CHAPTER FIVE, birthdays

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The next day Stella decides to visit her friends to see how they were doing. Whenever she missed them or was wondering about them she would often visit them and their families.

She decided on visiting Azalea and Harrison Tremblay since it was their daughter's birthday.

She found out that they had gotten married and a few years later adopted a little girl. She always assumed that the two had feelings for each other when they were teens, but she never expected for them to get together. She was glad that they did because they seemed happy with each other.

She stood on the porch, looking into the window of the kitchen where the Tremblay family were having their little girl's fourth birthday party. Pink and purple decorations scattered the kitchen and some presents for Azalea's and Harrison's daughter were sat on the counter.

Some of her friends were over along with their parents and even Oliver was there. It didn't surprise Stella that Oliver had showed up since Oliver is the girl's godfather.


She jumped, startled when she heard a voice. She looked over to her right, surprise to see Luke. A smile tugged on her lips, happy that he was there, but that smile immediately turned to a frown when she noticed it looked like he had been crying.

"Hi, Luke." She greets him. She tilts her head to the side, looking at him with concern. "Are you okay?"

Luke nods and forces a smile. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine." He looked into the window, seeing that a birthday party was going on. He thought it was weird how she was watching some random kid's birthday party. "So, why are you watching some kid's birthday party?"

A small chuckle left Stella's lips, shaking her head. "'Cause I know that kid." She pointed to the red-haired little girl that had a sash on which said 'birthday girl'.

"How'd you know her?" Luke asks, glancing back at Stella. "If-If you don't mind me asking." He quickly added, not wanting to pressure her into talking about something that she might not want to talk about.

"I don't mind." She smiles at Luke, thinking it was sweet that he cared enough to make sure she was alright with asking something like that which was a little personal for her. She points to Harrison who was talking with Wyatt. "That's Harrison. He was my lead guitarist."

"That's Azalea. She used to be my drummer. Also, her and Harrison are married and they adopted that little red-haired girl." Stella explains, pointing to the dark-haired women that was putting candles on her daughter's cake. "Her name is Stella." She added, pointing to the red-haired little girl that was dancing around with her friends in the living room.

Luke looks over at her with curiosity as a smile tugs on his lips. "Was she...Was she named after you?"

Nodding, Stella smiles. "Yeah, she was." She points at Wyatt. "He's Wyatt. He was my bassist."

"They seem like great people." Luke smiled, watching as they all had a great time with each other. 

Stella nods. "Yeah, they are." She sighed, missing hanging out with them. She missed all of their movie nights, road trips, picnics. She missed everything that she had with them.

"Can they...Can they see you?" Luke questioned. He was hesitant about asking her that question since he didn't want to make her feel upset if they couldn't.

Stella shrugs her shoulders, looking back at her friends with sad eyes. "Yeah, they can. But sometimes I think they pretend they can't 'cause they don't want others to think they're crazy or maybe 'cause it hurts them too much."

Luke looks at her with a sad smile, not really knowing what to say to that. He hesitantly took a risk by reaching his hand towards her hand, intertwining their hands together. She looks over at him with a soft smile on her face when he gently squeezed her hand. He wasn't for sure how to comfort her, but that's what he thought of at that moment.

He feared that she would pull her hand away whenever he intertwined their hands together, but butterflies swarmed in his stomach and he looked down at the ground shyly when she didn't pull her hand away. He only hoped that she couldn't see the blush that had appeared on his face.

Luke doesn't usually get this flustered around girls like this, but for some reason Stella had that effect on him. He cleared his throat awkwardly after a moment of silence was between them. "I was actually going to ask you if you wanted to come to our show we're having today."

Stella looked at him with surprise, not thinking that he would want her there. After all, they don't know each other. "I would love to. But, are you sure? I don't...I don't want to impose."

"I'm sure." Luke nods, looking back at her with a smile, squeezing her hand in a sign of reassurance. "And you wouldn't impose. The boys already love you. And I'm sure Julie will love you, too."

The two shared a smile. They decided to walk around the neighborhood and get to know each other more. After a few hours he offered for her to come back to the garage with him to hang out with him, the boys, and Julie, and she couldn't say no to that offer.

When they poof back to the garage they immediately hear music playing as well as a girl singing. Stella noticed how surprised he looked when he noticed the girl sitting behind the keyboard.

The boys and the girl stopped playing when they show up, and Alex and Reggie share a smile with Stella when they saw her standing next to Luke. They were surprised that she was with Luke, but were happy to see her.

"Who's this?" The curly-haired girl asked, pointing at Stella.

