Episode 8: Discoveries and Revelations

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"And it was thus that the Crystal Empire vanishes, not to be seen again for a thousand years." Jessica turned the last page of the second volume of 'Equestrian History: 2000 Years of Magic', and found that it was blank. Earning a silent groan from Jessica. "Ugh! Nothing! Nothing on Nightmare Moon, I learned about Discord, Tirek, even King Sombra. But nothing on the one creature that could cause serious problems." Jessica closed the book and finally settled into her bed for the night. Just as she drifted off to sleep.

Jessica was in the void again, with the creature standing around, chuckling.

"What's wrong cadet? Trouble finding your information?"

"You could be a serious security risk to everything and everyone in the galaxy. And I just can't trust you to be telling the truth about your identity." NM giggled.

"You know you could ask your pest of roommates. They should remember me." Jessica shook her head.

"They'll think I'm crazy." NM laughed.

"Ha! You're crazy either way. Because you think you can stop me." Jessica turned her back on NM.

"Maybe on my own, but once I find out any degree of truth to you're claims. I'm letting my friends know. And I know they'll be able to confirm my claims because the unicorns can do a brain scan spell." NM rolled her eyes.

"Of course they can. I'd be amazed if they couldn't perform even the simplest spell." Jessica groaned.

"You're impossible to tolerate. You know that right." NM laughed.

"I try. Oh how I try to be intolerable." Jessica rolled her eyes.

The next day found Jessica on her way to the library, to return the two volumes she had, and to check out the remaining two. "I swear, if Nightmare Moon is the first thing the pops up in the two remaining volumes I'm petitioning that it be a law that all books have a TOC. Because that would make looking for specific things MUCH easier."

"Like what?" Jessica jumped and screamed as Pinkie came up behind her.

"Gah! Pinkie! Jesus! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Pinkie giggled.

"Sorry. I have that effect on ponies sometimes. Anywho. Whatcha up to?" Jessica's mind raced. She usually made it a point to never lie to her friends, but she also didn't want them to know about her research until she had some hard idea of what she had in her mind.

"I'm, just heading to the library for some reading. Got a big test in astronomy and I need to keep up my grade." Jessica smiled inwardly. That was entirely true that she had a test, but thanks to nonstop study sessions the minute she was informed, she could take the test at anytime and get a perfect score. "There. Now I didn't COMPLETELY lie in what I was doing." Pinkie smiled.

"Cool. That's on my way to my next class. I can walk you to the library." Jessica nodded.

"Eh, I wouldn't mind the company actually."

"Great!" Jessica And pinkie started for the library. After a few minutes, Pinkie spoke up.

"So jessica. Got your eye on anyone lately?" Jessica arched an eyebrow.


"Is there anyone you've got your eye on lately?" Jessica tensed up as she realized what pinkie had just asked. Her mind immediately raced back to that night 2 weeks ago, she and twilight had been stargazing, had both revealed which way they swung to each other, and Jessica had started seeing twilight differently. Without knowing what else to do, Jessica sighed.

"Maybe pinkie, I don't know. There is someone, but I'm not clear on how I feel about them."

"Why not?"

"Because this girl I'm not sure about, we only just met a few weeks ago. We're great friends. That part is clear, but lately I've begun to see her in a new light." Pinkie smirked.

"Oh, I think it's clear as air. You are in love!" Jessica froze.

"Pinkie, I don't know about love. Maybe a small crush." Pinkie smiled.

"Well. At any rate, if you aren't sure. Just go to Rarity. She'll make things clear and you'll realize that you love twilight in no time." Ok, now Jessica really froze in shock.

"What, how did you—"

"My pinkie sense. It can sense all kinds of things, and it's specifically tuned where my friends are concerned. And I sensed two weeks ago that love was in the air between you and twilight. My sense is very precise, and had never been wrong before. Oh. Here's the library. Have fun studying Jessica. I'll see about getting you so see Rarity sometime. Bye." Pinkie bounced off, leaving Jessica in utter shock. "Ok, what the stars just happened?" She heard the familiar voice inside her head. And it was snickering.

"Oh, this has nightmare fuel written all over it. Your father, me, and now this? You must like nightmares cadet." Jessica shook her head.

"Shut up! I don't need you to meddle in my life."

"Aw, But it's just so much fun watching you meander around." Jessica groaned.

"Just ignore her Jessica. If all goes well she'll be out of You're mind soon." Jessica heard chuckling again.

"It'll take a lot longer then you think you brat." Jessica just shook her head and proceeded into the library. She stopped when she realized something. She quickly pressed her combadge.

"Pinkie, you there?"

"I'm here Jessica. What's up?"

"If you think Rarity can help it's ok to tell her, but do not tell Twilight about what we just discussed. At least not until I do, if it ever gets to that point."

"Oki doki Loki. Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye, Twilight will not find out about your 'little crush'."

"Pinkie, this is serious."

"That's why I just Pinkie promised. When it comes to pinkie promises. You do not break one. Because that is the absolute fastest way to lose a friend, and I simply can't lose you as a friend." Jessica smiled.

