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Skip for some Time( Kara finds out about monEl being daxam prince and don't want to continue relation but MonEl make her believe on himself again by his love)

A time when Kara and mon-EL come in relation and Kara finds out that Mon-EL is not daxam guard but the prince himself . Basically time after the super friend's musicals episode.

Mon-El:- I am really sorry kara I should never have lied to you

Kara :- I already forgive you No I was the one who was rude and throws you out of my loft and should have listened to you .You were so genuine and I.

Mon-El:- No I was the one keeping secret

Kara:- Just make the deal then No more secrets.

Monel:- yeah?

Kara:- yeah

Kara moves forward and puts her toes on his leg and leans forward to kiss him. His mouth feels so smooth and warm and kara knows she can't get over this feeling as she started missing that in just 2 days. They come out giving each other time to breathe.

Mon-El (caressing her hairs strands and looking in her eyes):- did anyone tell you, your blue eyes look like a comet

Kara:- yeah maybe two times a day. But every time it feels so good coming from you( saying that she started kissing him again and they started making out on the couch.And they end up on the bed thankfully made on Nth metal)


Kara wake up by the smell of Breakfast and comes running to the kitchen

"What smells so good " Kara said seeking excitedly" Is this hash browns " ."No No No.."Monel tried to stop her but it was to late

Kara:- hash browns, bacon and toast

Mon:- I was trying to make your breakfast in bed.I am going to (cut off between by kara)

Kara:- oh that's sweet of you (pulling his cheeks)But You can't come between me and bacon and it's that a poch cake how do you suppose to know that

Mon(showing a cookbook):-by this, turns out the books are a lot more useful than the youtube

Kara:- Hey..you have changed

Mon(kissing her cheeks softly):- I figured if you have good enough to give me a second chance I should be good enough to full fill your life with joy and happiness and coffee as it is ready (he said filling her cup with coffee.

Kara:- any word from your parents

Mon:- No their mothership is still hovering around the planet. It's what they call as a helicopter parenting

Kara giggles at that

Kara:- you know what the best part of being fired from catco

Mon:- what?

Kara slowly comes near him putting her hands around his neck

Kara:- There is more time with you (she said putting her lips on his sucking and tasting all of his mouths as he did pull her by her waist)

That's when a transmission portal opens and Naira comes out of the portal and sees them

Naira:- eww, remind me to come from the door next time(turning her face to side)

Kara and mon instantly pull back and mon-el gets in a defensive stance

Mon:- Hey what are you? How you come here to (In mind why always this happens with us when we were romancing . Kabab mein haddi)

But to Monel's surprise, Kara hugs the brunette with her superspeed and giving her a bone-crushing hug, and kisses her cheek.

Kara:- where were you Naira all this time like 2 months? I thought you hated me cause what happen

Naira:- Oh I sent you messages that I love you. I just needed some answers for myself and I thought you will enjoy your time with your new boyfriend the first ever who you actually in relation with

Kara :- Don't tease me like that when you never go on date

N:- I am not a romantic kinda anyways and I already learn your record of nose breaking,leg fractures, and also someone's rib

Kara:- stop it

Monel:- umm..(clearing her throat)

Kara:- Oh sorry Mon-El this is naira Zor El also known as princess Naira Singhania My sister that I forgot to told you about. (she said guiltily)

Monel:- no no it's fine there was so much going on from the time we started dating(kara nods to him)

kara:- and Naira he is my boyfriend

Naira:- Prince Monel gand or should I say the formal prince of daxam

Kara:- you know him

Naira:- Yes we had met before the last time we met he called me pretty lady Uhm.. no prettiest lady

Kara:- Did you? ( kara said eyeing to mon)

Monel:- No. Is this some kind of trick or test because I never saw you In. And I don't remind I ever called anyone pretty other than Kara. (Looking down guiltily) In my dark days when I got to the wrong way I never complimented anyone.

Kara(putting her hand on his shoulder for support):- Naira If you're teasing him please don't

N( Naira smile seeing the couple):- You know di I don't lie, Jeju called me pretty lady and also make a Dexu'm Flu'r(sweet dish from daxam) for me ( Kara and monel blushed listening to Jeju but mon fails to light up with realization)

Monel :- you were that little 6 years old, Pretty lady

Naira :- yup, you take much time .to make it up you can make Daxu'm Flu'r for me Jeju . For the time I will start eating all these dishes for breakfast ( she started eating and kara joins to her)

Mon-El:- Oh sorry I can't find the ingredients of daxam food on earth.