No one but Stella seemed to notice that they were still holding hands so she quickly let go of Luke's hand, stepping away from him which didn't go unnoticed by Luke. He looks at her with a bit of confusion as to why she did that, but looked back at Julie to answer her question with a small smile on his face. 

"This is Stella. She's one of the ghosts we met at the ghost club we went to."

"Yeah, hi." Stella smiles nervously at the girl behind the keyboard. Then her eyes grew wide when she realized that the girl could see her. "Wait, you can see me?"

Julie nods. "Yeah. Not for sure how I'm able to see you since I literally just met you, but it's nice to meet you." She sent Stella a welcoming smile. "I'm Julie."

Stella let out a small sigh of relief, slowly feeling her nerves fade away. "It's nice to meet you, too, Julie."

"Oh, and I also invited her to our show. I hope that's okay." Luke nervously said, looking at the boys and Julie with a hopeful look. He felt bad for not asking them if he could invite someone before he invited that someone. He smiled when he saw each of them nod.

"Grab your guitar, we got some work to do." Julie smiled at him.

Luke looks back at Alex and Reggie, sharing a smile with them before he walked over to grab his electric guitar from its stand. He walks over to where Julie now stood in front of the keyboard. "What made you come back?"

"I realized how important music is to all of us. And we've lost so much already. We can't lose this too." Julie replied.

Luke nods at her. "Thanks." He then holds his guitar and smirks. "Alright, boss. Where we at?"

Julie chuckles lightly as a smile tugged on her lips, telling him happy birthday. The look of surprise on Luke's face made Stella guess that he didn't know Julie knew today was his birthday. Luke then smiled at Julie.

Julie went back to sit at the keyboard again. "Stella, we're gonna practice for our gig tonight, but you can stay and watch if you want."

"Yeah, I'd be happy to stay and watch." Stella smiled, glad that Julie didn't seem to be upset with having her there and Julie smiled back at her. Stella went to sit on the couch while the band started practicing a song.

Soon it was time to head to the restaurant where Julie and the Phantoms would be preforming at. Supposedly it was a place where record executives come to see bands preform a lot, Stella didn't really know since she has never been to the place before, she's just believing what she heard from Alex.

Stella stands on the other side of Luke as she and the boys poof into the restaurant, standing behind Julie and another girl that looked to be Julie's age. Stella looked at the stage, noticing that another group was currently preforming, and she already wasn't a fan of them when she heard the lyrics of the song.

Her eyes grow wide when she noticed Alex had poofed onto the middle of the stage while Dirty Candy continues to preform. Julie's eyes widened once she noticed him.

"What?" She looks behind her at Reggie as if he would know why Alex was on stage, but Reggie just shrugged his shoulders.

Stella let out a surprised laugh at seeing how good of a dancer Alex was. She didn't think he would be that good. After awhile of dancing on the stage, he poofed back to his place besides Reggie as the boys, Stella, and Julie look at him with smirks.

"You having fun out there?" Julie chuckles.

Alex nervously clears his throat. "It's not my fault. It's my, um...feet."

"Yeah." Julie nods, not believing him one bit.

"You got some great moves, Alex." Stella complimented him.

He grins, looking back at the stage. "Put me back in, Coach." She giggled while he poofs back onto stage and continues doing the same dance routine as Dirty Candy.

Flynn looks over at Julie with confusion, wondering why she was smiling at Dirty Candy on the stage. "Oh, it's the guys." Julie informed her.

"And they brought a new ghost friend here. Her name is Stella." She glances over her shoulder, looking at Stella with a smile. "Stella, this is my best friend, Flynn."

Stella looks at the girl beside Julie and smiles. "Tell her it's nice to meet her and that her style rocks."

Julie nods and repeats that back to Flynn. Flynn grins. "I like her already." She  turns in the opposite direction and waves, her lips forming into a wide smile. "It's nice to meet you, too, Stella!"

Julie chuckles, shaking her head at her best friend. "She's actually over here." She said, turning Flynn to where Stella was standing. Flynn mumbled an apology, waving and repeating what she said a few seconds ago "It's nice to meet you, too, Stella!"

Stella giggles a bit and waved at Flynn. Julie tells Flynn that Stella had waved at her which made Flynn smile. At the end of Dirty Candy's performance Alex poofs back to where he stood beside his friends, sheepishly smiling at them. "I was, uh, doing that for you guys."

Stella let out a small laugh and Luke immediately wanted to hear more of that angelic sound. "Yeah, thanks. We loved it."

