Chapter 4

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More than a thousand eyes pierced into her soul the minute Alina stepped foot in the class—she felt each one. Her heart thudded away, dancing to the sound of bells jingling back and forth. She stood rooted to the spot, unable to take her gaze off the floor. This wasn't Alina. She was a loud, opinionated girl who owned her orbit. But at this point, in a totally new world, Alina couldn't bear facing the crowded class. She scanned different spots for an empty seat. Feets shuffled behind her—it was Kev, trying to walk past her. She sighed. He was leaving her all by herself. Just great.

Although she couldn't deny it, he had helped her in a lot of ways. Kev was the one who practically saw her through to class. He could easily have abandoned the role Mrs. Poll gave him, but he didn't and for that, she was grateful. Alina did not move a muscle though. She stood there until Kev finally leaned in and whispered, "Come on, follow me." She linked hands with his and followed closely as they mounted a series of steps to what looked to be the middle row. Then he guided her to a seat beside a girl who was scribbling something in a notebook, oblivious to the pair of eyes staring at her.

Alina sat down, pulling her bag close to her. Kev plopped next to her, silently offering his moral support. She offered him a small smile and rubbed her sweaty palms for comfort. The class, she noted, was huge, rowdy and packed with over a thousand students or more. Alina couldn't be sure because from where she sat, she could only see the top of heads—not counting the students who sat at the front or those further behind her. Her gaze fell on the podium, large enough to house ten girls for a sleepover. She chuckled faintly at the thought. Students were trickling in, one by one, and in groups with their bags on their back and books clutched in the crook of an arm.

Her brows furrowed as she sized their clothes. Not one human was wearing a school uniform. Really? Was she the only new student? Her head turned to Kev, he was tapping his fingers on the leather of his seat, looking here and there as if waiting for someone. Maybe his girlfriend. Alina kept the idea to herself and she cleared her throat.

"Why am I the only one wearing a school uniform?" she mouthed when he turned in her direction.

He shrugged but didn't say anything. Alina snorted. Just what she needed. She clucked her tongue, looking left to see her seatmate smiling at her.

"Feels, weird, huh?" the girl said.

Alina touched her own chest, glancing sideways. She was confused for a moment, wondering if the girl was talking to her. "Are you...?"

"Yeah, I was referring to you. I'm Daniella, named after Godson the First." Daniella offered a hand.

"I'm Alina." She hesitated before slipping her hand in the girl's. Not again. There was the same chill she felt when she shook hands with her roommate, spreading over her arm like slow poison. She retracted, flicking her wrist.

Daniella laughed. "You'll get used to it."

Alina looked from her red hair, bouncing off her shoulders to the chic, red lipstick that brought out the bronze tone of her cheeks. "Ooh," was all she could manage. She could never get used to that. Kev tapped her arm, nodding to the entrance where a group of students just poured in. Alina watched as they conversed between themselves, slapping each other's chest and creating one hell of a noise. They were all on baseball jackets and caps to match. A sudden tension had taken over the hall, settling like a hush. "Who are they?" she asked Kev, but Daniella offered to respond.

"They are rich jocks. The ones who run shows in Greendale. Take it or leave it, they're one of the very best." Daniella gave a dreamy sigh, waving at one of them who not only smiled at her but also blew her kisses. Alina recognized him almost immediately. He was the guy from the gym. As his gaze met hers, his smile vanished. She shifted about in her seat.  "That's Archie Meller, my boyfriend."

Alina sensed the glaring pride in Daniella's voice. She mentally berated herself. Trash. For what it's worth. Still, she couldn't deny feeling drawn to him, like a weird attraction she didn't understand, and the warmth that spread all over her body, tingling her toes. She kept a straight face, biting back her jealousy. Daniella was indeed lucky.

"God. Anytime those guys enter, it's like we're in another world entirely." Kev's voice sounded far away, carried by the wind.

"What's your deal with them?" Alina's question hung in the air because the lecturer entered and the whole class had to quiet down.

"Hello, students of Greendale college. You're welcome to the first thermodynamics class for the session. I'm Mr. Smithens. Very sorry to be late on the first day, I was in the middle of 'you-know-what.'" The lecturer thrusted his waist back and forth, making a weird face, and the class erupted in fits of laughter seasoned with snide remarks. Kev merely chuckled and Alina narrowed her eyes. He put on a good show.

"So, today... we're going to be discussing the laws of thermodynamics. Anyone care to share the first law with us?" Mr. Smithens scratched his thin crop of white hair, putting his microphone down.

Alina looked around to see if there were any volunteers. Coincidentally, her stare clashed with Archie's. A warm lightheaded feeling washed over her, making her purr in pleasure. She couldn't tell where the sound came from, whether it was from her or someone else because Daniella was staring at her, intently, her face white with... rage?

Alina lifted a brow. Mr. Smithens pointed at her to stand. It was only then that she realized her hand had been up the whole time. Shit! She cursed under her breath, head hanging low in shame. Why did I raise my hand? When did I? What the hell was I thinking? And it occurred to her that she might have raised her hand to get Archie's attention, without her even realizing it. Maybe that explained why Daniella kept glaring at her. But if she did raise her hand to get Archie's attention, why did he ignore her? Alina groaned.

"Come on, don't be shy, Miss," the lecturer urged.

Alina wanted the ground to open up and swallow her just then. Her diaphragm contracted, restricting air flow. For a moment, she thought she would pass out from fear. All eyes were on her, including Kev who was waiting for her to come up with the answer like the snap of a finger. Alina tried to stand; her legs were shaky. She had to lean on her seat for support.

"Sir... the first law is..." Alina trailed off. Nothing was popping up in her thick skull. What was that? Kev tapped her feet lightly, begging her to read his lips. She saw his mouth move, but she couldn't understand what he was saying. Soon, waves of murmurs spread across the classroom. Some shook their heads, laughing at her stupidity. Tears clouded Alina's eyes, she plopped down, drained out of proportions. Daniella patted her back as sobs racked through her body. All she could hear was snickers around the halls, drowning out Mr. Smithens' resumed lecture.

As soon as Alina was able to recollect herself, she dried her tears, turning to the area Archie sat. But he was no longer there. Daniella caught her forlorn stare and returned it with a questioning look.

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