Kara:-Is Someone going to tell me the story of you guys. Nairu? Mon?

Naira:- you know I was in exploration guild and like to explore the world and I go with mother, father, aunt Lara, and uncle Jor-El to daxam when they go to renew a peace treaty.

MonEl:- Long story short when she sees how our guards treat slaves she roars out on them and goons were about to attack her but as on daxam she is my responsibility to take care of me with hal-an my friend saved her. I was amused by a 5 year old, her fearlessness we become friends. Actually, her fearlessness inspired me and I put forth the anti-slavery laws in front of daxamite court. But I can't do much as all laws made by my mother and father.

Kara was shocked, she knows that Monel is a good guy but knowing that her respect for her increases.

Kara :- I didn't know used to you cook on daxam too

N:- Yes, and it was so great. He invited me at midnight to daxam kitchen and made me sweet dishes. Did I say I have a real-life harry potter experience with dragons?

Monel:- she was my first friend even though she was 5 and I 24 she was so free and not like hal-an who treat me as upper.

Mon:- And what's this harry potter.

N:- Oh you haven't read the book di must have the collection here ( Naira looks over the table to see but she finds some other books on the table) Oh Romeo and Juliet how cheesy.(Kara put her hand on her face and mon brushes)

K:- He can't get over its ending yet.

N:- That's the reason I don't like love stories cause most of that is like that. Not like yours you two are perfect for each other. And I don't know what to do with myself with my thousand years of life.

Mon :- After meeting kara I realized love is the most unlogical thing in the world you will find your mate (he said looking at kara squeezing her hand)

N(to change topic):- You were saying about the anti-slavery clause on daxam and court what happened that day.

Mon(looking down in guilt):- I never wake up that day and the next, mother mixed drugs in my drinks. I thought of never taking those things but every time I try to do some good respectful king and queen never agrees to that. Monopoly really sucks at kryptons

N:- It's not monopoly or democracy matters it's the rulers.

Kara:- What Do you mean?

N:- I am also here to say sorry about what happen to daxam

Mon:- It's not your fault as I said to kara It was just happened because of sharing a star

N:- That's the point it happens because of the star.

Kara:- oh Rao, Naira are you blaming Rao for krypton's destruction.

N:- It depends If you believing a dying star as a Rao or all the light in the world which guides us . If you choose the first option you may be hate god-like I did for last month. I think you should know this if you don't want

Mon-El:- Go ahead

N:- N.O.V.A.(Neural Optimistic Virtual A.I.) to kara unasked question Naira said by the raised brow

N.O.V.A.:- Kryptons red star which earth scientist called LHS2420 is a dying star has only 100 -150 years of life remained according to Kryptonian scientists 2 years before the time of kryptons destruction. But No one was allowed to discuss this by the high command. But half of the peoples in High command of krypton was superstitious thinking that If Rao died and Kryptonians rescued from that Kryptonian soul will not have a place to leave so they themselves wanted to Kill their peoples they created some killers on the name of Rao and ordered to mine the core for fossil fuels so the plant can die. Also sent exploration ship many light-years away.

Kara :- Oh rao, Our own people killed all Kryptonians and daxamites.

N:- at least some daxamite are saved but they too howering upon us don't know when will attack us.

Kara:- umm.. Naira did Father, Mother knows about it

N:- According to brainiac database No. Father and uncle jor El was the few who pointed out the destruction of the planet due to mining. They didn't know about plans high some members of the high council were making. Peoples like aunt Astra who tries to give information to other peoples even though her method was not right she was a hero. This information about high council I find from her files from the database.

Kara sees to the side of daxamite who was quiet to the time.

Kara:- sorry Mon its

Mon:- As I said earlier it's not your fault. Even after I see all this it not changes. I just don't understand why your sister showing us all this

Kara:- Our parents never know what we do in this new world, being a hero is good but accepting our mistakes and showing them to others so others will not do the same mistakes requires a lot of bravery. Somethings I learn from you.

Naira :- That's right .Now anyone have plans about the daxamite ship floating above in earth orbit.

Kara :- I was thinking that Mon El can convience his Parents by some talk but I guess that not gonna happen considering what her mother did to him about drugs.

Mon-El:- No they will not listen to any talk. I think even If I will go with them their is more chances they will attack earth to make it their new daxam.