Reggie chuckles, crossing his arms as he looks at the blonde besides him. "Yeah, you can stop smiling now."

"I'm not gonna lie. That was...Kinda good." Julie admits, looking at her best friend. Flynn nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I forgot why I hate her so much."

Thhe Dirty Candy group walked off the stage, standing in front of them. "Hi, girls. Um, isn't it past your bedtime?" The one in the pink outfit asked them. Stella immediately wasn't a fan of her.

"Now I remember." Flynn nodded, looking at the girl in the pink outfit with a glare.

"If you're looking for Nick, he didn't come." The one in the pink outfit said to Julie. Stella raised her eyebrows, glancing over at the boys, wondering who Nick was.

"Nick's a boy who Julie has a crush on." Luke whispered to her and Stella nodded in realization.

Julie scoffs, stepping towards the girl in the pink outfit. "That's not why I'm here."

A guy on stage then announced the group that was closing the night out with which was 'Julie and the Phantoms', but instead of saying that he said 'Julie and the Fat Ones'. Alex, and Reggie look over at Luke with a 'are you serious' expression while the girls in front of them snickers at the name. 

"Really?" Alex inquired, putting his hands on his hips.

Luke apologetically smiles. "Yeah, man. My handwriting sucks."

"If you have terrible hand writing then why were you the one who wrote your band name down?" Stella looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"That's because he beat us to it." Reggie replied and Alex nodded.

The girl in the pink outfit lets out an angry huff when Julie walks onto stage and she walks off with the rest of her group following her. Julie sits at the keyboard, putting her microphone in its stand as she corrects the guy that announced her band. "Hi. It's actually 'Julie and the Phantoms'."

Stella noticed that Flynn had walked towards the area where the tables were set up and turned on a hologram machine. Stella figured that they have told everyone that the boys were holograms which she thought was smart because it probably wasn't the best idea to tell others that you can see and talk to ghosts.

Flynn gives her a thumbs up and a encouraging smile. Julie smiled and starts playing the keyboard. Once she got to the chorus, the boys poofs onto the stage with their instruments and mics, surprising the crowd.

This was Stella's first time ever seeing them preform and she had to admit that they were amazing. She was amazed by Julie's talent at the piano and how strong her vocals are at such a young age. She had to admit that she for some reason felt a bit jealous at the time Luke and Julie shared a mic and stared into each others eyes.

It kind of made her think that they liked each other by the way they looked at each other. After seeing the smile Luke sent her when he got back to his own mic and locked eyes with her, she wasn't really for sure what to think and could only smile back at him.

At the end of the song, they all bow as the room erupts with applause, and the boys poof off the stage along with their instruments causing some in the audience to gasp. Julie chuckles and smiles at the crowd as the crowd continues to cheer louder this time.

"Thank you. We're Julie and the Phantoms. Tell your friends." Julie said to the crowd.

She then walks over to where Flynn and now Stella stood off to the side. Stella smiled as the two best friends squeal and hug each other.

"You were incredible." Flynn told her.

"I agree with her. You have a lot of talent." Stella smiled at Julie. 

Julie looks at her, a bit surprised that she said that since she wasn't expecting that, but she smiled back at the brunette-haired girl. "Thanks, Stella."

"What'd she say? Did she compliment my outfit again?" Flynn grins, looking around her.

Stella chuckles along with Julie. "She agreed with you that I was incredible and she said I had a lot of talent."

"Awe, she's the best." Flynn smiled which made Stella smile. She loved how nice Flynn was to her even though she couldn't see her.

Flynn stands besides Julie while Alex and Luke sat on top of the counter behind Stella as Reggie stood besides Stella's left side, leaning against the counter. "Hey, whoever Carrie was trying to impress is coming this way." Luke pointed out and that answered the question to Stella about who the girl in pink was.

The two girls turn around as a women in business clothes walked up to them. "She looks all business." Alex noticed and Stella nodded. Reggie then asked who should do the talking and then realized that Julie should probably do the talking.

The women smiles, reaching her hand out to Julie. "Hi, I'm Andi Parker, and I would-"

She was interrupted by a man that walked up to them and he didn't look happy. "Julie."

"Is that her dad?" Stella asked, looking over at Reggie. 

Reggie nods with a smile on his face. "Yeah, that's Ray. He's the best."

"Dad." Julie said with wide eyes. Flynn's eyes widened as well when she saw Ray.

Ray stares at Julie with a look Stella couldn't describe. "It's time to go."

A/N yay you guys know more about stella's band now! we also got some more quality time with stella & luke!

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