Chapter 6- Shower Talk

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"Holly shit sorry guys I knew I should have knock. Damnit Gage why did I listen to you." Catherine yelled startlingly both of us. Gage laughs as I almost fall off of Vlad. When I panic covering us both with the blanket remembering we fell asleep nude and I'm pretty sure we passed out doing something. From what I could feel he didn't pull out either. So Fucking akward.

"Holly shit why didn't you knock." I flustered in embarrassment realizing Catherine had seen everything and I mean everything.

"Sorry I was going to be jackass over here told me to just walked in." She said, covering her eyes.

"Damn I thought me and Gage were bad damn." She teased. Gage laughed.

"Well what'd you expect we're newlyweds sue me for sleeping with my husband." I said sarcastically.

"Wait Vlads the alpha that got married at the head house last night?" She asked in disbelief.

"Yes." We both replied.

"You bitch should've told me you were pragnant I fucking love babies." She replied.

"Hey I found out you two disappeared. But I was planning on telling you." I assured her.

"Well congratulations is Vlad the father?" Gage asked making Vlad growling defenicively showing his fangs.

"I'm sorry I met no disrespect alpha just thought I'd ask since you haven't been together that long." He apologized bowing his head.

"It's okay my king. Vlads the one who took my virginity so ya. Hes definitely the father. I am slightly offended. But I do understand why. So it's okay. Yes we haven't been together that long. But we we're using protection. My species is supper fertile. Conceptions normally what if there's no protection used and my people never knew what the hell protection was. We never need it. We have population control thats why only a queen can conceive offspring." I informed him.

"Plus my maternity time is much shorter then alot of other humaniods so fetas is going to grow almost twice as fast as a human fetus. By the way I can tell by how their development that their growing even faster. They do carry alot of the same genes as my species. But something's different. I can feel that they've inherited your wolf gene but there's something else. I can't tell what but I can since something." I informed Vlad. Sitting up sitting covering myself noticing my already slightly swollen stomach. He kissed my stomach when I felt a strong kick.

"Ow fiesty he just kicked me in the jaw." He chuckled rubbing his jaw.

"Actually that was your daughter." I laughed.

"Your jocking she's pretty strong." He smiled hugging my stomach as she did it again.

"We're going to have our hands full with this one. She might not be born yet but she's already beating up her old man." He chuckled as she kicked him.

"My little princess. I already love you so much I can't wait till your born and daddy can finally meet you." He whispered to my stomach and she stopped. I chuckled.

"And our princes." I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Yes even our princes. I love all my children much already I can't wait till their born so I can love and spoil them. We'll raise them off the teachings of your people so they'll be good leaders when their old enough." He suggested. I smiled warmly.

"Yes I think that's a splended idea." I said kissing his head.

"Wait how many kids are you having?" She questioned.

"Three two boys and one girl." I answered.

"Damn there one the first try man what's you secret?" Gage joked.

"I'm just that skilled." Vlad smirked.

"You'd have to be to do that." Gage replied.

"Damn straight. Now do you mind giving us a minute so we can shower and get ready." Vlad said.

"Just don't take to long (showering and getting ready.)" Gage replied sarcastically as they walked out. I leaned down kissing as I started moving. He growled playfully picking me up while still preforming his husbandly duties. Taking into the bathroom as he groped my breasts. He turned on the shower adjusted the temperature just right and carried me in. He didn't stop till he fully satisfied all my womanly desires. He knew all my weak spots, kinks, how, and who arouses me. When I noticed something every time he released in me my babies were growing more rapidly.

"Baby I think you're DNA is what's making them develope faster. But it feels like their also evolving farther then even my speicies." I informed him.

"Wait has any other queens mated with another speicies before?" He asked bringing up a really good point.

"Why have I never thought of that its so obvious. None of my speicies has ever mated with a different species. It's just never been done." I said, as he scrubbed my whole body with body wash and washed my hair. He washed his hair while I washed his body down I noticed steady changes in his physical appearance. He was getting taller. His muscles were much more defined and detailed. His facial appearance was also changing into quit a handsome devil. His voice even got more irresistible. I made sure to memorize each new change. But then that's when I realized I'm the first of my kind to mate with or imprint on a male of a different species. So I honestly don't what it will do to him. So how did I know I could inprint on him, conceive his seeds, transfer my power, and immortality to him if it's never done. How did my mother know. When I suddenly seen flashes of my mother memories. Showing her research every single planet crossed the Galaxies. Trying to find the right compatible species that could give me the strongest offspring. The humaniods on Earth were the best chance. Something about their DNA causes them to keep evolving changing. No other speicies does that and she estimated that if I would conceive with man male humaniod from Earth. My speicies would start evolving farther and keep evolving creating the first true race of immortals. Which had never been done. Not even vampires are truly immortal they can still be killed. They just age really slow. My race is the only one acrossed the Galaxy that has managed to succeed on making a true immortal. But we could figure out to birth more then one at a time. Till my mother discovered that in order to create birth more we'd need to evolve passed the normal limits. We'd have to push that barrier. But Earth Humaniods are the only ones to succeed on profecting it.

