Mission - Uncompleted

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When I saw him, I noticed we both made eye contact for awhile, until I turned to the teacher, giving her the note that I was a new student.

"Hello everyone" I said to match my fake school description

"My name is Suga, nice to meet you. I hope we all are able to work together" I said with a small bow and a fake smile.

Mr. Choi, our teacher, said to go sit by his their examplanary student, Jeon Jungkook and I was lucky because right in front of me was Park Jimin.

"Hey new student, what's your actually name?" I turned to see Jungkook was the owner of the voice. And I replied the same as before.

"Oh really, sorry about that, well do you wanna be my friend?" This time it was someone else, Park Jimin, this was a good opportunity for me to accept.

"Yeah sure, you done have to feel bad though, it's been like that for so many years now, I thought it was normal" I said to lighten the situation.

"Hey do you wanna be my friend too?" It was Jungkook again, so I accepted again.

The others, Kim Seokjin and Kim Taehyung also offered to be my friends, which I also accepted as well.

This was all going well for me until vocal lessons started.


I heard that 2 other students, Jung Hoseok and Kim Namjoon, can't really sing so they practiced on something else.

I raised my hand and said that I was a rapper, and not a vocalist.

He then sent me to the others which were also practicing rap.

"Hello, you guys already know my name so yeah" I said a bit nervous because one looked very harmful

"Hello! My name Jung Hoseok, or you can call me J-hope, which is my rapper name"  he sounded very happy and excited about me, which was weird but fine, since he's kind of changing the stereotype of rappers.

"Hello, my name is Kim Namjoon, and you can call me Rap Monster, since it's also my rapper name. He sounded very relaxing and we all got to know each other more, except me. I AM A SPY, ASSASSIN, AND A HACKER. IT'S ALL FAKE.

After 2 hours of rapping, the bell finally rang.

I headed towards my stuff, which was on my desk, where I left it, and headed out to eat. Until Jimin came to me. I can't kill him, not yet at least.

"Hey, Su-"

"It's hyung, since I'm older" I said in my usual cold voice, but didn't dare use it during class

"Oh, sorry hyung. Well anyway, do you wanna eat with me?" He said while playing with his fingers

I noticed the other 6 friends I made, around the corner, but they all disappeared when they saw me.

"Yeah sure, also are your friends gonna eat?" He looked embarrassed

"U-um, don't mind them" he was with a worried smile

"Okay let's go" I held his hand to see his reaction, and it was priceless

He was in love with me.

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