CHAPTER EIGHT, unsaid emily

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Stella finally confronted Azalea and Harrison. The two were very shocked at first and didn't believe Stella was real. Azalea was the first one to believe Stella after she told them how she's a ghost and how they can see her. Azalea even went to hug Stella without even thinking because she missed Stella so much. Each of them were surprised when Azalea could touch Stella. 

Harrison joined the hug, wanting to see if he could touch Stella as well and he could. Even though Stella was surprised and shocked they could touch her, but she was so happy they could. After talking with Azalea and Harrison for a bit, she went to visit Wyatt. She wasn't for sure if he believed her since he was quiet for some time after she told him all what happened, but then he quickly pulled her into a hug which brought a wide smile on her face at the fact she can touch Wyatt as well. She has been wanting to hug each of her best friends for twenty-three years and now she finally could. 

But what confused her was that she didn't cross over. She thought that confronting her best friends was her unfinished business. Since apparently it's not, she has no idea what her unfinished business is now and only hopes she figures it out soon so she didn't have to deal with the jolts of pain anymore. 

The next day she went to the studio and hung out with the boys. When Julie got home, she asked if she could talk with Stella which surprised her, but she met Julie in her room, and had a talk with her. It ends up that Julie wanted to do something for Luke's parents after Alex and Reggie showed her who the song Unsaid Emily is about. Stella remembers seeing the song in Luke's journal one day and wondered who the song is about. Now knowing it's about his mom makes so much more sense. 

Stella suggested on getting the lyrics of Unsaid Emily out of Luke's journal and take it to his parents. She thought that his parents would like to know about the song and that Luke's mom would like to know how he really felt about her. Julie also told Stella about the date she has with Nick in a few days and asked her for help on picking out a outfit. Stella was more than happy to help her out with that. 

Stella was now standing beside Julie in front of the Patterson's house, watching Julie reach toward the door bell to ring it. Noticing someone familiar out of the corner of her eye, her eyes widen and she turns to face Luke, not expecting him to be standing there. "Oh, Luke! Uh, hi." 

Luke looks at her and Julie with furrowed eyebrows. "What are you two doing here?"

Julie shares a panicked expression with Stella before looking back at Luke. "I...I just wanted to know more about you, you know, just curious. Um...So, I came here last week on your birthday."

Luke looks at Julie with wide eyes. "You were spying on me? Even after all of your speeches about boundaries? You were spying on me?"

Julie nods, looking at him with a guilty expression. "I know. I'm sorry. It was wrong. But I'm worried about you." 

Luke glances at Stella before looking at Julie as he takes a step back. "You don't have to be."

"I get it." Julie tells him. "I know how hard it is when you want to speak to someone you love and can't." 

"Me too." Stella speaks up, looking at Luke with a sympathetic smile. 

Luke shakes his head, glancing at his parent's house. "I don't even know what I'd say to her, even if she could hear me." 

"That's a lie." Stella said, taking out the paper that had the song Unsaid Emily on it out of her pocket. Luke looks at her with wide eyes, surprised that she had that. Stella looks at him with a small smile. "'Cause you said everything you wanted to tell your mom right in this song."

Julie nods, looking at Luke with a smile. "Just trust us...Trust me." 

Luke looks at both of them before he leans over and rings the door bell. Luke walks over to stand beside Stella, intertwining his hand with hers. Stella hands Julie the song, smiling back at her when Julie sent her a small smile. A few seconds later the door opened, revealing a older man who looked similar to Luke. 

He looks at Julie. "Hello. Can I help you?" 

Julie smiles nervously. "Hi. I'm Julie. Um...I believe you had a son named Luke?"

The man smiles a bit and nods. "Yes, that's right. And you are again?"

"Julie Molina." Julie replies. "Um...Your son's band used to play in my family's garage?" She holds up the paper that had Luke's song on it. "I...I came across this song that he wrote and figured you might be interested?"

"Um...Well, yes. Uh, please. Come in. I'm Mitch." Mitch gestures for Julie to come inside and Julie smiles a bit. "Nice to meet you." 

Julie glances back at the two ghosts, gesturing with a nod of her head for them to follow her. Stella went to follow her, but stopped when Luke squeezed her hand. She looks at him, noticing he had a hesitant expression on his face. Stella looks at him with a smile and squeezes his hand, a silent gesture to let him know that she'll be there every step. 

Luke smiles a bit and walks inside along with Stella as Julie closed the door behind them. "Can, I, um, get you something?" Mitch asked Julie. Julie shakes her head and politely declined. "Oh, no. I'm good. Thank you." 

Julie notices a picture on a table, and smiles as she walks over to it. "Is this your son?"

Mitch smiles and nods. "Yeah, that's Luke." Stella looks at the picture, smiling at the photo of Luke when he was a kid. "When he was two."

Julie looks at Mitch. "Do you have any other children?" 

Mitch shakes his head. "No." 

"Did I hear a doorbell?" 

Stella looks over at hearing the unfamiliar voice, smiling a bit when she saw a woman who she realized must be Luke's mother. 

Mitch smiles at her. "Hi, hon." He gestures to Julie. "Um, this is Julie." 

"Hello, Julie." Emily smiles at Julie, gesturing to the sweater she's wearing. "Oh, that's a beautiful sweater."

Julie smiles. "Thanks. It's my mom's."

Mitch looks at Emily, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Julie lives in the house where Luke and the band rehearsed. She was just telling me that she found a song that Luke wrote."

Julie glances at the song. "It's a song about a girl named Emily." 

Stella glances at Luke, noticing the tears in his eyes which made her frown. She squeezes his hand, letting him know that he wasn't alone. She smiles a bit whenever he squeezes her hand back. 

Luke's mother looks at Mitch with surprise and then at Julie, taking a step towards the girl. "I'm Emily."

