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Gods she loved the ocean. The way the water infused every cell of her body with power, but what she loved even more was the way it felt to have her arms around this man while she was submerged.

"Just remember, you asked for it." His eyes widened, but she couldn't pinpoint the emotion that played across his face. Acceptance? Disappointment? Curiosity?

Fighting through the cold, she called on her ability to manipulate water and tugged him beneath the waves. He didn't even take a last breath as his dark head disappeared. If he could've heard her, she would've cussed him for being a stubborn fool. As it was, she held him under long enough to suggest that she might go through with his stupid plan before using the water to race them to shore.

Meribella lifted him over the jutting rocks and deposited his wet, sputtering form on the beach as she let her own feet settle back on dry land. Fat water droplets rolled down Raff's incredulous face, but he didn't say a word as she sent each molecule back to the ocean, leaving his dark hair tousled and slightly curled, but dry.

"Would it be wrong to make a joke about you looking like a wet dog?"

"That was..." he began. "Something else."

"I believe the word you were looking for was impressive." She hoped he would leave it at that. From what Caspian had implied, her gift of hydrokinesis could be tied to being Star Blessed. It would be a grave error to imply that all selkies were capable of such feats only to find out later she was wrong. This tangled web she'd weaved was growing more and more fragile with every story she told.

"It was certainly that." He stood, his impressive height stirring something warm inside of her. Few men had ever made her feel small and feminine, her own height often matching or exceeding theirs, and she found it incredibly attractive.

The Alpha walked to her side, his arctic eyes void of emotion, and she wished, not for the first time, that she could read his thoughts. "Are you angry?"

"That you couldn't kill me?" The ice melted. He chuckled. "No. Even though it would make things so much easier on you."

"But what about your men? I can't take their leader from them."

"We're well prepared for a leadership chain. Every werewolf knows their place, right down to the Omega. If something were to happen to me, Lincoln would assume control."

"Regardless, I'm not worth your life."

Raff slid his fingers through hers. "We'll just have to agree to disagree. Now, if you don't mind, could we perhaps find something to eat?"

"Food? You want to talk about food at a time like this?"

They were almost back to the main street, but he came to a sudden halt. "What else is there to discuss. Tell me if I've missed anything? You made a piss poor decision, came back to kill me, and have decided you're not going to?"

"Well- that's the gist, yes."

"Okay, then the only thing we need to talk about is how we're going to get the skin from the Starless pack without trading my head for it. And that is a conversation that can take place over food."

He started walking again, his grip firm as he pulled her along. The sidewalks were much more crowded than they'd been when they were walking to the beach, and Meribella couldn't help but noticed the stares directed at Raff. Some were looks of concerned, but most people looked at him with something akin to respect.

The truth came crashing down. Mac was a complete and utter liar. None of his story could be true. Not when she had so much evidence to the contrary, and that meant she had to find out the real reason he wanted this good man dead. But could she tell Raff the truth now? After spinning that story on the beach. No, wait until you have more answers.

She peered up at him and caught him watching her with a soft smile. Blushing she ducked her head, her heart skipping when he squeezed her hand lightly. "You're going to run into a wall if you don't keep your eyes forward while walking."

"Ah, but that view is lacking something very important."

"Oh," she said, playing along.


"Werewolf say what?" she gasped, delivering a punch to his arm.

"You've got seaweed in your hair." They'd stopped in front of a small restaurant, the sign on the window displaying a menu of mostly seafood.

"And you didn't think to say something to me before we waltzed through the center of downtown?"

"It's cute. Adds character."

"Un huh... interesting choice for lunch." They'd entered the restaurant, the interior dim, depending on the bright sunshine to provide most of the light. The place was quaint, the walls dark paneling and the tables covered in checkered cloths. Hints of cream and garlic perfumed the air, and her stomach rumbled at the thought of a cup of hot lobster chowder.

"I happen to know someone who likes fish." Raff couldn't stop the shiver of disgust that coated the word, but she thought it was cute that he tried to hide it.

"Couples don't have to like eating the same things," she said as they were seated.

"Is that what we are? A couple?"

Realizing her blunder, she fished for an appropriate response, her tongue stilled by the figure she spied loitering across the street in the shadows. "Can you give me a minute?"

Without waiting for a response, she stepped outside and crossed the street. She could feel Raff's curious eyes on her as she stepped into the liquor store Herrin had ducked inside of. The clerk came over to her, but she waved him away and moved further into the store.

The rat-like man was pressed into the back corner, his beady eyes narrowing as she approached. "What are you doing stupid girl? Do you think you should be dating the man you're supposed to kill?"

"What did you all expect me to do? Stab him in his sleep? Oh, how am I supposed to get in his house? If it was that easy, surely a big, strong man like yourself should be able to do it without my help."

Pain blossomed in the back of her head as he slammed her into the wall. Spittle landed on her cheek as he wrapped his hand around her neck and pressed his nose against hers. "Keep making excuses you little whore. You had your chance on the beach. He offered himself up on a platter and you didn't take it. If you want to bed a wolf, I can take care of that fantasy."

His free hand plunged down her shorts and pinched the sensitive skin of her inner thigh. Hot tears scalded her face as she struggled to pull away, his assaulting fingers moving to her center. "Stop. Let me go."

"Just remember. I'm watching you. If you don't deliver before too long, there will be consequences."

"Threats were not part of this deal," she cried, managing to drive her knee between his legs. Releasing her, he bent over with a wheezing growl as she scrambled out of his reach.

"Oh the things I'm going to do to you for that. I'm going to enjoy dreaming them up almost as much as I'm going to enjoy doing them. You've been warned. Figure it out." He limped towards the exit, but stopped suddenly. "You might want to be a better daughter."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"When was the last time you called mommy?" With those words, he left the store.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Meribella raced to the bathroom to straighten her appearance. She wanted to scrub her skin until it flaked off, remove every trace of violation. How sad to think that she was grateful he'd bruised her in places that were easily hidden. Even now, she didn't know how she was supposed to hide his scent from Raff.

Yanking open cabinets, she almost shouted an amen when she spied a bottle of women's perfume next to a pack of cigarettes. Someone's dirty habit was about to be her salvation. She dropped it on the floor, the glass shattering and drenching the room in the scent of vanilla and citrus. Careful to avoid the shards, she dipped her hands in the liquid and slathered it across her skin.

Before leaving the shop, she stopped to purchase a bottle of wine. The clerk rang her up without meeting her gaze. He'd seen everything then. She hoped the overwhelming fragrance wafting about her gave him a raging headache.

"Thanks so much," she trilled, snatching the bottle up and rushing back to the restaurant.

Raff was rising to leave when she came back in. "Are you okay? What the hell happened? And why do you smell like a french whore?"

The laugh that escaped her lips bordered on hysterical. In explanation, she waved the bottle of wine."Sorry, I saw that this place was a BYOB, and I saw the liquor store across the street."

"Ok... and the perfume?"

Lowering her head and pretending to be embarrassed, she responded, "I figured you'd appreciate it if I didn't smell like the beach the entire meal, and the bathroom had perfume. But I'm a klutz and dropped the bottle. That's what took so long. Cleaning up my mess."

Raff let loose a relieved smile and pulled the chair out for her to sit. "I was beginning to think I'd run you off again." He sat down across from her and grabbed her by the hand. "And I came to a seafood place for you. I can handle the smell."

"Awe, what a gentleman." The bruise between her legs burned, and she looked at the menu to hide the fresh wave of tears. "So where were we?"

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