Bonus Chapter- Consolation

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a/n For those of you who ship Thorne and Lincoln- here's a look into the night they met at Joe's Pub.


Thorne stood outside of Joe's Pub and debated going inside. Loud music stuttered through the entrance as patrons walked in and out, and the stale scent of smoke and liquor made her stomach churn. As a witch, she preferred open spaces, preferably outside, but Meribella had promised to be back before the storm rolled in. Lightning cracked the black expanse above, and the first sprinkle splattered against her bare shoulders.

She looked down at the phone in her hand. She'd sent two text messages to that towering wall of muscle Meribella had taken a shine to, and he hadn't responded to a single one. "Well, shit," she fumed, stepping into the crush of people.

Within a few seconds, she felt appreciative eyes caressing her curves, and she let her lips settle in a sultry smile as she searched for her admirer. There were several from what she could make out as she looked around the room. Some got excited and stepped forward when they caught her welcoming expression, but she shook her head as none snagged her interest. Until she saw him.

Lincoln was just as good looking as she remembered, perhaps even more so now that his face wasn't disfigured by a scowl. Events that evening hadn't allowed for time to fully appreciate his body. Sculpted abs were clear through his t-shirt, and his biceps bulged, pulling the faded fabric tight around his arms. Golden hair fell into his face and curled over his ears, and she imagined it would feel like silk in her hands. He was leaned against a hightop, showcasing long, lean legs, holding a beer in one hand while he talked to Joe, but his attention was divided between the bear shifter and herself.

"Hey Thorne, didn't expect to see you tonight. Meribella doesn't work this evening."

With great effort she turned away from the adonis in front of her and settled her focus on the elder witch. Vivian had a knowing smirk on her face, but Thorne didn't blush. She'd never felt the need to hide her attraction to someone else. It might have come from growing up around women who could see and sense what she was feeling even when she wanted to hide it.

"I actually came in here looking for her," she explained, her brain clearing of lust and returning to what drove her into the bar in the first place.

"Nope. But I did hear a rumor."

"Oh? And?" It was a struggle to keep her voice clear of annoyance.

"Well, last I heard she tried to go down to the beach and after the murders-"

"What?" Thorne screeched, snagging Vivian by her shoulders. "When did this happen?"

"Early this morning. They found the bodies on the beach. Guess Raff ran into her when she tried to go down there, and she didn't take kindly to being told she couldn't go for a swim. Imagine a selkie doesn't appreciate that much."

"No, I guess she wouldn't," Thorne agreed, her heart settling into a normal rhythm once she realized Meribella wasn't a victim. She almost felt sorry for the poor bastard. Meribella had one of the softest hearts she'd ever met- the girl tried to hide it but Thorne's ability to read auras, while weak, picked up on the vibrant green hue around the selkie. But she also didn't do well with having her independence threatened.

"Anyways, he tossed her over his shoulders and took her back to his place. Heard she screamed the place down, and then it got real quiet... if you know what I mean."

You go girl. "Ha, can't say I blame her. That man is yummy."

"He sure is. I'm just glad for both their sakes she isn't human. Pregnancy is unavoidable with werewolves and always fatal for the mothers."

Thorne's heart stuttered. "Are there magical contraceptives she could use?"

Kohl lined eyes narrowed in confusion and wrinkles formed around pursed lips. "Meribella doesn't need to be worrying about that. She's full fae. She won't be able to have his babies. Oh, crap. I've got a table hollering for me. Let me know if you need anything."

The woman dashed off, disappearing into the sea of people. Stumbling for the exit, praying she wasn't too late, she didn't notice the man stepping into her path until it was too late. Tears sprang to her eyes and her nose throbbed from where it had smashed into pure muscle.

"You okay?" Hands gripped her by the arms and guided her to a seat while her vision cleared.

Lincoln hovered over her, his face so close she could make out the faintest smattering of freckles across the bridge of his Greek nose. His eyes were exquisite. Dark black bound the edges of the irises, which were honey in color, flecked with deeper hints of copper. She knew heightened emotions would cause them to glow, and her hands drifted towards his body of their own accord. She wanted to see if she could make them burn.

