Eighteen: Emma

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"Hey," Sam says when I approach the car. "How'd your meeting go?"

I shrug. "It was okay. Just her checking to see how I'm adjusting and settling in here."

"That's nice of her. Are you ready to go? I think we're having spaghetti tonight." Her eyes light up when she says it.

"I am so ready to get out of here."

We hop into the car and as the drive to her house passes we just talk. Not about anything important, just about school, how one of her friends recently got broken up with. That kind of stuff. And it's nice. There's no skirting around the truth on my part, or any trying to bury something that shouldn't be there. We're finally getting along.

Which means I have to start trying to get any information she might have from her. I'm not sure if I'm ready to do that though. I've loved getting to know Sam and finally getting her to trust me. Do I really want to ruin that?

But that's why I'm here. Not to make friends, but to get information. This is just a recon mission.

"What's the deal with you and Blake?" The words slip out of my mouth before I can stop them. My eyes widen as I slowly turn to face Sam, readying myself for her fury.

Except she doesn't look angry. She looks... almost sad, or annoyed. I can't quite tell. "It's a long story," she says. Her gaze turns to the windows.

I lean forward and place my hand on her knee. She turns back to me, her face inches from mine. "I'm here to listen. If you ever want to talk about it."

For a moment my eyes flick to her lips, but I force them up just as quickly. She's quiet, as if she's thinking and I swear something electric passes between us. The car jolts to a stop and the moments gone, she's already unbuckling and opening the door.

"Maybe," she says, without a backwards glance at me.


The music surrounds me as I bury myself in my school work. Just because I have nothing due right away doesn't mean I can't work on it and get it in early.

You could use this time to sneak around. I shake the voice out of my head. I can't. Not while everyones awake. It's the smart thing to do.

But... My Aunts stare bores into me. Egging me on to try and find something even if it is risky. Especially if it's risky. The riskier it is the more likely you're close to discovering something important.

I shake my head. No. Nope. Not doing it. I have homework to do and-


I tear my gaze away from the papers sprawled around me to Sam leaning on the door frame into my room. Her blonde hair is down and loose.

"What's up?" I ask, turning away from my homework and facing her completely.

"I was wondering..." She twirls a piece of hair around her finger. And never did I ever think something would hypnotize me like that. "If you'd like to join me for a movie?"

I look down at the homework I really don't need to do. Homework or Sam? Well that's a no brainer. I push my chair back and stand up, a smile growing on my face. "I'd love a movie."


Sam must have been tried. Before even half the movie is over she's leaning on my shoulder, soft snores emitting from her. I wish I could say it was nice, or even that I'm enjoying it, but I can't with my Aunt's voice still in my head. So, as gently as I can I lift Sam's head off my shoulder and place it down on the couch. Her gold hair splaying out around her.

Part of me wants to sit here and let her rest on me. Just enjoy being near her. But I'm here for a job. I can't afford to fall for this girl who is technically my enemy. Even if she is very pretty.

Instead of heading back to their office I head past the door and to the one at the very end of the hall that reminds me of a vault. The door that leads to the basement. I take a deep breath and pull up my screen. Once the blue light emitting from it fills the hall I navigate to the app Blake installed. Three options greet me. One that looks like two chips linked together, another with a map that looks like it has vines almost, and the last is a picture of a ghost. I roll my eyes at them. It's not like they're bad, but they aren't very spy looking. Which is probably the point.

I try and think back to what Blake said the apps could do for me. If one would let me download information without being seen, or knowing what I have that must be the ghost, right? Because it would be like a ghost download. And one was downloading a map to find my way around, which would be the one that looks like a map. So that's the one I need. The last one must be the one that lets me download another person's chip data without connecting the two.

I open the viney map app. Instructions jump up at me. Hold hand near keypad. I hold in a sigh but do roll my eyes. Am I really about to be bossed around by an app? But I do it, and then the words flash and change. Keep hand up until the bar is full. And, of course, under that is a bar that slowly starts to fill. They couldn't have made it so the data downloaded fast and so I didn't have to keep my arm up for who knows how long?

I look back over my shoulder, the sounds of the movie reaching me. I hope Sam's still asleep and doesn't come looking for me. How would I even explain this to her? If I were to go back when she's awake then I can explain that I was just using the bathroom or grabbing a snack. But if she finds me down here by the door of the place I was told to not go to? I have no clue how I'd explain that to her.

My heart flutters as I imagine this going smoothly. The download will be complete in a minute and then I can go back to the couch and the movie. I could place Sam's head back in my lap and the moment she wakes up I'll be the first thing she'll see. She'll smile and then reach up for my face and-

My chip beeps at me. I shake myself out of my fantasy. That could never happen. And even if something did happen between us it shouldn't. My stomach twists at the thought. Turning to the chip the bar is now full and the next part of the instructions is in its place. Bring back to Blake. I sigh, of course I'd have to wait to get into the basement. But my aunt won't be mad that I at least did that, right?

I chew my lip. She won't be mad but she won't be happy either. Backing out of the one part of the app the other two stare up at me. Especially the first one. The one with the two chips. I look over my shoulder at the living room. Now would be the perfect chance to grab whatever information Sam might have on her chip. If she has any. Plus, it would make my aunt happy. I bite my lip and start towards the living room but my feet carry me into the kitchen. It's like I'm on autopilot as I make a bowl of popcorn before heading back to the living room.

When I'm back Sam's sitting up. She turns and smiles at me as I enter. "Where'd you go?"

I hold the bowl and two napkins out in front of me. "Thought we could use a snack."

Somehow her smile grows and my heart clenches itself. She pats the spot beside her. "Well, let's finish this movie then and eat!"

I try to smile. Our legs brush as I sit down and she turns to reach for the popcorn. For the rest of the movie, it's a blur. All my attention is on Sam, and when we touch, and my aunt not being happy and about needing to find the information that Sam has on her chip.

It should be a fun movie date night. But it's a worry and anxiety thought kind of night instead.

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