Light and Shadows

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"And that's all he said to you?"

"Lincoln, what's with the interrogation?" Thorne rolled her eyes and popped him on the back of his head before taking a long swig of her beer.

He'd been grilling Meribella on her conversation with Caspian for the last forty-five minutes, and he kept prodding for more details. She had to give it to the werewolf; he knew when someone was holding back. Or maybe it was because of her justly earned reputation for being less than forthcoming. She'd tell him everything. Eventually. But Caspian's despicable behavior seemed a small thing when compared with their current situation.

"Any updates?" She asked, hoping to distract him and hoping for good news. She got one and not the other.

"No. They followed his trail about a mile east, and then it fucking vanished. I don't get it. They have to be working with a witch."

"Watch what you're saying," Thorne lashed out. "Witches do not work with the Fae Queen. We fought against her in the Uprising."

"And you think a thousand years later that holds true for every witch?"

"I have to agree with him on this one Thorne," Meribella said, the admission tasting bitter in her mouth.

"Well shit, miracles do happen," Lincoln proclaimed, earning twin slaps from the women seated across from him. "Damn the crazy women."

"Maybe you could talk to Vivian about it," she suggested to her friend. "She gave me something that masked my scent when I went to Cutler. If we could figure out what kind of ingredients are used for that kind of brew, maybe we could do a little detective work- figure out who is making them for people."

"Yeah, I guess so. Vivian has always been skilled with potions. They say she was taught by one of the best sorcerers. If anyone would know, it'd be her."

"Good, then we at least have a place to start."

They were quiet. Joe's pub was beginning to fill with the evening crowd. The laughter and shouts began to grate on her nerves, but before she could announce her departure, Thorne questioned, "Did you speak to your mom?"

The Orion pack Beta tried to look anywhere but at Meribella. It didn't matter that he hadn't impregnated her mother. He felt guilty for the burdens that came with loving his kind.

"I haven't. I think I'm going to walk down to the beach and collect my thoughts. I'll need that before I speak to her. Will you tell Joe that I appreciate him keeping an eye on Aurora. I'd hoped to see him, but I can't stay in here right now."

The witch nodded, her lips curved in a kind smile. "Of course. Just come back to the loft before dark."

"Yes ma'am," Meribella said with a salute. She was thankful they didn't insist on sending a bodyguard. Perhaps they knew she needed space, or maybe they trusted that she could take care of herself. Especially with the ocean at her command.

The pace she set was brisk. Strolling through Mainstreet felt a little bit too much like having her heart put in stocks and heckled. Oh- that corner. Yeah, you kissed Raff there. And that smell- that's the restaurant he took you to the first day. And under that light, he copped a feel.... Alright you copped a feel. Be honest.

No, Meribella didn't need physical reminders of what she'd lost. The sound of the ocean reached her ears, and she broke into a sprint. Her feet navigated the sloping hill and the jutting rocks. Shoes were discarded on the shore along with her pants and shirt. Pausing to take a look around (a little too late), she shimmied out of her underwear after confirming she was alone. The water would be cold; it always was here, but she wanted nothing between her skin and the sea.

The first wave broke against her ankles, but by the second, she was deep enough to dive into the swells. Kicking hard, she swam out and down until she reached a place where the cresting surface didn't tug her to the shore. Floating there in depths where there was no light but her own, she found peace as her tears disappeared into the blue and a hushed promise she didn't understand.

She didn't need the fins or thick skin of a seal to appreciate the beauty or power of this world. Caspian didn't get that. To him, the ocean was just a vessel to carry his seal form. It was a tool, and he was a thing of power. For her, it was the complete opposite.

Needing to fill her lungs with oxygen, she began a lazy ascent. She kept her eyes open, marveling at the way the colors changed as she neared the surface. From inky blackness to cobalt, to teal, and turquoise. Such beauty born from light and shadows.

Meribella emerged into the world above and had to bite back a curse. Twilight was descending rapidly as the horizon swallowed the sun. Her friends would have a search party out if she wasn't home soon. She swam until she could touch the bottom and walked the rest of the way inland. Her clothes were where she'd tossed them, but she paused to pull the water from her skin before reaching for her panties.

"I'd ask why you're naked, but I'm afraid you might put on clothes."

His rich voice crackled through the air, bringing goosebumps to her skin. Heat and hope churned in her stomach as she spun around to see him watching her. Desire. Longing. Love. Those emotions blazed out of blue eyes she'd started to believe she'd only ever see in dreams.