"Because the humaniods are Earth are the only ones to evolve passed the normal limits. Remember I told you something was different the babies it because the more of your DNA they get the more they evolve. My mother calculated that if I conceived the offspring of a hamanoid from Earth. We'll be creating a new race of true immortals." I informed him. He just hugged me tightly.

"That means I'll never have to loss you or my children." He kissed me repeatively.

"Nope but you know that mean your daughters we'll be queens so we'll still have to chase off the boys." I teased, as we got out dried off. He handed me his clothes and I dressed him as he dressed me. He combed his hair and brushed my. He put my hair up as I changed into my human form. Which actually kinda made my swollen stomach more noticeable. So I slipped on one of Vlads hoodie. Since my human forms so small I was swimming in it.

"Thanks babe." I said kissing him. Then he did my makeup.

"It's a Kings priority to keep his queen happy." He said kissing me lovingly.

"You know I really do love you without you my life would have to meaning. Your my everything. I love you." He said rather bluntly.

"I know my dear. I love you too. That's why I choose you as king. I gave my first everything and I want you to be my last. That's why married because you're my first and last love. Forever." I smiled. He picked me up kissing me deeply and passionately.

"Come on we're going to be late." I gasped as I tried catching my breath as our lips parted. He put his head to mine.

"I know don't remind me. I hate that place. Don't leave my side. The humans there why literally stalk you if they catch wind your a humaniod." He informed me grabbing our school bags and grabbing my hand with the other. He walked me out of his room locking it. He grabbed my hand again and walked down stairs through the living room through the main hall to the kitchen. His mother was waiting there with breakfast already on the table. She greeted with hugs kissing both of our heads.

"Oh my their growing fast." She said not failing to notice my growing baby bump.

"Ya I noticed the more DNA they get from dad the more their evolving. Which causing them to develop quicker." I exclaimed.

"Evolve?" She asked.

"Earth Humaniods for whatever reason are the only one who can evolve passed normal limit. Since my children now have this gene it's causing the time evolve creating a new race of true immortals." I exclaimed.

"No shit that's awesome how did you figure it out sweetheart?" She asked.

"When transferring her power, wisdom, and immortally to me. She also planted part of her memories to me but I can't access them unless something triggers it." I informed her.

"What triggered this one?" She asked.

"I asked her if any of the other queens mated with a male of another speicies. She probably honestly made it to where you couldn't access her memories untill you need them." He suggested.

"Your probably right that mother of mine always know how to really get inside someone's head." I agreed, we sat down and started eating.

"This is delicious thank you." I said, emptying my plate. They chuckled.

"My pleasure sweetie I'm glad you liked it." She replied taking my plate as I drank my cup of orange juice. Then she walked over to Vlad putting something in our bags.

"I made you lunch I don't know what they put in those school lunches and I rather know you're eating healthy for the little ones." She said walking over and handing my two gummies.

"Their gummy prenatal vitamins. You new to take two once a day." She exclaimed. I took them it wasn't bad so I didn't complain.

"Yes momma." I replied showing her I swallowed them.

"That's my baby girl. Now you be careful remember your in charge of getting no only her back and forth safely but your children are well. I know how you like to act like a race car driver but your not." She commanded, he chuckled and I laughed.

"Mom you know I don't do that anymore. Besides would never purposely put my wife or unborn children in harm's way." He assured her.

"Good I'll see you when you get home. I love you both and one more thing my dear. Don't stray where Vlad doesn't know where you are. Its not safe for you to be without his protection. He's an alpha which also means he's going to have enemies and they might target you since your caring his children." She said, handing me a stun gun and mace.

"Oh this is going to be fun. Thanks we love you too momma." I said tucking them always under my clothes. She hugged me and kissed my head. She walked with us to the door. We walked out saying one last goodbye before she shut the door behind us. He walked me over to the car opening the door for me and shutting it. He set our school bags in the truck. Catherine and Gage came out of nowhere and threw theirs in the trunk of the car. Vlad chuckled knowing they startled me.

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