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Raff missed the way her long hair fanned out over the pillow. Black sable on white satin- it had provided such a startling contrast, and he'd run his fingers through the strands long after she fell asleep. Now, the curling edges stuck to her cheek and hid behind her neck. It suited her, but it was a stinging reminder of how they'd almost lost each other.

Trailing his finger along her curves, he thought about the item he'd hidden in his drawer. The temptation it provided was greater than he anticipated, but he wasn't certain he trusted its truth. In light of what she'd told him tonight, he wasn't sure he had a choice.

He rolled over and took the bottle out. It's silvery liquid glittered in the faint light streaming through the window. It had been in a package someone had pinned to him before depositing him in the woods. The letter he'd thrown away. The words were branded in his memory.

If you want all of her, give this to Meribella. It will destroy what makes her human, but at least you won't have to worry your lust will kill her.

A trap from the Fae Queen, no doubt, but he couldn't throw it away. She had great power, and there was a very good chance it would do what she said. But would Meribella want that? To take away a part of herself she'd only just learned to love?

Yet, there would be no more restraint between them. Though they'd loved one another quite thoroughly tonight- Meribella had refused to be held back from fulfilling his needs- both of them had known the experience was lacking. All the pain of holding back almost undid the pleasure, and he'd not missed the sadness mingling with the bliss in those ocean eyes as she'd come undone at his touch. A lifetime of nights inside of her wouldn't be enough.

"Raff? Why are you awake? What is that?" She bolted straight up, clutching the comforter to her chest as she stared at the potion. "Where did you get that?"

"Do you know what this is?"

"It's from the devil. Throw it away."

"I had it on me when I woke up. It could save your mother's life."

The certainty in her features melted. "How? It's supposed to give you the power to shift."

"This must be something different. The note said it could remove your human DNA, but I thought it might be worth giving to your mom."

She leaned away from the substance. "What would it do to the baby?"

He thought of his stillborn son. So small and perfect. Lifeless. Because of the cost, every werewolf child was treasured. "I don't know. I don't even know if it'll work because she's pregnant, or if it will work at all. But she's going to die if we don't try it."

"Was this meant for me?"


"You'd give this up to save her life, even knowing what we'd lose?"

He drew her into his arms. "You'd never forgive yourself for taking that if it could save her, and I'd rather keep fighting for a miracle than watch you die inside."

She let the blanket fall as she reached for him, gripping the back of his head and drawing his mouth to hers. Raff groaned and hoisted her on to his lap. The feelings this kiss invoked were like lightning in a spring storm. It sizzled through his veins and beat away the darkness. Cleansing. Renewing. Electric promises that things would fall into place, and he would take what he could get for now.

"I love you," she said between breaths. He answered by trailing fire with his tongue, his teeth scraping against the pulsing vein in her throat. He nipped, marking her as she'd once done him, but this time the message was clear.

"I love you Meribella."

She placed the discarded bottle on the nightstand and pushed him to his back with a wicked grin. Grabbing his hands, she placed them on her bare hips and guided them along her silky skin, letting them linger just beneath her breasts.

"Then show me."



Mariah scrambled down from the window ledge and scurried across the street to where Caspian was waiting for his report. A nasty, knowing smirk twisted his full lips. He'd had an idea of what she'd witness when he called her for this mission. Little did he know, she had no intention of letting anyone drink that elixir. It was meant for her.

"So?" he demanded as she shifted into her human form. His strange eyes swiped across her nude form and dismissed what he saw. It bothered her more than it should've, but she reminded herself that he rutted with the likes of the Fae Queen.

"He showed it to her," she answered. He was going to have to drag every word out of her.

"And?" He leaned forward, eyes flaming. He'd been in a foul temper ever since Meribella had tossed him out on his ass and refused his present. She gathered this offering was his last hope.

"They're going to give it to her mother. Apparently, she got knocked up by a werewolf. Seems like their taste in men is genetic."

"Says the bitch in heat," Caspian snarled as he backhanded her. "Shit, of all the outcomes I predicted, this was not on the list."

"What now?"she asked, cupping her swelling cheek.

"Now I have to play dirty," he said. "I gave her a choice, and she made the wrong one. Looks like she's coming home with me by force. Lucky you."

"What do you mean?"

He sneered. "You can comfort Raff Wellington when he shatters to pieces."

A/N- Y'all!!!!! If you're reading this, that means you stuck it out to the bitter end... erm- well the end of this book. Raff and MB will be back in a sequel- Moon Cursed (also, once I edit this book, it will be known as Star Blessed- much less of a mouthful).

Thank you so much for all the wonderful comments and support during the telling of this story. I may add some extra content to the book- music and aesthetics- but otherwise... I'll see you in the sequel!

*and shameless plug here- if you want to know more about this universe, check out The Grail: Legacy where you'll get more info on Calum and Camille. They appeared briefly in Hangovers and Meetings. This is after all, a companion novel to their story.

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