Chapter 5

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Alina sailed through the rest of her classes, albeit surprisingly, because she didn't think there was much skunk left in her after the incident with Mr. Smithens. After the Physics lesson, she had dashed out from the hall, ignoring Kev's persistent call. She raced blindly down the hallway, colliding with bodies here and there as she hurried to get away. A breath of fresh air was what she needed to feel more herself. As she turned a bend, she spotted Archie walking in her direction with a light ginger in his steps. At first glance, he backtracked. Alina shouted his name, breaking out in a run to catch up with him. She just wanted to talk.

Alina almost crashed into him as he came to a stand-still. Archie glared at her, arms crossed against the bulge of his chest. His jet-black curls fell above an eyebrow, cutting past like a knife. She sucked in a sharp breath, managing to get over their proximity.

"What the hell do you want?" His tone was icy, chilling her to her bone marrow.

There was a cackling tension in the air, Alina embraced it, arms spread wide. Archie didn't bother to ask how she was feeling after being such an idiot—he didn't even bother apologizing for leaving. Goddamn! He had embarrassed her in front of everyone. Instead, he wanted to know the reason she was chasing him. This angered Alina. She narrowed her eyes, trying to keep her surliness in check.

"What did you do that for?" she asked, settling her gaze on his stupidly handsome face. Alina feared that if she looked anywhere else, like those delicious rippling muscles, her guard would collapse.

It was obvious her question jilted Archie because he moved his bag from one arm to the other. His eyes swept everywhere, but her. "What do you mean?"

Alina snorted. Of course, she expected him to flat out deny, he didn't like her after all. What she couldn't understand was why. Why he disliked her so much that the sight of her made his smile vanish into thin air. Why he reacted the way he did in class. He just met her for God's sake—why was he so quick to cast her aside, judging her silently, without giving her a chance to warm up to him? It was creeping her out, more than she cared to admit. Was she a virus?

"Don't play dumb!" Alina snapped, earning her curious stares from students who walking to and fro the hallway.

Archie swallowed; his Adam apple bobbed. "I don't know what the hell you're thinking but don't ever raise your voice at me. I didn't do anything to you. Now, it will do you some good to stay the heck out of my way."

Alina heaved a sigh, chuckling at the audacity. Before she could utter another word, Archie stormed off. He gave her one last glance that sent shivers running over her whole body, tingling her spine. She forgot to breathe; forgot why she confronted him. What was she trying to prove? Alina simply stared at his retreating back till he dissolved into a mass of bodies.

By the time the bell went off for lunch, Alina had regained some composure, enough to find her way to the cafeteria. All by herself. It was by some miracle she didn't get lost—the hallways were so similar; she must have detoured once or twice. But later, she saw a throng of students heading in one direction and followed. Alina took her position in the long queue of students waiting to be served. She tapped her feet, cursorily glancing around. Alina tried to avoid the piercing gazes thrown her way, no doubt because of her performance at class. What a freak show.

She wished it never happened. The snide comments and whispers around the halls as she walked past were exhilarating. It made her heart cage. There was this dam of emotions threatening to explode like a corked volcano. Alina closed her fingers in a fist; she couldn't afford to lose control. The last time she did, her parents decided that they were done trying to curtail her bad behaviour. Grabbing a small tray, she placed her plate of mashed potatoes on it, careful in lifting so it didn't spill over and onto her precious school uniform. Then she scanned the crowded room for an empty spot.

There was one at the far end of the cafeteria where Kev sat, so engrossed in his food. However, she had to pass by Archie's table to be able to get to him. Alina was none-too-happy about it, but she shrugged off the gloom, heading in the opposite direction. She managed to boycott their table, her eyes fixated on her watery gravy.

"Hey, Alina," Daniella called, her voice was close to a tiny shriek. Archie sat right beside her, staring at Alina like he had never seen her before; observing her like she was a prey. "Why don't you join us here?" Daniella added.

Alina flashed a smile as she turned, meeting Archie's levelled gaze. "Um, it's alright. I'll just sit with my friend at that corner." She gestured to Kev with her tray, positioned at her chest like it was a weapon.

Daniella shrugged, rubbing an affectionate hand on Archie's back. Alina didn't miss the gesture and her chest squeezed. She caught Archie leaning into her, his lips mere inches from her ear. Swallowing the hurt, she marched on, dropping her tray with a clang. The spill she had been preventing was all over the table, making Kev scrunch his face in irritation.

"What was that for? And where the hell have you been?" Kev stopped eating, wiping the corner of his mouth with his kerchief.

Alina sat down, angry tears shining in her eyes. "I hate everyone. They're just going on and on about how I embarrassed myself in class; crying like a small baby. But it wasn't my fault. Archie caused it." As soon as she blurted out his name, Kev tensed, pushing his food away.

Alina frowned. "What is it?" She searched his face which was partly covered by his long hair.

"Nothing. Although, I have to warn you, it's best you stay away from Archie. He's a monster." Something flashed in his eyes, making Alina press forward with her elbow against the table.

"What do you mean he's a monster?" Alina couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that sank in the pit of her stomach. Her appetite was gone in an instant.

"I don't know. But just do as I say. They're no good for you." Alina slapped her forehead; she was getting sick of all the drama and mystery surrounding Archie. Daniella inclusive. It was only her first day, and the weight was pressing down on her already. What would happen to her after a year?

"Huh? Is it because of what happened in class? You saw it, right? Archie practically humiliated me in front of everyone." She realized she had said the last part a bit too loud because all eyes were now on their table.

Kev heaved a sigh, drawing his chair back. It scraped the floor, silencing the whole area. "You should be careful." With that, he sauntered off, leaving his cold food Alina knocked over in ire.

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