Chapter No. 132. New Administration.

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Chapter No. 132. New Administration.

Several heads are better than one.

The plan to take back control of the collective was on course, but I needed the advice of the people with my powers. I decided that the best place was one in which no one, not even I had known about.

Alexa, Molly, Marie and Margaret appeared in my quarters where I was waiting for them in my living area.

I stood up and greeted them. "Thanks for coming."

"So, what's up?" Marie asked.

"Oh, just a takeover of the collective."

"What?" she blurted. "I thought that you were in charge of the collective."

"That's just an illusion. I'm just a token king with a useless title."

She tilted her head. "I don't get it."

"The androids have strung us along the entire time we've been with them. The problem with the androids running the collective is that Tyco can easily penetrate it. The only way we can defend against that is by us forming an inner group and take the central core over."

"Are you suggesting that we become a coven?" Molly asked, frowning.

"We're not witches," I replied.

She huffed. "You know what I mean."

"Yes, I think we need to become a team to collectively control the central core of the collective."

"Who will be on this team?"

"All of you, of course, but I think we should add others to it after we give them powers."

"This is not going to go well with the androids," Margaret said.

"They'll get over it. It's the only way we can defeat any attempts to take over our collective."

"Who do you suggest we add?" Marie asked.

"I think that you can come up with possible candidates. I would choose people who have skills that we need to defeat Tyco."

"One, that I would suggest is Helen Stromberg. She's a brilliant physicist who is responsible for a lot of our technology."

"Good choice," I said.

"I suggest Uma Bharatiya," Alexa said. "She's a brilliant Indian physicist."

"Tiana Bighorse is another good candidate," Margaret said. "She's an accomplished Native American geologist."

"Who do you suggest?" Molly asked me.

"I would add Alex. He's an engineer like me, maybe even better than I am. Maybe Barney would be a good addition. He knows a lot about this Tyco character."

"There's a doctor in the latest group of human-based androids," Marie said. "She a Japanese physician by the name of Onuki Takuya."

"We probably should add Vincent and Alicia to that list," Margaret said. "I know another physicist by the name of Octavia Green. She's an expert on fusion."

"Okay," I said. "The next thing we have to know is whether they'll join us after we spell out all of the risks."

"We'll work on that," Alexa said. "Your job is to find a place we can meet that is out of the loop, so to speak."

I gave her a subtle grin. "I know just the place."

"Where is it?" Marie asked.

I waved my hand. "Come, and I'll show you."

I led them to my spacious bathroom, which had a door behind the elaborate shower. I pointed at the that door. "This one leads to the main swimming pool. However, there is something behind here that I didn't realize existed until just recently."

Molly squinted at me. "That doesn't make sense. Why wouldn't you know about it? You're the guy who designed this vessel."

"Because it was just recently added."

"By whom?"

"The androids. I think they know what we're trying to do, and this is their way of helping us."

"Why in the hell would they want to help us take over the collective from them?" Marie asked.

"Because they are literally frightened about what would happen to them if Tyco gains control."

Alexa gestured to the door. "So, what's behind these walls?"

"I will teleport you there."

We appeared in a location that surprised them.

"What the hell!" Marie exclaimed. "This is a swimming pool!"

"Why in the hell would they create a second swimming pool next to your quarters?" Molly asked.

"I think they made it to placate me, but it is an ideal place to meet because there is no surveillance here."

Marie looked around. "Yeah, that would make it a great place to meet, especially since there's no entrance to it."

"So, you think that the androids want us to take over," Margaret said.

"Yes, I do. I just hope that we can pull it off. Our survival depends on it."

That didn't help make them confident that we could, but it ignited a will to do so.

The next evening, Molly, Margaret, Marie and Alexa teleported Uma, Tiana, Onuki, Helen, Alicia, Octavia, Vincent, Barney and Alex to our hidden location. They looked around and were just as surprised as we were.

"Welcome to the New Guardians of the Collective," I said. "This location is where we will come to discuss and plan our takeover of the collective."

"This appears to be more of a recreational area," Helen said.

"It is, but it has no entrance and there are no surveillance devices in it."

"Why did you choose us?" Tiana asked.

"Because you have the skills to help us take over the android collective and make the decisions that will protect us from Tyco's influence."

"What can we do to help in this project?" Uma asked.

"We need you to help us run the collective. We need all of the androids, both human-based and machine based, to act together to defend against any takeover."

"You don't have to convince us about fighting against a takeover," Tiana said. "We know what being under that bastard Tyco is like."

I knew that we had made the right decisions about who to add because they know how evil Tyco is.

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