After Eclipse: The Sequel

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Hello all, TheFoxMcCloud here! I just wanted to take another part after the end of "Star Fox: Eclipse" to talk about what I have planned for the future. If you have made it to this part of the book, that means you have probably finished my first novel (and hopefully enjoyed it!). I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of writing this book; I can't begin to describe how many hours and how much effort I put into making this story, I really wanted to put out a fanfic with accuracy in character development and a realistic plot.

But now Eclipse is done. My brother and I have edited the whole thing through at least 3-4 times, it's all on Wattpad (and, so what's next?

Well here is where "Project Cerinia" comes in. Firstly, what really is "Project Cerinia?" For those of you who aren't following my other little interactive/random books, PC (for short) began before Eclipse as another short fanfic I wrote about Krystal's home planet, Cerinia, and how it was inevitably destroyed (this is not a true spoiler, since this info was given in the Star Fox Adventures manual). So anyway, I wrote this short fanfic, later following it with the more serious novel "Star Fox: Eclipse," then to realize that I could have done a lot better with it. The book was short, the plot was not great, and overall I could have done a lot more with the development of Krystal's life before the Star Fox team. And this is where PC picks back up; I'm basically reworking they old story into something very new.

Now for the story itself. What is PC, and why? Right now, the book doesn't have an official title, but that's why it's going under the working title "Project Cerinia." I'm not sure what I'm going to call it yet, I still don't know enough of the details to name it accurately. What I do know is that the main focus is Krystal and her home planet of Cerinia. But why write about that? Well, if you couldn't tell from Eclipse, I'm just a huge Star Fox fanatic who loves to fill in all of the missing gaps that Nintendo left behind. One of their greatest holes in the a Star Fox universe is that surrounding Krystal; why did this character just spring up out of nowhere in Star Fox Adventures? What is her back story? All that we were given is that she traveled to Dinosaur Planet in search of answers behind the destruction of her home planet. So as the crazy writer and fanatic I am, I think it's my job to at least attempt to fill in some of those holes.

So that's what this whole thing is all about. How does this tie in to Eclipse? Recently I've had a thought; I think that I want to connect PC to Eclipse in a subtle way that I can't tell you readers yet. The idea is to make Eclipse the beginning of a trilogy, going back in time to PC and then forward again after Eclipse in book 3. It's an ambitious task, one that I will struggle with due to time, life, etc, but I'm going to go for it. I have a lot of awesome things in store for the books, they may be some months and even years in the making, and I appreciate everyone who is sticking with me until the very end. Thank you for your understanding when it comes to slow, random updates. As of now, I'm a Master's Degree student who is married, works, and has to pay my own bills, so free time is not always easy to come by. I work on writing when I get the chance, among other various things. But anyway, I just wanted to share with you some of what is to come, since not everyone reading this might know about "Project Cerinia" or any of that. Thanks again for all of the reads, votes, and comments on my first novel, I hope to see you guys back when the next one hits!

(Sequel now titled Star Fox: Echoes, can be found here on Wattpad!)

~TheFoxMcCloud, your devoted Star Fox author

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