That's when Someone teleported in Kara's loft that's Mon-El's parents King lar gand and queen Rhea comes out of portal.

Rhea:- So what did you decided kryptonian My son or this filthy planet

Naira:- I think she decided even better option

Lar gand :- Now who are you?

Naira (Bows to show respect and some buttering):- Your highness I am Naira Zor El former princess of krypton daughter of Zor-El and alura and niece of Jor-El .They all talked highly about you . (Kara and mon El was surprised by this)

Lar gand(smiling):- And what did they say

Naira :- That great king of daxam will never disrespect God and never Go against his said words.

Rhea :- Kryptonian are you trying to dishonour my king

Naira(eying to her):- No her highness I was just reminding him At the time of peace treaty between Daxam and krypton both daxam matrix and kryptons' codex matrix showed Prince Mon-El and My sister Kara Zor El as Soulmate's.I was there when your highness was the one saying that he will arrange the marriage of the prince and My sister and they will be next King and Queen of daxam. ( She said and looks at Monel and Kara to just look at their facial expression )

Rhea:- well there is no krypton and nor daxam so no point in following a peace treaty

Naira nods to Monel and signal's him to back her so they need to come out of the shock.

Mon:- but Rao Is still there seeing us and so other gods. You were the one who taught me that real daxamite will not take his words back and You were the King so you need to follow your words.

Kara:- Monel is fine here on earth with us and this life he chooses for him, your highness.

Rhea:- Well he is a future king of Daxam he should be the face for people when we build the new daxam .

Naira:- Well surely he is the future king of daxam so but as far as I know Daxam's people will not care for the prince If their King is leading them. I assure you that as soon as you wanted to retire and want them as King and queen they will take their responsibility.

Kara and Monel were surprised much but decided to play along. Kara was more surprised by the fact that how her little sister was supposed to know such talks in politics.

King lar gand:- And why we are supposed to not take them with us right now and Set up their marriage.

Kara:- Because as a queen I am not supposed to Marry on a Mother ship, There is a more positive impact on people If we get married On the new Daxam On that point I can give you a list of some planet in this galaxy which have no life form and you can make it livable for daxamites for and the supergirl for planet earth.

Naira:- Secondly , As supergirl and ... valor (looking at Monel so he confirms)they can represent daxam here as a representative, and as a need daxam is in for a friendly planet for resources It would be really helpful.

Lar Gand:- Well, then If I know supergirl's dedication towards earthling's if she is assuring same for daxam after becoming queen then as soon as we find a place livable for our people and build it like home I am going to make the King and queen be ready to star crossed couple's( he said gazing at Kara and mon's interlocked hands)

King teleported from there but the queen remains.

Rhea(Gazing at Kara):- I am not going to leave you Witch . I am not going to leave this filthy planet.

This Broke Naira and mon-El patience. He was about to give her back but naira gets their first.

N:- Enough of you. Now you should realize that she can make something in no time that can destroy your ship into pieces. The only reason she didn't because she considers not so innocent daxamite on ship as just soldier's following your orders and she won't kill anyone. So get your head on the right side and respect your future king and queen.

Rhea glares at her but vanishes as the light teleports her to a ship.

"Oh rao, What I have done" was naira's words realizing

"Don't worry I was about to say something similar though I didn't know what you say about Kara"Mon muttered but Kara was silent and processing all info she got about her and Monel"Well it was surprising that talking work"

"Yeah I was going to practice my speech though"Naira shrugged


"The daxam ship's actually gone out of earth orbit, say again what you guy's have done for this?"Alex asked sitting in Al's bar to Kara while naira was sitting there using her facial image device to change her facial feature so No one in a bar will recognize her as the famous CEO she is.

"We talked, "Naira said shrugging off as Kara was still silent and she knows what her sister was thinking.

"You stopped an alien invasion by talking"

"Well she may have talked about my marriage to Monel and me becoming their future queen as mon's dad one's promised" Kara finally spoke

"Do you regret to promise my dad of marrying me babe?" mon asked

"No, no I want to live my entire life with you. I just don't know about all this being Queen and my little sis here didn't tell me that my marriage was fixed when I was just 10 " Naira and Alex exchanged a look

"Me neither I was just 18, about being queen I don't think my mother will create problems but If the time comes you will be an amazing queen that I know for sure, "Monel says squeezing her hand.

