Chapter 7- First Day

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"You scared the shit out of me." I chuckled in embarrassment, as Vlad shutting it.

"That was the point little momma." Catherine joked jumping in the back seat kissing my cheek chuckled.

"Hey that my little momma." Vlad teased getting in and kissing me deeply.

"Get a room." Dilan said getting in behind Vlad. Vlad flipped him the bird and pulled out of the driveway. We drove to the east side of town. Reaching the school parking lot. He pulled into an empty parking space. We got out he opened the truck and took our bags out. He shut it grabbing my hand leading me into school. As soon as we walked through the doors I could feel a strong tension in the air. I just ignored it. But as we made our way through the halls and noticed almost everyone secretly watching every move we made. He rubbed my hand letting me know he'd noticed I noticed what was going on.

"Hey love can I talk to Catherine for a minute?" I asked. He nodded kissing me.

"I was going to ask you to go with her for a moment anyways my love." He whispered in my ear. Gage walked back beside Vlad and I walked up beside Catherine.

"Okay what's going on?" I asked.

"So you notice good eye. Just don't get in the cross fire it's what happens when an alpha or head clan member challenges another. They always want to challenge Vlad because he's beaten almost everyone except Leon and trust me if he's the one challenged him. You don't want to be there last time he sent Vlad to the emergency room." She whispered to me.

"Oh shit and you want me to miss that." I blurted.

"Shh you don't want to attract to much attention." She whispered.

"Don't shh me woman I'm so watching you know how freaking epic it gonna be since I'd like to see for myself just how much stronger he's actually gotten since I imprinted him." I said.

"Fine but I'm making Catherine Keep you at a safe distance because it is Leon." Vlad commanded. So we put our bags in our lockers Vlad just stuffed mine in his. The the boys walked infront of us as we made our way out side to the football field. Where a large crowd was already sworming.Catherin grabbed my arm when she thought we were close enough. I watched as Vlad walked up to another much larger humaniod. Let me guess a bangle tiger shifter. They both sized each other.

"Thought I you and your pack to get out. Don't make me have to actually hurt you. Young pup." He said.

"You know I can't do that. That territories been in my family for generations. I ain't about to give it up." Vlad growled baring his fangs. They snapped at each other a few times.

"Your funeral can't say didn't warn you." Leon smiled, shifting into a bangle tiger, and charging at him he just caught him by his throat like it was child's play. He shifted into his wolf form which is giant black timber wolf but with a human physique. Displaying my inprint I left on his body. But his size was crazy slightly taller than a male of my speicies.

"Have fun challenging me now that I'm immoral but nice try." Vlad said, in his alpha vioce which was scary as shit. He tossed him sending him flying acrossed the field and into the bleachers.

"Fucking impossible how did you get so strong and their are no true immortals." Leon yelled. I pulled myself out of Catherine's gripped walking infont of Vlad.

"Actually their are just not on any other planet but mine." I replied changing into my true form. They just gasped. 

"Wait your girl's a freaking alien. The fuck you smelled mortal." Leon squealed.

"I can decise my appearance. Pretty sure you can obviously tell why I'd stick out way to much. Why you got a problem with me being an alien?" I asked walking over but not getting to close.

"No of course not. But where the rest of your people?" He asked hesitately.

"Dead why do think I was raised on Earth I'm the last queen. Last immortal. Last child of the Stars." I said bluntly. And walked over to Vlad. 

"You can yell at me later I had to claim remember I'm a humaniod of creation it's my duty keep that balance in check. Plus I hate wearing that decise it makes me show to much I don't like it." I pouted.

"I love you but you drive me crazy. Your so stubborn when I ask you to do something. Your just lucky it worked." Vlad hugged me when Leon walked over.

"It's okay I come in peace. You could have told me your expecting im sorry for being an asswhole." He said extending his hand. Vlad shook it.

"Its part of our nature and yes we're expecting three two boys and one girl." Vlad replied.

"Don't take it for granted children are a blessing I had a daughter." He smiled. Vlad just gave him a hug which I could tell he was not expecting.

"I'm sorry as new dad I can't even imagine." Vlad said as he hugged him back. 

"It wasn't anyone's fault it's just life. When she was born she had a fatal disease that took her life nine months after she was born. It does breaks me to talk about it but I know that tears aren't going to bring my baby girl back. But neither is my anger. Why do you think I'm always purposely getting into fight trying to forget." Leon exclaimed when I touched his arms making the skin touch his turn dark almost to my shoulder he looked at me questioningly.

"Do you know mortals call her kind?" Vlad asked smiling he shook nervously.

"Angels." Vlad informed him. He just looked at me in complete awh as his body relax so much I had to catch him.

"Sorry he's got a pretty good bit of despair so this might take a minute." I said, and Vlad held him up for me. When I was finished he looked tens times  better.

"Damn I haven't felt this good in ages." Leon said standing up.

"I'm glad." I smiled.

"Let me know when those beautiful babies are born." He said.

"We will." Vlad replied, and then we all just went back to class like nothing happened. I sat beside Vlad. The teacher didn't look from her book the entire time she walked in. She started writing stuff on the chalk board but didn't explain anything. But I already knew how to solve the problems so I was finished before Vlad. He flipped me the bird.

"You know you love me. I mouthed to him.

"Ya I do love you but your still a pain in my ass." He mouthed back. I touched my stomach feeling them kick. They were very active for reason. I just smiled to myself. When class was done he walked me to our next class I sat down beside him. When some girl walked up. 

"Umm your in my seat." She said.

"Really cause I didn't know that they were assigned." I replied sarcastically. She just sighed rolling her eyes walking away. Vlad chuckled.

"Momma being Savage today you ain't given anyone mercy are you?" He teased.

"Damn straight I'm momma bear a reason." I replied.

"Man I feel for the poor bastard who tries putting our kid in detention." He teased, as class started I ended up helping Vlad. When class was over we walked hand in hand side by side to our classes which I ended sleeping in. Till lunch we sat at the table with Leon, Catherine, Dilan, a group that I knew none of their names. I ate mine.

"So um not to be rude but are you mates?" A female from another clan asked.

"Yes actually she's my wife." Vlad answered showing them his wedding band.

"Damn Vlad your already married and Halley was afraid to ask if she was pregnant. That answers that question." Another male sitting beside her teased.

"Yes she's pragnant we're having two boys and a girl." Vlad answered bluntly as he finished his lunch.

"Wait so she is pragnant?" He asked in disbelief. 

"No I'm just fat. Yes I'm pragnant." I replied sarcastically. Leon couldn't stop laughing.

"Damn Vlad your mates a fiesty one." One make laughed.

"Oh trust me if you want to see her fiesty that ain't nothing." Vlad informed him. He stopped. 

"Remind me not to piss her off." He whispered to Vlad I glared at him and he looked like he was about to piss himself. Vlad laughed.

"So I'm taking you home after this I don't want you pushing yourself to hard." Vlad informed me.

"Yes I need some sleep I don't even know why they make me go I already know all the shit their trying to teach me. I have the knowledge of a five thousand year old immortal of course I'm going to know all the answers." I complained. Next thing I know he's picking me up carrying me out. He carried me to his car putting me in and driving back to his house. My pup was running all over the living room with a smaller pure white timber wolf pup with blue eyes.

"Your father's wife brought her said she was a wedding present and said that the male is officially your husband's." His mother said, walking in. I immediately picking her up and she started licking me all over my face. I chuckled petting her and Vlad picked the male up.

"His name's Fang." Vlad declared.

"I'll name her Sky since her eyes are as blue as the sky." I smiled.

"I like it Sky and Fang it is." She proclaimed.

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