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They wandered around the square for the rest of the afternoon, holding hands and browsing boutiques. To the outside world, they were an adorable couple, still held in the thrall of a new relationship. Everytime he managed to pull a laugh from Meribella, Raff wanted to whoop with joy, but as they headed back to the houseboat she called home, he couldn't help but notice she grew quieter.

"You okay?"

She didn't speak until they stopped in front of the boat. He reached down to brush a stray piece of hair away from her face, marvelling at how soft it was, even after the saltwater dried in the sun. Noticing that the water had made it wavy, he tugged on the curl and watched it bounce back.

"I must look a mess, huh."

"I like the curls. It-softens you."

A dark eyebrow lifted. "What's that supposed to mean?" She leaned into him, letting her fingers run along the collar of his shirt. The heavy scent of perfume had faded, giving his nose a break, but the other smell was still there. The one he'd caught despite her attempts to hide it.

"You have to be one of the prickliest women I've ever met-- now, let me finish," he said, as her jaw dropped open and anger flashed in those sea glass eyes. "I couldn't do anything when I first met you without pissing you off."

She pulled back, crossing her arms. "Do we need to review the events of that night?"

Raff grabbed her by the hips and tugged her against his chest. It felt so good having her close. He'd forced himself to restrict the interactions that required touching, minus the hand holding. But there had been no kissing, no hand resting against the dip of her lower back. He let his lips turn up rakishly.

"Oh, lets. You swerved off the road after almost hitting a wolf, almost drowned, and I saved you with these amazing lips of mine."

"I believe you also called me utterly stupid--wait, I said it was an animal. I never said what kind! It was your fault in the first place! Oh, you..."

She banged her fists against his solid chest, but he silenced her arguing with a kiss. He prepared to pull back if she resisted, not wanting another mark against his character, but she slipped her arms around his neck and changed the angle, deepening their connection.

"Meribella," he warned, dropping a soft kiss on the corner of her mouth before trying to pull away. This was the opposite direction he'd intended to go, but gods how he'd wanted to do this from the first moment she'd opened the door this morning. The little whimper she made in her throat didn't help his resolve, but somehow he managed to break away.

Blinking up at him, eyes hazy with lust, she pursed her swollen lips into a pout. "Don't think you got out of that discussion."

"I wouldn't dare. And thank you for proving my point." Raff winked at her, but she only rolled her eyes.

"Goodnight. I really enjoyed today."

"It's one of the best days I've had in a very long time." The statement sounded far more somber than he'd intended, but no matter how he felt about this woman, he couldn't erase the trauma of the last months. That darkness would be with him for some time. "I'll talk to you soon."

She went inside, leaving him alone in the lingering light of evening, and he let loose the sigh that had been trapped in his chest for hours. All traces of a smile faded as he returned to town, making a beeline to the liquor store Meribella had visited.

The bell over the door jingled. No one was behind the front counter, but his ears picked up on movement in the back storeroom. A middle aged male, but his scent didn't match the one hiding beneath the perfume. His wolf snapped and snarled at the thought, but Raff nudged him to behave, aware that anyone could walk into the store. He certainly didn't need to be caught sniffing the air with glowing eyes.

"Can I help you?" The clerk wandered up one of the aisles, a towel in his hand and a bland smile on his face. He was in his late thirties and trying to cover his receding hairline with an oily comb over.

"Yes, I'm looking for a particular vintage. My girlfriend was in here earlier today, and picked it up. She just can't stop talking about how good it is, but unfortunately, we left it in the restaurant. Perhaps you might remember what she purchased."

The bored look vanished, and the man winked. "Keep her liquored up so you can get a piece, am I right. Can you describe her for me? I bet she's hot if she's with a built dude like yourself."

I can punch you in the face. But he kept a tight grip on his temper. "Tall and slender. Olive skin. Her eyes are the brightest turquoise you've ever seen. Long, dark hair."

All interest in the conversation fled, and the spicy aroma of fear rose up in a cloud around him. "Can't say I've seen anyone like that, and I definitely remember a piece like that. Hey man--"

Raff flipped the open sign around to closed and flicked the lights off. Shifting partially, he let his canines and nails lengthen. Fabric ripped as he grabbed the pervert by his shirt and lifted him so that he could meet his gaze. "I'm not particularly fond of liars. So try this again."

"Where the hell do you freaks come from?" He struggled, his feet swinging beneath him like a child. "Look. She was fine when she left the store. I didn't lay a hand on her."

Something like ammonia filled the air. "I find that men who are telling the truth don't piss themselves."

"Fuck dude. You'd piss yourself if some big ass shifter was hanging you in the air. I don't know anything."

Letting a nail slice into the man's pallid skin, Raff jerked him closer, their noses practically pressed against each other. "You'd be a lot luckier if I was just a shifter. What man did she speak to while she was in here?"