"Thanks pinkie. Though, just out of curiosity, what would happen if one were to be broken? Other then losing a friend potentially?"

"You don't want to know." Jessica chuckled.

"Alright. Thanks pinks."

"Anytime, just promise I can plan the after-wedding party when you two inevitably get married." Jessica blushed.

"P-Pinkie, we are even together yet." Pinkie laughed.

"I know that silly. I was just pulling your leg. Anyway, I'll keep it a secret and get rarity in on this. Gotta go." With that, the connection was cut, and Jessica sighed in relief that she caught pinkie before she said something damaging.

"Now. Back to the matter at hand, finding out what I got inside my mind."

While pinkie and Jessica were having their little chat, twilight and rarity had run each other in the hallway on their way to their next classes.

"Hey twilight darling. How're you doing on this fine day?"

"I'm doing good Rarity. You?"

"Absolutely marvelous dear. Planning the Halloween dance with pinkie is more fun then I thought it would be." Twilight chuckled.

"With you and pinkie in charge, I'm sure the dance will be a blast." All of a sudden, both their combadges beeped and pinkie's voice came up.

"It will be. Because raripie is the best dance team in the galaxy!" The connection was cut, leaving rarity and twilight to shudder.

"I love her with all my heart, but her antics scare me sometimes."

"Same here." They both shook it off and resumed walking to class.

"So, twilight, you asking anyone to the dance?" Twilight shrugged.

"Eh, I don't know. Maybe?"

"Got your eye on anyone in particular? Like say, your human roommate?" Twilight froze at the mention of Jessica, and unfortunately for her, Rarity noticed and smirked.

"So pinkie was right." Twilight's eyes widened.


"Pinkie sense, apparently she can sense when someone is in love." Twilight shook the shock off and felt the heat in her cheeks as she smiled sheepishly.

"R-Rarity, can we t-talk about this s-somewhere else?"

"I'll do you one better." Rarity's horn lit up and a light blue bubble formed around the two of them before going away.

"There, now, no one will hear us. So. What's going on with you and Jessica?" Twilight sighed.

"To be honest. I don't know. This is all new to me."

"Ok, how about we start at the beginning. Tell me what happened when you were stargazing with your beautiful crush." Twilight tensed up a bit, but started explaining what had happened that night.

Jessica put the two volumes back on their shelf and replaced the book scanner back in its holster. "Ok, so far today, Pinkie has somehow pinged on my feelings for twilight, and then I have a fight with a book check out scanner that seemingly doesn't want to mark the books as returned until after 60 tries. And of course this cuts in to valuable research time." Jessica checked her phone for the time, and it told her that she only had 30 minutes before her next class. Jessica groaned. "Thank goodness for a library's ability to loan out books. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to confirm any of NM's claims until NEXT year." Jessica plopped herself in one of the reading chairs and opened 'Equestrian History: 2000 years of magic volume 3', and immediately she saw EXACTLY what she was looking for. "The Era Of Eternal Night: Nightmare Moon's ascent to banishment." Jessica let out a frustrated sigh. "THIS is why Tables of Contents are important. 3 weeks, 3 weeks I've gone through the first 1000 years of Equestrian history, and it turns out what I want to know is right smack in the beginning of the second thousand years of its history." "Nightmare Moon you better hope you aren't evil or anything, because I am at the very end of my patience with you."

"What was that cadet?" Jessica froze as she looked up and saw the librarian.

"Professor Cinch! I, Uh, didn't see you there." Cinch chuckled.

"Obviously. So, what brings you to the library today? What piece of literature has captured your fancy?" Jessica's mind raced. What could she tell the librarian? On one hand the librarian could probably save her who knows how much more reading before she had the full story behind Nightmare Moon, on the other, even mentioning Nightmare Moon was risky if Cinch had heard of her. Reaching a decision, she sighed.

"Oh, just some Equestrian History. Specifically, Nightmare Moon." Cinch arched an eyebrow.

"Nightmare Moon? That evil old hag from a thousand years ago that tried to rid Equuis of the sun?"

"Evil old hag?! I could turn you inside out in an instant peasant!"

Jessica nodded. "I was thinking of going as her for Halloween and I just thought I'd go as far as capturing her demeanor, to a point of course." Cinch nodded.

"So you turn to the history books to ensure you put on a convincing performance." Jessica nodded.

"Exactly. Though it's not set in stone yet. Just wanted to see if I could pull it off." Cinch touched an index finger to her chin as she thought.

"While books are certainly a good research tool, if you want to make sure you do something right, sometimes is better to have a visual representation." Jessica arched an eyebrow.

"Huh?" Cinch smiled as something came to her.

"Follow me." Cinch walked off, Jessica, curiosity getting the better of her, followed close behind. They came to section of the library that held holo versions of a great majority of the written material, for those cadets that preferred that method. Cinch stopped by a drawer and pulled it out. "Now where is it, Equestrian History—ah!" She smiled as she pulled out a small orange tube. "The holo version of EH: 2000 years of Magic volume 3." Jessica reached out an plucked the tube from Cinch's outstretched hand.

