Chapter No.131 Consolidation.

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Chapter No.131 Consolidation.

Preparing for the final conflict requires a lot of work.

We decided to go back to our own universe, but first we had to bring the Explorer-1 class vessel from the former Tyco androids up to our standards. That meant that Molly, Alexa, Alex and I had to make sure that the upgrades to the engines and weapons systems were installed correctly.

"I hate using this nano-scale," Alex said. "It's tedious.

"But necessary," I added.

He grunted.

"I can't find any hidden explosive devices," Alexa said. "I'll begin a scan for surveillance devices."

"Hopefully Tyco didn't come up with any new technology we aren't familiar with," I said.

"He sure as hell isn't adding anything new to his vessels," Molly said. "We're already two generations ahead of him in engine and weapons technology."

"And resurrecting more of the scientists and technical humans that he murdered will help keep us ahead of him."

"There is one possibility that could put him ahead of us," Molly said.

"What's that?"

"He could attain more advanced tech from intelligent species in other universes."

I shook my head. "That's a real possibility. The bad news is that we wouldn't even be aware of it."

"Perhaps that information could be locked in the memories of these people that he resurrected as androids only to torment them."

I pointed at her. "Good point."

When we had completed the upgrades, we teleported back to our vessel. It was getting late, so I decided to go to my quarters to prepare the communal meal. What I found there amazed me.

The instant I entered my quarters I was literally attacked by four young androids. Evan, Edward, Kevin and Tad ran to me jumping and yelling my name.

"Jason! Jason! Jason!"

I took all of them into my arms for a big hug, accompanied by giggling and laughing.

"My goodness, they're growing," I said to Marie, who seemed to be the mama this day.

"They're also getting wild and woolly," she said.

"How's their education coming?"

"Oh, don't worry about that. The androids are making sure that they're progressing in a proper manner."

"Good." I looked at the children. "I have to go prepare our meal. You guys had better settle down and do what you're told."

"We will, father," Evan said.

The others giggled. I gave Marie a grin, which she returned with a smirk.

I decided to prepare a real treat for them, Beef Wellington, all the meats therein being simulated with biosynthesis material. Fortunately, I had the help of Alice, Ellen and Ben to make it happen.

After the command crew assembled in my dining room, they didn't waste any time digging into the meal that my assistants and I had prepared.

"You sure know how to prepare a good meal," Barney said. "This is delicious."

"Thank you. I have good help."

Barney raised his glass of Shiraz. "To Jason, our generous provider!"

The others joined him in the toast.

"Thank you, one and all," I replied.

"So, Jason," Marty said. "Are you going to expand this communal dinner when more people are resurrected?"

"I suppose I could, but it might have to be in more than one shift. I'm not sure how that would work."

"I have an idea that might work," Alex said. "How about having this communal meal down on the recreational deck. We could have a dining hall constructed there along with a performance theater where we could be entertained."

I rubbed my jaw. "That's an interesting idea. Maybe it would work."

"Some of the people we resurrect will end up being assigned to other vessels," Alexa said. "What about them?"

"I think I'll allow the androids to make the arrangements. It needs to be planned with all of this in mind."

No one objected, which made me think that most of them were being controlled by the collective that I was supposed to be the leader of.

We returned to our universe with the updated vessel and settled into orbit around Earth. After checking the French Riviera location, we began to allow shore leaves with armed androids for protection.

Alexa and I went down to make sure there were no surprises awaiting them. We were standing on a veranda of what was once a hotel. The androids had rebuilt some of it as a refuge from the heat of the day.

"I have someone you should talk to," Alexa said. "His name his Harvey, and he was with the Tyco collective."

"Does he have any information we could use?"

"What he has is advice."

He suddenly appeared by Alexa's powers. She gestured to me. "This is Jason."

He extended his hand and we shook. "Glad to meet you, Jason. Tyco had a lot to say about you, mostly complaints."

I smiled. "I can imagine."

"Was Tyco this Caviar Fox character or was he actually a proto-human?"


His answer surprised me.

"He was Caviar first and then became a proto-human based android. He brought to Space Command most of the technology we use."

"So, he's just computer code that could be projected in whatever android form suits the situation."

"That is correct. Caviar was a direct descendant of one of Nazi Germany's greatest physicist, Johannes Stark. He is committed to converting the multiverse into his vision of racial perfection."

"So, you're saying that his code has not been eliminated."

"That is correct. It exists in many places and will reemerge whenever and wherever he wishes."

"If that's the case, we'll never defeat him."

Harvey looked at me and smiled. "All is not lost. There is a way to keep him contained. You must allow more of your people to have complete control over your central core."

I squinted. "How would that prevent him from attacking us?"

"Because he would have to battle several of you at once. Even he is not capable of that. The reason he is able to take over android collectives is because they are run by the androids."

"That sounds like a redundant statement."

"Actually, it makes sense. You have been duped and manipulated all of this time because the androids run the collective. You must unite with the people that have powers and take it back. Then, the androids will secede to your command and it will allow you to keep Tyco from invading your collective."

"What if Tyco gains control of one of the central core people? Wouldn't that make the collective vulnerable?"

"No, because it would require him gaining control of all of you, not just one."

I looked at Alexa. "What do you think about this?"

"It makes sense to me.  I'm tired of the fact that we've been duped the entire time."

I knew that she was right about this, but it made me nervous. I had to figure out a way to get everyone on board without any disruption to our system.

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