Unable to move for fear he might dissipate on the wind- nothing more than a figment of a fractured mind, she whispered, "Isn't that my line?"

"I'd like to think we're flexible like that," he answered, his long legs closing the distance between them.

She pressed shaking fingers against his face, searching for scars but finding nothing but smooth skin. He captured the perusing hand with his own and pressed a kiss to her palm. The softness of his lips against her skin undid her, and she sobbed,"You're here."

"Woman," he said, his voice hoarse and wobbling, "You do try to give me heart attacks."

"Me," she shrieked, slapping a hand against his chest. "You're the one who disappeared for three days after being blown up!"

"Three days has nothing on six months, my love, and you're the one that decided to go skinny dipping. Do you know how long I've been standing here, waiting for you to come up for air?"

"Oh," she fumed, "just how long are you going to hold that over my head? I can remind you of all the asinine things you've do-"

He cut off her tirade with a kiss. He felt her smile against his mouth before throwing her arms around his neck and showing him how much she missed him. Every touch, every taste confirmed he was real and breathing.With a shuddering groan, he broke away.

"As much as I hate to say this, I need you dressed."

Pouting, she rose on her tiptoes to deliver another kiss, making sure her breasts rubbed against his shirt. "Where's the fun in that?"


"Gods, I never thought I'd be happy to hear you same my name like that again." She pressed her head into his chest, unwilling to step away from him so quickly.

He slid his hands through her hair and tugged, forcing her to look up at him."I have a few ways I'd like to hear you say my name, but those will have to wait. Clothes!"

"You're so damn bossy," she said, pulling on his sweats. She didn't try to hide the grin splitting her face.

He scooped her up in his arms, making her giggle. "No protesting this time?"

"I won't say never again, but no- you've earned a caveman pass."

"I've missed you," he declared, his voice losing the teasing quality.

'Raff, I have so much to apologize for."

They'd reached the apartment, and he set her on her feet. For a long moment, they stood in silence- foreheads pressed against each other and hands clasped between them. Upstairs, lights blazed, and she caught Thorne peering out a window, her lips pursed as she scanned the area. Somehow, she'd missed their arrival.

"Meribella, we're going to have a long talk- about all of it, but right now, I just want to go to sleep."

"Oh," she said, twisting her hands while looking down. "I understand."

"Silly girl. It doesn't sound like it." He lifted her chin and dropped a kiss on her lips. This one was gentle but lingering, stoking promises of a pleasant, slow burn. "I fully intend for you to be in the bed beside me."

"I want that more than anything," she breathed, "But, I don't know how possible it's going to be."

His brows furrowed as he opened the front door. "Why not?"

"You're gonna have to deal with your company first."

"Meribella, who are you talking to?" Thorne asked just as Lincoln shouted, "Raff!"

"Damn it, Lincoln," Raff growled. "That man could interrupt me from the grave."

She just laughed and pushed him towards the stairs. Lincoln cleared the top half of the stairs and ensnared his Alpha in a crushing hug. She waited for Raff to protest, but he returned the embrace with just as much enthusiasm.

"Come on, you two," she fussed. "You can keep up the bro love upstairs."

The duo separated, neither one of them bothering to wipe away the tears glinting in their eyes. Thorne rushed forward when they reached the top floor and enfolded the Alpha in a hug of her own.

"No threats? I should disappear more often."

The witch placed her hands on her hips and frowned. "You ever pull a stunt like this again, and-"

"You'll hex his man parts off," they all said in unison.

"I've gotten the same threat a time or two," Lincoln acknowledged, not looking the slightest bit put out.

"It's good to see you both, but I'm kicking you out."

"No way in hell," Lincoln roared.

"Yes, you need to deliver the news of my survival to the pack, and I'm sure Thorne is willing to keep you company. I'm going to bed, and Meribella is coming with me."

"Come on, Linc."

"Ah, come on, bro. Don't pick a woman over me," Lincoln begged as Thorne dragged him to the exit.

"Goodnight," Thorne called, shutting the door on the Beta's whining.

Alone, they turned to each other. He stretched out his hand, which she took willingly. Tomorrow was going to bring its own set of troubles, and she welcomed them. As long as she had this man by her side.

a/n Thanks so much to everyone who has made it to this point of the Meribella and Raff's story! Only one chapter left in this book!!! Let me know what you think! Every vote and comment is greatly appreciated.


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