"Aww you two are so awfully cute," Alex said making them blush

"Drinks?" mon asked to ignore the awkwardness

"Can you plz take that ale alcohol we got last time? "Kara asked

"You sure you want alien alcohol and not club soda?"

"Yeah sure. I need to wrap my mind around all this happen today . Just make sure I will not go in DEO as drunk"kara said

"I didn't know we can't get drunk" Naira said

"Oh you have no idea," Alex said in a teasing tone looking at kara

"Oh then water for me and I am guessing Alex has her regular here at this cool alien bar," she said and looked at Alex who was nodding and Mon goes

"So, star crossed couples huh?" that was Alex

"Oh, you two I am not In a mood of being teased for now. You should realize I can melt your face " she said looking at naira

"Hey, common di don't look at me like that I just listened to their talk about your marriage which was going to happen after 10 years so mother asked me to not tell you. After I found Monel is your new boyfriend I realized you were destined so If I come here and blurted out about that you may have back off" Naira said keeping her voice steady "and don't say you regret promising to marry monEl as I can see you can marry him right now maybe just waiting for his proposal"

"That I can confirm"Alex perkin

"Sorry, I was just Confused about that But did I say I am proud of you. Where did you learn all that politics? Being princess suits you "she said smiling proudly and naira returns her smile.

" I tried. Though I should be more careful at last when I talked to rhea"
Naira said feeling guilty.

"No I know she is gonna backfire anyway . I am glad you show her don't to play with temper of Zor-El sisters"

"Enough of serious talk its KARAoke night guys and we are here to enjoy"
Alex says

"Yeah"mon-el says giving drinks and kara takes her drink in one shot before stopped by mon a wrong move again.

"Yeah its karaoke night and everything is floating and we need to sing " kara said in a drunken tone taking monEl to the stage in bar and they started singing making naira and alex to laugh ,naira laughed until the time tears come in her eyes.

Kara comes down on the stage and hugs her and alex
"You two .. you are my favourite sisters"she said in drunk tone.

"The last time I remember We two are your only sisters"
But to naira's surprise she takes her hand and takes her to stage

" I am here againnnn.. but my cute little sisoo is good at dance too so she will dance to with karaoke to "kara announced

"What ,are you trying some revenge on me?"wispered under her breath
"Please"kara pouted which didn't effect on her. But she got to dance without anyone noticing her so why not.
She started singing and her sister joined her and they do some dance moves while karaoke thats naira doing moves and kara does some funny steps between in her drunken state. Naira has no doubt that they are captured in alex camera but who cares. Later naira and alex bid bye to madly in love couple and monEl takes her home.


"I am not going to di's apartment. I am not hearing sounds coming from lovesick couples room"

"That's for the lack of better words. But i see your look"

"What look?"

"I felt same thinking sometime before thinking all her time is not mine and how much she loves you"

"We should talk this somewhere else"
That's when a bike comes flying and park in front of them.

"Your ride is here princess naira "voice of N.O.V.A come out from bike.

"That's cool one. I want that"

"That's only model for me .I designed it as I lost my flight power after that serum incident "

"Oh then its for you. I can't take this"

"For now you can drive this"


"Yup ,the ride is all yours" they take a seat and naira sets the motor bike on stealth mode and alex roars the bike at its highest and bike thruster made it fly in air at its highest speed.

"So what do you feel?"

"Guilty. I mean i am so happy for kara di but something is wrong me I feel jealous that the little time we get as sisters as you know i can't be around her in public... also our plan to explore the galaxy"

"Maybe you need to find a partner for yourslf"

"Maybe but can I. I don't understand this love thing how it works so I don't go on dates. "

" You didn't go on date once in a life. Why I am surprised though? Naira Singhania do you understand sis you are the most eligible bachelor. You're a first trillionaire CEO although you do world-changing donations and major changes in underdeveloped countries all over the world that's why world recognize you as a princess and world loves you and you are just 21"

"Well If Kara di was in my position world would have changed forward to 100 to 1000 years but she will not do that to not change human evolution but I am glad I can make some good."

" You have much pressure on yourself, but even supergirl takes so you to deserve it "

"Yeah you know, I am starting to believe in destiny. What are the odds of a girl from krypton and Boy from daxam falling for each other in a different world after their own died?So If destiny thinks the partner thing is actually necessary for me them it will do its work till then I will do mine.

"I like the line girl from krypton and boy from daxam I am so gonna tease her a lot" Alex giggled

"I am in for that," says Naira joining her.

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