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"Look, don't worry guys. Willie said he'd get us that marquee." Alex reassured his bandmates as they walked to The Orpheum with Stella.

The four of them stood underneath the sign that read 'Panic! At the disco and Downside'. Reggie glances at them with a worried expression. "This is gonna work, right?"

"It has to." Alex replies and as if on cue the four of them were hit with jolts of pain causing them to stumble a bit and groan in pain.

"Hey, are you guys okay?"

The four of them turn around to face Willie. Alex nods. "Yeah. Yeah, it's nothing we haven't felt before. How'd it go?"

"Well, when that opening band wakes up, they're gonna find their bus 200 miles away from Vegas with no chance of getting back in time." Willie grins and turns around, showing them the Downside jacket he wore. He faces them again and first bumps Luke.

Luke grins. "And that means there's probably a promoter upstairs right about now freakin' out."

Willie shakes his head. "Nah. This is Hollywood, man. I'm sure he's being very professional."

When Alex steps towards Willie, Luke, Reggie, and Stella turn around and start walking to give the two some privacy. They stop a few feet away from Alex and Willie and Stella did her best to not listen in on their conversation. But being her curious self, she couldn't help but look over and a smile tugs on her lips at seeing the two hugging. 

The three of them walk back over to Alex after Willie skates away. "Alex," Reggie said, looking at the blonde haired boy with concern. "You alright, man?"

Alex turns to the three of them, nodding as he smiles. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay."

"Well, thanks to Willie, Panic! At the Disco needs an opening band." Luke smiled.

Alex nods, pointing at the place where the promoter is. "Then I guess someone up there needs to know we're available."


"Stop...Stop...Stop saying the bus drove itself!" The promoter yelled into the phone.

"Yeah, Willie was right." Reggie crosses his arms. "This man's a total pro."

Luke snickers and looks at the three beside him with a smile. "Alright, Stella and boys. Let the  magic happen." He points at Alex. "Alex, no dancing."

Stella chuckles lightly. "You know he's gonna do the exact opposite."

Alex nods, outstretching his arms into a position a ballerina would use. "Stella is absolutely right." He twirls over to the desk the assistant is at, dramatically knocking over the cup of pens.

"Alex the ballerina, everyone." Stella dramatically gestured to Alex who pretended to bow as he smiled.

The woman groans and gets up to pick up the cup and the pens. While she was distracted, Reggie brought up a video of Julie and the Phantoms while Alex wrote down their band name and Julie's phone number.

"Reg," Stella hits Reggie's shoulder, noticing the woman was almost done picking up the pens. "Hurry up." 

Reggie quickly presses play on the YouTube video of their performance of 'Edge of Great', moving back to stand beside Alex, Stella, and Luke just as the woman sat back down.

"Tasha!" The promoter exclaims, pointing at the woman. "Get me CJ. Tell him I need a band to open in three hours."

"Sure," Tasha nods, looking back at the YouTube video of Julie's and the boy's band. "But you might want to come check this out."

The promoter hangs up the call he was on and goes over to Tasha's desk. "Somehow this video started playing on my laptop." Tasha gestures to the video. "It's got half a million hits in just two days."

The promoter points at the band. "Who are they?"

"They're a hologram band." Tasha answers. She glances back at the video with a smile. "They call themselves Julie and the Phantoms."

Reggie grins. "Tell your friends."

"Where are they located?" The promoter questioned.

"Our very own City of Angels." Tasha responded.

The promoter smiles. "Book 'em!"

Stella and the boys cheer at hearing that and high five each other. "Sure," Tasha nods. "I just don't know how to..." Her voice trails off when she notices Julie's phone number that Alex written on one of the notepads that's on the desk. She picks it up, looking around with a confused expression before looking at the notepad.

Luke narrows his eyes at the writing. "Your handwriting is better than mine."

Stella nods. "I'm pretty sure everyone's handwriting is better than yours." Luke looks at her with a playful glare and she childishly sticks her tongue out at him. 

"Defintiely." Reggie agreed with Stella.

Alex nods in agreement. "Yeah."


Stella and the boys poof back to the garage where Julie was pacing. She turns to face them when she realized they arrived and started bombarding them with questions. 

"Oh my gosh! What took you guys so long? Did Willie do it? Did you talk to them? Did they watch? Did they like us? Are we playing? Someone answer! Why's no one talking?"

