn't matter to me

"Oh, sorry hyung. Well anyway, do you wanna eat with me?" I look down a bit, playing with my fingers, but eventually looked up

"Yeah sure" he looked past me, I am a little shorter then him "also are your friends gonna eat?"

Aw man I was embarrassed, but I said with confidence,

"Don't mind them" I smiled just as a cover up, because I was kind of mad and embarrassed at the same time

"Okay, let's go" he looked to face me then to the hall way.

He did something so unexpected

He held my hand.

I was much more embarrassed before because first, I like him or  do I lo- no like is enough, and second, he's holding my hand! I really hope he likes me, I mean why wouldn't he, he's holding my hand! But thirdly, which made it more embarrassing is the fact that my hands are so small, as if I, a 17 year old boy, was a little kid.

I just hope that the time I'm spending with Suga, will last a lifetime.

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