Author's Conclusion

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Firstly, I'd love to give a special thanks to those who helped in the making of my novel, and those who helped me see it through to completion. Thanks to you, I was finally able to turn what was once just a dream into a reality. Thanks to TheFoehammers , for your many hours of reading, editing, and discussion of my book. Your assistance made my book so much better than it could've ever been on its own. Also a special thanks to TheAshley , my wonderful fiancé, for supporting me in everything I do, no matter how strange and nerdy it may be. Thanks to all my wonderful readers, voters, commenters, and followers, for your continued support as I posted my book to Wattpad. All of your comments and feedback have helped to support me, thank you as a community for welcoming my novel so warmly.

Did you ever wonder why I named the book "Eclipse?" If you made it to the epilogue, you might have noticed how I slipped the word in... If you know me, you know how meticulous I am, and here's proof. Any Star Fox book I write has certain requirements for a title. 1) It must be a single word; just like Adventures, Assault, Command, etc, all one word titles after Star Fox, of course. 2) Like the other 3 titles above, the title must function as a verb and a noun, which Eclipse does. See how OCD I am, I even have to name the book like the preexisting games. Why Eclipse of all words? The verb Eclipse means to hide, or conceal, which is one of the many themes throughout the book. Most of the enemy's plot is done behind the scenes, working from within and behind Corneria's infrastructure. It was about deception, deceit, secrecy, and betrayal, so that's why Eclipse fits as the title. I didn't come up with the title until well after the first draft of the book was complete. While in progress, the working title was "Phase Two," named after "Phase Two" in the Avengers movie (not going to explain all that, long story), but I named it that because it was the second major Star Fox book I've written. Yes, there was a first, but it was much shorter than this, not as developed, and I'm going to rework it as my next big project. I was tempted to post it on here anyway but... Firstly, it's not registered with the U.S. Copyright office (call me paranoid but I'm like that about my work), and secondly, it would give away too much of the next project.

If you have made it to end end of the book, you may have noticed I tried to wrap up a few loose ends from Star Fox Assault, the books predecessor. Firstly: where did the Aparoids come from, and what was the purpose behind the random moth attack 17 years prior to Assault? Secondly: What happened to Oikonny after he was defeated on Fortuna? Thirdly, which I left somewhat open (for a sequel perhaps???) but what is the strange connection between Krystal's staff, Cerinia, and Sauria/Dinosaur Planet? In my book, I made an attempt to answer and explain these questions left behind by Nintendo, and many others that I have not mentioned.

So what's next for me and my book(s)? I would love to write a sequel for this book, but there's something I must do first; I call it Project Cerinia, as the working title for now, but it's going to be a book about Krystal's past, on planet Cerinia. Not going to give away any more details than that, but I'm really excited about making this novel even better than Eclipse. Trying to find time with it between work and school, but in time, it will make its way to Wattpad as well.

What's next for you, my readers? Of course, I'm going to continue writing and interacting with you through my "Ask..." Books, along with some other new content in the near future. One thing you can do to help me out is keep it all going! Keep reading, voting, asking questions for me and the Star Fox team, and spread the word! Share my books with others, get the word out there. I'm trying to get this novel published, but the only way to do that is to get Nintendo's approval to use their characters and elements. I'm having problems getting to them directly, but if this book gets enough support, Nintendo may notice it. That's my hope anyway, maybe a long term goal, but I won't give up on getting this book out there.

Thanks again for all the support as you have read my book, I really hope that you have enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed developing and writing the story. I love how the Star Fox reading/gaming community is growing and developing, and I'm glad to be a part of it here on Wattpad. Peace guys, and remember: "Do a barrel roll!"

Author of "Star Fox: Eclipse"

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