Stella laughs. "Take a deep breath, Julie, and just calm down."

"Yeah," Reggie nods. "That was a lot of questions."

"Take a seat." Luke said to Julie and she sits on the couch, nervously staring at the four of them. The boys kneel in front of the coffee table while Stella stands behind them. "It's fine." Luke assures Julie. "Everything's fine."

"Yeah." Alex nods. "You should be getting a call right...Now!" He points at Julie's phone that's on the table, bringing everyone's hopes up. Stella furrows her eyebrows after a few moments of silence. They look at Alex who sheepishly smiles. "Okay. Right...Now!" He tries again, hoping that he was right.

Everyone cheers when Julie's phone starts ringing. Alex smirks. "Nailed it." He high fived Luke, Reggie, and Stella.

Julie grins at the four of them and they grin back at her. "Go, go!" They usher her to answer the phone. "O-Oh, um," Julie stutters, quickly answering the phone and puts it on speaker. She puts it on speaker. "Hello?"

"Hi, this is Tasha from the Orpheum in Hollywood." Tasha said.

The four of them stand up and start dancing around happily. "Is this Julie and the Phantoms?" Tasha questioned.

Julie outstretches her arms, staring at the four ghosts which was her way to tell them to stop. They immediately stop in mid cheer while she picks up the phone, turning speaker phone off as she replies. "Yes, it is."

Julie jumps on the coffee table, continuing to cheer along with the four ghosts. Stella let out a laugh when Luke picks her up and twirls her around. He sets her back down, smiling widely at her. He kisses her on the cheek before turning to Alex and Reggie. "Yeah, totally." Julie said to Tasha and Stella figured that Tasha asked her if they could play the Orpheum.

Stella grins as Luke and Reggie pick Alex up and they began spinning him in a slow circle. Stella laughs, high fiving Alex back when he reaches his hands out to high five her. "We're doing it!" Julie exclaimed after ending the call. Luke and Reggie keep spinning Alex around, each of the boys laughing. When Alex gets spins in front of Julie the two air high five each other.

"We're playing the Orpheum, baby!" Julie grinned.

Julie and Stella air high five each other, both having big smiles on their faces while Alex pretends to be swimming. "I'm swimming!"


"Julie and I were thinking we'd start with Stand Tall." Luke said, circling the song title on the notebook in front of him.

"Sure." Reggie nodded.

"Sounds good." Alex said, leaning on the grand piano that's in front of them. 

Luke furrows his eyebrows, sharing a confused glance with Stella who stood beside him. "I'd figured you guys would be more excited about this." Stella said, looking at Alex and Reggie with concern. "I mean, you guys been looking forward to play the Orpheum you're whole lives."

"Yeah," Luke nods, grinning at the two boys in front of him and Stella. "I wanna hear, 'It sounds awesome!'." His gaze softens, noticing Alex and Reggie seemed nervous and worried. "I know this isn't how we wanted things to turn out, but we gotta be all in tonight. This is our second chance at playing the Orpheum!"

"I...I get it, I get it," Reggie stammers. "But it's hard. Do we even know what's on the other side when we cross over? Do we also get to hang together?" He looks at Stella. "Do you know anything about that?"

"No," Stella sighs. "I'm just as clueless as you guys are as to what happens when we cross over."

Reggie sighs, a frown forming onto his lips as he looked at each of them. "You...You guys are the only that I have."

Stella's heart warms at the fact that he included her. While being a ghost the only friend she ever had was Willie. The fact she now has more friends than him and a loving boyfriend just made her beyond happy. It made her never want to leave them. 

"Yeah," Alex breaks the silence that fell between the four of them. "I mean...I don't know what's going to happen either, but's it's not like we have a choice."

The four of them groans and stumble back when they were hit with a jolt of pain. Stella almost forgot about the jolts because of the excitement earlier that day, but she hated that she was painfully reminded. She breathes heavily, holding onto her side. Luke stands beside her again, wrapping an arm around her waist, and pulls her close to his side.

"I think we do." Reggie said, rubbing his right wrist which is the one that Caleb put the club stamp on him. He looks at each of them. "And it rhymes with the Hollywood Ghost Club."