Silence. Except for the sniveling as he tried to keep back the tears. With a growl, Raff dropped him. Immediately, the clerk jumped up to run, but a swift kick to the side of his knee ended his escape attempt. Crunching bone punctuated the air, followed by a shrill scream.

"What's your name?"

"D-d-dave," the clerk wailed, snot bubbling around his nose. He'd pushed himself against the desk, clutching at the leg which was now twisted at an awkward angle.

"Dave," he let the name drag out, filling the one syllable with as much menace as he could muster.

Dave's eyes darted around the dark store, his weak human eyes unable to pinpoint Raff's location. "L-look, he came in here and gave me a couple hundred b-bucks to ignore anything he said to her. He said he wasn't going to hurt her. He promised. And he didn't. I mean, not b-b-bad. She was fine when left."

Calm. Calm. Calm. Raff repeated the word like a mantra. He needed to remain human to get as much information as he could. Once he shifted, once he unleashed the beast, he would be at the mercy of his wolf's fury. Especially since man and animal desired the same bloody results. Crouching, he demanded, "Dave, do you know who you spoke to?"

"N-no. I think he was like you. His eyes lit up when he spoke to me, but he was a lot smaller. Maybe even shorter than me. M-man that's all I know. They argued, he left after telling her something about her mom, and she ran into the bathroom. When she came out she was fine. Smelled like she bathed in perfume but fine! P-please don't hurt me anymore."

"Do you own this place Dave?"

"No. I just work here."

"Good. Tomorrow, you're going to call your boss and resign. Then you're going to move out of this town." He straightened up and stepped over the broken human. "Do you understand?"

"Wh-where am I supposed to go?

"I don't really give a damn, but I'd suggest checking out Culter. Seems your type would fit right in."

Without waiting for a response, he stepped outside. The temperature had dropped considerably, and the cafe lights hung across the street gave the area a festive air. Grabbing his phone, he sent a text to Lincoln, requesting that he follow up on Dave's departure tomorrow. The response was immediate:

Lincoln: I know exactly which skeevy bastard ur talking about. I'm all for it, but uh... since when did we start playing sheriff down there.

Raff: Since someone I cared about lived here.

Lincoln: Worrrd. U talk to Joe yet?

Raff: Headed there now. You could meet me. That is if you're done with Tracey.

The phone went back in his pocket. Lincoln would come. He might think with his dick half the time, but he always had his Alpha's back. Joe's Pub was already full, and someone had picked an eighties rock ballad from the jukebox. Vivian was bustling about the room with a tray lifted high, swatting at men with grabby hands. She'd been working at the establishment since Raff was just old enough to enter. 

 At one point, he'd considered her a mother figure, but after Meghan, they'd become nothing more than polite strangers. She promised she didn't blame him for what happened, but he wouldn't care if she did. He knew he was at fault.

"Son, you've been coming into this place far more often than I'd like. What do I need to do to get rid of you permanently?"

"Joe," the Alpha spun on his heel and greeted the older bear shifter. Neither of them bothered with a handshake or a smile.

"I mean it. You promise me a long time ago that you would stay away."

"You'll have to fire Meribella if you mean to keep me away."

Joe frowned, his bushy eyebrows forming a sharp v between his eyes. "That girl. She's just as hard headed as M--. Anyways, you'd be doing her a favor if you'd just stay away."

"You're probably right, but that's not why I'm here. I talked to Calum Knight last night. He wanted me to ask you a few questions."

The older man tensed before nodding. "That's fine, but not out here. You can wait in the back office. I should be able to make it in about ten minutes. Don't go anywhere else but the office."

Raff walked towards the back; he knew the way well. Joe's office hadn't changed much in the last thirty years. Only the computer was updated. Everything else was just as worn and comfortable as it had been when he'd spend his afternoons doing his homework there.

The silver picture frame on the desk drew his attention, and he couldn't stop himself from picking it up. A pretty young woman beamed at him through the glossy paper, her hair a riot of curls. He remembered telling her he'd never met someone with eyes as dark as hers. So dark he couldn't even see her pupils, but the light that would shine out of them when she laughed. It could light up the room.

He smelled her before he heard her, but he didn't turn until she spoke.

"Never thought I'd see you in this room again." The woman leaning against the door frame eyed him with caution. She let her gaze linger on the photograph in his hands. "Trip down memory lane?"

"When did you get back?" The words were ragged. He'd forgotten how painful it was to see her. Standing there so alive.

"Actually just now. Funny how timing works. I'd seen enough of the world, I guess. Besides, they don't make men like you anywhere else."


Raff's words were cut off by Joe's booming shout. "My girl!"

She winked at him suggestively before embracing Joe. "Daddy!"

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