A throat cleared. "Are you okay? You didn't hit me that hard."

"I'm fine," she said, tensing and leaning away from him. She had no idea what was coming over her. Between the stresses of keeping Meribella safe and moving, she'd been too long without a man in her bed. That was it. It had to be.

"You're the selkie's friend," Lincoln said, his voice dripping with displeasure, completely at odds with the desire she felt wafting off of him in waves.

"You're the cocky bastard's friend," she retorted. "Speaking of which... I was on my way to stop my friend from doing something very stupid with him tonight."

He tilted his head, a silken strand of burnished gold snagging her attention as it fell into his eyes. "If what I heard when I stopped by about an hour ago is any indication, mistakes have been well and thoroughly made. That friend of yours surprised me. I didn't peg her as a screamer."

"Funny, neither did I," she managed to say. Pain lanced her stomach. She was too late to save Meribella. Gripping the edge of the table with one hand, she waved the other in the air, hoping to snag the attention of a waiter. And keep Lincoln from seeing the shine of tears on her lashes. Her friend had known the sentence she was accepting when she'd gone to bed with Raff- she wouldn't give away her secrets, no matter how it hurt her to keep them.

"Whatcha want to drink hon," the waitress said when she reached them.

"Tequila and keep it coming," Thorne said, earning a wolfish grin from Lincoln. A grin that sent a hot zing to her lonely lady parts.

"You know tequila makes your clothes fall off," the Beta said with a wink as he pressed the edge of his beer bottle to his lips.

"Maybe that's what I have planned."

"I can probably help you with that."

She stood up from her chair and swiped the bead of liquid from his mouth with her thumb. She didn't miss the hitch in the werewolf's breath. How she wanted him to draw it into his hot, warm mouth- to tease it with his tongue. It'd be a try out of sorts- to see how talented he was. They were going to have to be creative after all, if they wanted this thing to work.

"You do know I'm human," she cautioned as he set his drink on the table and threaded his fingers through her belt loops to tug her close.

"I think something's bothering you, and you're looking for a way to soothe that hurt."

His words cooled the bonfire in her body to a flickering flame. Strange. She'd heard the rumors about this man. A love and leave em type- just like she was. Words of wisdom weren't something she'd expected.

The waitress returned and placed six shots on the table. She winked at the two of them. "Figured you'd want to start with more than one from the way you sounded."

Thorne caught a gleam of emerald on her wrist. An earth witch. The woman had likely read her aura. Not that she was complaining. "This will be a good start," she answered, throwing back the first one. "No rush, but maybe bring the bottle back with you next time."

"Sure thing, doll."

"What's got you all twisted up and not in a good way?" Lincoln asked when they were alone again.

She took another shot, the liquid trailing heat down her throat. "What do you care?"

A light flashed in those enchanting eyes. "I care about Raff. He cares about Meribella, and she cares about you. It helps that you're fine as hell, and I have every intention of making you scream louder than your selkie friend later."

"Gotta do better than Raff? I'm in for a little competition if you think you can win."

"Baby," he purred, letting his thumb brush against the skin exposed by her crop top. "It won't even be a close game."

Pushing down the carnal tidal wave that threatened to drown her, she rubbed her hands along his chest. "Again, I'm human. You think you can behave?"

"I have behaving down to an art form."

"Good." The waitress swooped past and deposited a bottle of liquor on the table. Grabbing it, she said, "Let's get out of here then."

"Thorne," the werewolf said, the smoky notes of seduction missing from her name. "Are you sure?"

She rose up and captured his mouth with hers. At first, it was like kissing stone- he didn't move. But as she tugged on his bottom lip, he capitulated with a moan, dragging her against his chest as he parted her lips with his tongue. A very talented tongue. His taste and his touch quelled the gnawing hurt in her chest, the fear for her friend, and felt his own need for comfort beneath the urgent way he devoured her.

"Does that answer your question?" She asked, taking his hand in hers and leading him out into the stormy night.

a/n- one more note- this isn't edited so please point out any mistakes... you won't hurt my feelings!

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