Mischief and SHIELD

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Steve shouted.

"No, I invited his girl friend."

Skyler replied.


"It was an accident! On her profile she said that she was in love with mischief! I didn't know that she meant the god of it!"

"Uh guys? We're right here."

Iris looked at them in annoyance.

"Sorry. Steve doesn't like Loki being here."

Skyler explained.

"He promised to behave! Didn't you Loki?"

"I did what?"

Iris glared at him.

"I mean yes! Yes I promised to behave!"

Iris smiled at Steve.

"There. We're good now."

Steve groaned and pointed at Loki.

"I'm watching you."


Conner said.

Steve groaned and left the room.

Hawkeye had better not find out about this...

"Well, now that that's out of the way...."

Skyler turned to her friends.

"Who wants to go mess with the Hulkbuster?"

Everyone's hands shot up.

"Alrighty then, let's go!"


"And that's pretty much all you need to know."

Elizabeth finished explaining the ins and outs of working as a SHIELD agent in the new Avengers Building to Lyra, who had just joined the agency.

"Wow. That's a lot of stuff to remember."

Lyra glanced at Elizabeth.

"And that's just for a level one SHIELD agent."

Elizabeth laughed nervously.

"Well... You're not exactly level one yet."

"What do you mean?"

Elizabeth cleared her throat.

"This is kind of embarassing, but Tony decided that there should be a level zero ranking for SHIELD agents."

"Are you saying that I'm level zero?"


"What am I supposed to do?"

"You'll basically be taking out the trash, getting coffee for everyone, mopping the floor..."

"Are you kidding me? I joined to SHIELD to help people! Not do chores!"

Elizabeth glanced around nervously.

"It was Tony's idea. And Fury supported it."

"Are you kidding me?"

"No one around here likes to do chores."

Elizabeth patted her on the back.

"At least it's not just you. The New Avengers have to do the same thing."

Lyra looked at her in disbelief.


"Also Tony's idea."

"How am I supposed to gain levels by taking out the trash?"

"Do it without being asked. Fury's always having to tell agents what to do. He loves it when people do what they're supposed to without him reminding them to."

Lyra sighed.

Might as well make the most of it.

Elizabeth noticed Steve walking by. She turned to Lyra and quickly shook her hand.

"Well it was nice meeting you Lyra. Gotta go, bye!"

Elizabeth ran off leaving Lyra standing alone.

What am I supposed to do?
Take out the trash?

Lyra groaned.


So far, being a SHIELD agent wasn't like she had expected it to be.


"You don't get it Cameron! If I don't get to go on this assignment I won't be able to move up a level! I'm tired of being level 6!"

"What's wrong with being level 6 Nicole?"

Cameron asked.

"Fury changed the rules saying that only agents level 7 and over are allowed to use the vending machines."


"Yeah. I don't know what's gotten into him and my brother lately. Making all these ridiculous rules and what not! It's stupid."

"Are you really that mad over not being able to use the vending machines?"

"You're level 10 Cameron. You wouldn't understand."

"You're right. But I know someone who would."

Nicole looked at him skeptically.


"Agent Ward."

Nicole tried to punch him.


Cameron laughed and ran from a very angry Nicole.

While he ran he started singing,
"Nicole and Grant sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby SHIELD agent in a baby carriage!"


Nicole used her super powers and shot a small bolt of electricity as Cameron.

"Haha! Made myself shock-proof!"

Cameron laughed.

Nicole glared at him.

Why did his powers allow him to adapt to any situation?

"Agent Carlson."

Cameron skidded to a stop and almost crashed into Maria Hill.

"Agent Hill."

He replied nervously.

Nicole smirked.

"Director Fury wants to see you."

Maria glanced at Nicole.

"If you're not busy at the moment."

"No! I mean, yes! I can go now."

Maria led him towards Fury's office while Nicole walked in the opposite direction, laughing quietly to herself.


Second chapter is out!
As usual let me know what you think and don't forget to vote!
Don't worry everyone who hasn't been in the story yet! You're all coming very soon!

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