Stella's lips form into a frown and she gets an uneasy feeling at hearing the name of the club. She hated Caleb for everything that he did to her and the boys. She can't believe that she was betrayed by him. Long ago she used to think of him as a father-figure, and now she thinks of him as an villain. A sigh escapes her lips, leaning her head on Luke's shoulder, wrapping her arm around Luke's waist. Her lips curls upward the slightest bit when he placed a kiss on the top of her head.

The four ghosts look over at the double doors when they're opened by Julie. She smiles at them. "Are you ready?" A look of concern forms on her face at noticing the pained expressions on their faces. "What's wrong?"

"Yeah. We just got rocked pretty hard by one of those jolt things." Alex replied, walking over to stand in front of Julie along with Reggie, Luke, and Stella. Stella and Luke stand beside Reggie and Alex with their arms still wrapped around each other.

"Pretty sure I ghost peed a little." Reggie commented.

A look of disgust forms on Stella's face as she shakes her head. "We didn't need to know that, Reg." She looks at Julie with a reassuring smile. "And we're fine, Julie."

Julie nods. "Okay. And actually, guys, I'm a little nervous." Julie admitted.

"You're gonna do fantastic like you always do." Stella reassured her and Julie smiles a bit.

"Um...When you guys cross over, if...If you happen to see my mom," Julie stammers, looking at the four ghosts with teary eyes. "Can you tell her I love her? And thank her for bringing you guys to me?"

"Yeah," Luke nods, looking at her with a small smile. "We will." 

Julie smiles and wipes the tears from her eyes. "Band circle?" Luke questioned and she nods. Luke looks Stella with a smile. "You're joining the circle, alright?"

"Yeah," Julie nods, smiling at Stella. "You're an honorary band member."

Stella smiles widely. "Thank you, guys. I'm honored to be an honorary band member of this amazing band." 

She and Luke let go of each other. The five of them form a circle, Stella found herself between Alex and Luke, taking ahold of each other hands, but Julie only hovered her hands over Alex's and Reggie's since she can't touch them. 

"We don't know what brought us here," Luke said, smiling at Julie.

"Although we do know that you're a star," Stella tells Julie, smiling back at her when Julie smiles at her. Stella shrugs. "Despite my name literally meaning star."

Julie and the boys chuckle at her comment before Luke continues. "And just because this is our last night together, it doesn't mean that we won't be watching you from above...Or..." He forms a tight lip smile, gesturing below them with a nod of his head, and Julie chuckled.

"Now, you guys go rock this show." Stella said, smiling at each of them. "I know that you'll do amazing."

Luke smiles and nods, glancing at Alex, Julie, and Reggie. "Let's give 'em a night they'll be talking about 'till the sun comes up."

Everyone chuckles at that comment and let go of everyone's hands. Luke puts his hand into the middle. "Legends on three." He looks at Stella, gesturing with a nod of his head, smiling brightly at her. "You too, Ella."

"One," Stella smiles, feeling her face heat up while putting her hand on top of his. "Two," Alex, and Reggie did the same after her, and Julie hovered her hand over each of their hand. "Three..."

"Legends!" They yell, raising their arms up with smiles on their faces.

They look outside at the sound of a loud honk from a car. "That's my dad." Julie tells the four ghosts and they look back at her. She chuckles. "He's driving me there, so I'll see you guys soon."

Julie walks towards the open double doors, but turns to face the four ghosts who look back at her with smiles. Julie smiles back at them and chuckles lightly before grabbing the garment bag that her dress is in.

Stella raises her eyebrows when Carlos walks in, clapping his hands. "Have a good show, boy band."

Luke bends down to Carlos' height as he chuckles. "Who you calling boy band?"

"Carlos." They heard Ray call out.

Carlos points his fingers at himself before turning them towards the air, his way of telling them that he's watching them, and then walks away. Reggie points at the boy with a confused expression on his face. "How did he find out about us?"

The other three ghosts looks at Reggie and Alex leans on his heels, shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know, Reg. Maybe it was the blinds. Or you know what? The blanket. It could've been any number of the things you did in that house."

Luke steps in before the two start to argue. "It doesn't matter, you guys. We're not coming back here anyways."

Then Stella heard the voice of the ghost she hates. Caleb. "And where is it that you think you're going?"

A/N ahh one more chapter & then sadly i'll be done writing this fic! i'm gonna miss writing stella & her story with luke so much. dont forget i have some other jatp fics you guys can check out if you wanna keep reading jatp fics & i also have some other fics you can check out as well :)

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