"Then I think your son may have wrote this for you." Julie looks at Emily with a smile, handing her the song. 

When Luke was finished singing the song Stella wasn't for sure if his parents could hear him, but they got done reading the song the same time he got done and by that point everyone had tears in their eyes. Luke now had his arm wrapped around Stella, holding her close to his side. With her arm around his waist, he felt like she was the only thing keeping him from not breaking apart. 

Emily holds the paper close to her, sniffling as she looks at Julie with a smile. "Thank you."

Mitch wraps his arm around Emily, looking at Julie with a smile. "You...You have no idea..."

Julie sniffles and a tear falls down her cheek as she smiles at the couple. "I write music in the same room that he did, and I can tell you that it is a magical, happy place." 

Mitch and Emily smile at her and chuckle. "That's so nice to know." Mitch said. 

Luke wipes the tears from his eyes with the sleeve of his flannel as Julie speaks. "I know he was only 17 when he...But he lived doing the one thing he was born to do. Not many people find that, but Luke did. He was lucky." 

Stella furrows her eyebrows when she suddenly didn't feel Luke's arm wrapped around her. She looks over to where he was, realizing that he poofs away. She then poofs away as well, seeing that he went back to the garage. 

"You okay?" Stella asked the brunette haired boy who turned around to face her since he was about to walk in the garage. 

Luke nods, looking at her with a small smile. "Yeah. I just couldn't be there any longer. Also, thank you. What you and Julie did means a lot to me." 

"You're welcome." Stella smiles. "But you should probably tell Julie that as well."

"I will." Luke nods. He takes a step towards her. "Thank you for everything." 

Stella tilts her head to the side in confusion. "You're welcome, but...What do you mean?"

"Ever since I met you, you just made being a ghost so much better." Luke replies, taking a hold of her hands in his. "I don't know what I would do without you." 

Stella blushes as she smiles back at him. "I don't know what I would do without you either. But, eventually you're gonna cross over." 

Luke shakes his head. "We don't know that. Getting a gig at The Orpheum was the hardest gig we ever gotten. And you didn't cross over so we might be ghosts with you forever." 

"I didn't cross over because I think talking with my best friends wasn't my unfinished business." Stella tells him. Her eyes widen in realization. "I think I know what it is though." 

"What is it?" Luke asked her. 

"I think I have to visit my parents' graves." Stella responds, swallowing nervously. "I-I haven't visited their graves in years. I didn't mean to stop visiting them, but I just got so caught up with the Ghost Club that I didn't find time to go."

She shakes her head. "If I visited them, I-I don't even know what I would do or say." 

"You don't have to go now." Luke reassured her. He didn't want her to cross over, but he knows they'll both eventually have to cross over at some point. He reassured she didn't have to do that now if she wasn't ready to do that. "You should go whenever your ready to visit them. And...And if you want and I'm still here, I'll go with you." 

"Okay." Stella smiles a bit, squeezing Luke's hands she held. Luke smiles back at her and goes to lean in to kiss her. The two both feel a jolt of pain causing them to pull apart and stumble back a bit.

"Okay, that was an awful way to ruin the moment." Stella mumbles, holding onto her side while she breathes heavily. 

That jolt of pain hurt worse than the other ones which did make a little sense. The ones she recently have been getting were starting to get worse, she just didn't tell anyone. The one she just got was the worse one she ever felt. 

Luke looks at her with worried eyes. "I don't think we have anymore time to wait. We're gonna have to do our unfinished business really quick or we might not exist anymore." 


Later that night Stella found herself in the garage hanging out with the boys. She had her right arm propped up, leaning her head against it. She sat at the left end on the couch, running her left hand through Luke's hair who sat on the floor in front of her. 

Alex laid on the couch beside her with his head rested on her leg and was trying to balance one of his drumsticks on his nose, but wasn't exactly doing the best. Reggie sat on a chair near the couch with his bass on his lap and was mindlessly strumming the strings while he rested his head on it. 

The four of them weren't paying attention when Julie walked into the garage. They only realized she was there because she yelled, "Snap out of it!" 

Each of them look at Julie with wide eyes and Alex even let out a surprised yelp as he fell off the couch. "Jeez," Reggie lifts his head off his bass, glancing where one of Alex's drumstick fell before looking at Alex. "I think you broke Alex."

"You okay, Alex?" Stella asked. She stopped running her hand through Luke's hair as she leaned over and she helped Alex up. "Yeah. Yep. I'm good." Alex nodded and sat beside her. 

Julie looks at each of them with furrowed eyebrows. "Do you guys want to cross over or what? Get it together!" 

When Stella was back into the sitting position she was in a few seconds ago, Luke grabs her hand, putting it on his head. Stella giggles a bit and continues to run her hand through his hair, knowing that's what that gesture meant. 

Luke looks back at Julie as he sighs. "They're never going to let us play The Orpheum."

"We're nobody." Alex added.

"We're less than nobody." Reggie chimes in. "We have no bodies." 

Luke snaps his fingers in Reggie's direction while Stella nods and points at Reggie with her free hand. "He does have a point." 

Julie sighs and looks at the boys. "Someone once told me that you don't ask for permission. You books gigs by doing."

Reggie smiles. "That was me." 

"No, it wasn't." Julie and Luke said. 

Reggie looks away, pouting like a child. "Yes, it was."

"This isn't over." Julie continues. "We were brought here for a reason: to help each other."

"Yeah, but like Luke said, people don't just play The Orpheum because they want to." Alex pointed out.

Julie shrugs. "People don't, but ghosts do."

A/N honestly kinda teared up writing the unsaid emily part of this chapter. oh my gosh i can't believe there's only one chapter left. i'm gonna miss writing this book so much

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