Matt Ishida Confronts Vicky Pollard

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Matt Ishida marched towards the cafeteria. A few girls fawned over him, but he shrugged them off. With his shoulders back, and fists clenched, he had business to do. How hard could it be to find a chunky girl in a pink trench coat? Vicky Pollard stood out like a sore thumb. Resisting the temptation to pull her blonde pigtails, Matt took a deep breath.

Behind him was his friend, Tai, who had been in a simular situation. Now the roles had reversed. "Matt don't do it!" Tai begged.

Matt halted, pulling up his sleeves. "She needs to be told."

"Remember what happened to me?" Tai asked, reminding Matt of the time where Tai was sent on a one hour session with Mr Mackey.

"That's cause you tried to beat her up."

Tai pulled Matt closer, and whispered into his ear. "This is how she gets away with spreading lies. She just garbles on until the teachers have enough and tell her to go away."

Matt nodded. "Still, violence isn't the answer."

"You say that, but she will wind you up."

"She can't wind me up anymore than she has now."

"You're fighting a losing battle here."

"This isn't about winning or losing, it's my brother's reputation."

Vicky was sitting with Pearl Fey, Trucy Wright and Luke Triton. When Matt's shadow hovered over Vicky, she turned around. She pulled her zip down and sat towards Matt with her legs open as she smoked.

He winked at Matt. "Oh hello there!"

"Right, we need to talk," Matt said.

"Oh is this about the bra someone shoved in your locker?" Vicky asked with her hands in the air. Ashes from her cigarette flew like sparks around her. "That wasn't me, that was the Waterflower sisters, but don't touch it cause they've got herpes or something or nothing."

"No..." Matt shook his head. "This is about..."

Vicky interrupted him. "Is Tai still mad about what I said about his sister? I ain't even done nothing or nothing cause you know Wendy Testaburger?"

"The crazy vegan?" Matt asked.

Vicky nodded. "That's her. Well her boyfriend or something or nothing, but they're not really a couple because Stan throws up every time she tries to touch him up."

"It's very one-sided," Trucy said.

"Anyway," Vicky continued. "Stan Marsh said May Maple was cute so she went up to her and had a massive go at her for drinking milk then Ash Ketchum comes in pretending that a KFC chicken wing is his ding ding dong. You could see it in her eyes that Wendy was jealous cause May ate it."

Trucy, Luke and Pearl erupted with laughter. Trucy tapped Vicky's shoulder. "Tell them about what happened in class."

"Yeah," Vicky roared. "And then Wendy tried to get May into trouble and grassed her up for the times she's done it with Ash and Drew. Blackadder asked us all if it was true. I was like, oh my God I so can't believe this is happening. It is true, but Wendy is a bitch so we all defended May. Wendy got sent to the principle's office. Anyway don't listen to Wendy because she is a meateaterphobe."

"Vicky, why are you spreading rumours about my brother?" Matt said, stamping his feet.

"Brother?" Vicky squinted. "I didn't know you had a brother? How can I be spreading rumours I don't even know."

"My brother is TK. The guy in your class that you've been going around saying he's done gross stuff with Cilan in Class C."

"Yeah, but no, but yeah, but no. Cause happened was this whole happened, which I didn't know nothing about. Anyway shut up, it ain't even got nothing to do with you."

"I'm his brother. It has everything to do with me."

"It wasn't even me that started it, if you want to know happened it was Butters. And Kari Kamiya was there fingering herself."

Tai slammed his fists on the table. "Why do you have badmouth Kari every single time?"

"Yeah but Hinata Hyuga bought Naruto Uzumaki a box of chocolates and put in his bag."

"What does this have to do with this?" Matt asked, concealing his frustration his face.

"Naruto and Hinata aren't involved," said Vicky. "They ain't even got anything to do with it."

Matt sighed. "Just leave my brother alone. Stop talking about him, and stop spreading false accusations about Kari."

"Yeah!" Tai yelled. "Or else I'm gonna kick your butt."

"Well if you don't believe me why don't you ask him yourself cause Butters saw everything."

Tai turned around with his arms crossed. "Just looking at you makes me sick. All the things I want to do to you..."

"Well you need watch it!" Vicky stubbed her cigarette out, and lit another one. "Cause you don't want to mess with us. Pearl's cousin and Trucy's dad are like the best of friends. Cause Trucy's got a family of lawyers: her dad's a famous defence attorney. Her stepdad is a chief prosecutor. Her brother is a lawyer. Oh her brother-in-law is both a rockstar and a lawyer. You totally don't want to mess with Trucy anyway cause she knows magic. Yeah, but no, but yeah, but Pearl's cousin has been arrested, kidnapped and everything. Yeah Pearl's cousin was..." Vicky turned towards Pearl. "What was her name? Mayonnaise or something?"

Pearl nodded. "Maya!"

"Maya! Well Maya has survived assassination attempts. Yeah, but no, but yeah and she's also been framed for murder so many times, but Trucy's dad cleared her so all was good."

"There is no way that is true!" Tai squealed.

"It is true," said Trucy. "My brother-in-law is Klavier Gavin."

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