Messages from Teachers

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"Trucy Wright?"


"And finally, Kari Yagami!"


"Now I have a few messages,"Blackadder announced as he went through his notes. "The first one is from Chef. Due to supply issues, the cafeteria will be unable to provide heir vegetarian menu this week. Instead there will be a simple choice of pork ramen or sushi.

"As long as the chef has got his ramen, I'm happy!" Naruto said with his thumbs up.

"I have a message from Vice Principle Jiraiya."

"A massive thank you to all the students who took part in our field trip survey. I am pleased to announce the top five most requests, depending on funding we may be able to do all them this year. Number five was Ecruteak City Dance Hall. Number four was Tokyo Comic Con. Number three was a Taylor Swift concert. Number two was Disney Land, and number one was Amsterdam's Red Light District."

"Yeah!" Eric cried out raving in his seat. "We're all going to Amsterdam, baby!"

Blackadder hung up Vice Principle Jiraiya's message up on the bulletin board, over the Go Vegan poster that Wendy had put up. Turning towards his class, he remembered he had another message to the class, even though it was aimed at just one student. He hovered over the student in question with a sly grin on his face.

"And I have a message from Professor Snape. He very disappointed. He is anxiously and eagerly waiting to hear why Eric Cartman didn't attend his after school detention with him."

"That's because I was fully booked, Sir."

Blackadder leaned over. "Go on..."

"You'll have to speak with Mr Brüno."

"You seem to attract detentions like a bin attracts flies in the dire streets of London. So what happened between you and Mr Brüno?"

"I didn't do anything wrong," Eric said. "Some of the teachers have it in for me. I only called Mr Brüno a faggot."

"Well, I know why you didn't go to Snape's detention," Blackadder said. "Is it because you don't want to help Professor Snape out with the school specimens in his lab?"

"Would you do it, Sir?" Eric asked.

"Certainly not."

"Then you understand."

"Indeed. And I informed Snape that if you do not go to his detention on the next break, that I will drag you there myself."

"What about my other detentions?" Eric said.

"I have made the arrangements and they will also do the same thing I will."

"I am so screwed."

"Yes Eric," Blackadder said. "You are about as screwed as a rusty screwdriver's screwed on screws in Screwsbury."

Wendy stood up and pointed. "I say you should give May all of Eric's detention instead for drinking milk."

Ash stuck his tongue out on Wendy and said to her, "Wendy, drinking milk is good for you. It is not against the school rules, and it's not illegal to not be vegan."

Blackadder crossed his arms, relishing in the drama and also dreaming of a great British fry up. "It certainly isn't."

Wendy stamped her feet. "Well it should be."

"Now look Wendy," Blackadder said. "A teacher can't just give random detentions out for no reason. Just because you don't like the way somebody does things, it dose not merit a detention. May needs to have actually have done something wrong. So May, have you had sausages of a different variety?"

May smiled. "No, Mr Blackadder."

"Have you been exposing yourself on social media?"

"No, Mr Blackadder."

"Have you been smoking, drinking or taking drugs?"

"No, Mr Blackadder."

"Have you been peeping into the boy's changing rooms?"

"No, Mr Blackadder."

"And have you been bringing boys into female spaces?"

"No, Mr Blackadder."

"She's lying!" Wendy screamed.

Blackadder rolled his head around the classroom. "Boys, raise your hands if you've seen May inside the male bathrooms or changing rooms."

None of the guys raised their hands. Blackadder could see that Eric had stretched his arms out to do it, but then smiled and placed them back in his lap. Ash vigorously shook his head along with Brock. Naruto shrugged his shoulders.

"And girls, raise your hands if you've seen May bring any boys into the female changing rooms."

Only Wendy raised her hand.

"Do you have proof?" Blackadder asked.

"I would have done if Vicky's fat ass was in the way."

"Shut up!" Vicky said, growling in the back of the class. "At least I have an ass, thank you very much. You're just jealous cause you wanted to be a prefect but May ended up being one instead. An if anybody is peeping into the boy's changing room, it's Kari. Cause this whole thing happened yesterday, that I didn't even know nothing about until Butters told me."

Wendy sighed. "Vicky, you would be a much better person if you were vegan."

"Yeah, but no, but yeah but being vegan doesn't change your personality. Cause you kno2 Cilan from Class C? One of the triplets? The one with the green hair? He's got a really famous girlfriend. He's engaged to Iris, the Pokémon League Champion of Unova."

Ash gasped. "What?" He jolted up from his chair, then sat back down. "Since when did Cilan and Iris start dating?"

"Oh my God, Ash!" Vicky squealed. "They've been going out with each since they were like nine, get with the program. Well anyway. Cilan reckons that he might be bisexual. So he went to Iris and she was totally okay with it. She also said if Cilan did have fun, she wouldn't mind. In the end, TK and Cilan sent pictures of their Metapods on Snapchat. Then they made out in the back of the library and Butters walked in on them as TK drank Cilan's moo moo milk. All the while Kari had it on camera, she was well trying to finger herself."

Butters nodded. "That's correct."

Kari groaned, and covered her blushing face with a book. "You always have to involve me in you silly rants.."

"I think we are getting a little off-topic here," Blackadder said, squeezing his fingers together. "Though one is certain..."

"Can I say something?" Dawn asked, raising her hand.

Blackadder nodded. "Go ahead!"

"May was reusing the bottle," she explained. "The milkshake May was drinking was made with oat milk and strawberries."

Wendy widened her eyes in horror. She exchanged glares between Dawn and May and then at Blackadder.

"Regardless of what kind of milk it was, May will not be having a detention today." Blackadder opened the door. "Wendy Testaburger, kindly escort yourself to the Principle's office immediately."

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