"This thing can show me Nightmare Moon?" Cinch nodded.

"Reference books, like history books, never give much in the way of visual details towards certain historical figures. But the holo versions provide the most accurate visual representation possible." Jessica's eyes widened as she realized what Cinch was getting at.

"Professor Cinch, you're a genius! Why didn't I think of this?" Cinch chuckled.

"Between you and me cadet. I think you could pull of Nightmare Moon, Of course, she was a pony, but besides that..." Jessica nodded.

"I'll let the holodeck's presentation of her demeanor be the deciding factor. Thank you professor." Cinch nodded.

"Anytime cadet." Satisfied, Jessica carefully placed the tube in her bag, along with the combined second thousand years of history-ever though she found what she was looking for, she couldn't leave a book series unfinished-and made her way out of the library, headed to her next class.

"So, you are going to see me in all my glory. I can't wait for this trip down memory lane." Jessica groaned.

"Are you even TRYING to hide anything? If you're a villain you are the worst one in the secret department." NM chuckled.

"What have I to hide? To put it to terms your feeble little mind can understand, I am an open book." Jessica rolled her eyes.

"The sooner I get it out of my mind, the better." Jessica continued towards her next class, shutting the creature out for now.

Several hours later, Jessica left her last class of the day, twilight close behind her.

"Well, That was a fun test, how do you think you did Jessica?" Jessica smiled.

"I did alright, I knew all the names of the constellations on the first section, the second section was a little harder because it's near impossible to remember the precise coordinates of all the stars in a constellation, with all those numbers and all, but, I don't think I failed that section. All and all, it was a fairly easy test, how about you?" Twilight giggled.

"I wouldn't have even gotten past the first constellation question without you. If I haven't said it already. Thanks for helping me study Jessica." Jessica nodded.

"Of course Twilight, I'd never leave a friend hanging, especially one I also room with." Twilight chuckled.

"Yeah, I suppose that helps doesn't it." Jessica and twilight chuckled until they came to an intersection, and Jessica turned to go down a corridor, which made twilight arch an eyebrow.

"Hey, Jessica, aren't you coming back to the room?" Jessica turned to face twilight and nodded.

"Yeah, I'll be back, but first there's something I need to do on the holodeck, research for Halloween." Twilight arched an eyebrow.

"You researching a costume?"

"One thing you should know, I put more effort into my costume then the average person." Twilight smiled.

"Cool. Mind if I join?" Jessica's answer was immediate.

"No, uh, I mean, yes I do mind. I just want my costume to be a surprise, and I don't want any rumors going around, you understand right?" Admittedly twilight was confused, but she was also intrigued so she decided to play along.

"Yeah, I get it. If you want to keep people guessing on what you'll go as, that's up to you. Just make sure it's a good costume."

"Best one Ever. I'll see you later then?" Twilight nodded.

"Yeah, we're still on for stargazing tonight right?" Jessica nodded.

"Of course, it's supposed to be cloudy tonight but that's not a problem for my scopetron." Twilight nodded.

"Great. See you later then."

"See ya." Twilight headed off towards the dorms while Jessica headed off to the holodeck. Sighing to herself. "At last, I'll finally confirm what my visitor has been telling me. With any luck Nightmare Moon is nothing but an Equestrian Fairytale." She heard NM chuckling.

"Prepare to be disappointed." Jessica shook her head.

"I swear, she gets more annoying by the day!"

"Jessica?" Jessica turned her head to see T'Nea walking towards her, with a confused expression on her face. "Who gets more annoying by the day?" Jessica tensed up as her mind raced for the billionth time that day, T'Nea had HEARD her talking about Nightmare Moon, that alone threw out her Halloween story that she had been throwing around all day, and Jessica didn't think her conscience could take lying to another friend. Not seeing any other choice, she sighed in defeat.

"Just, someone I met recently, actually I don't even know if it is a someone." T'Nea arched an eyebrow.

"Jessica? What's going on? Now that I'm thinking about it, you've been a little more distant than usual?" Jessica shakes her head clear.

"Have I? Sorry, it's just that I've had a lot on my mind lately."

"Would that be the Mystery girl who gets more annoying by the day or your feelings for our lavender Alicorn friend?"

"The first one—hang on a second!" Jessica just realized what T'Nea had said. "How do you know about my feelings for twilight?!" T'Nea chuckled.

"Let's just say, I know what to look for in someone crushing on someone. Speaking from personal experience." Jessica smirked.

"Ooh, have a crush ourselves do we?" T'Nea sighed.

"Yeah, I do. Can you not tell Luke? I don't want to pressure him." Jessica smiled.

"Luke is your crush? Aww, that's cute!" T'Nea rolled her eyes.

"Yeah yeah. Anyway, can it stay between us?" Jessica nodded.

"My lips, are sealed."

"Good. Now, back to what started this conversation, Who gets more annoying by the day? It certainly can't be twilight, or any of our other friends, can it?" Jessica shook her head.

"It's someone-something else. I was on my way to the holodeck because it might be the only way I can confirm my suspicions about who it is." T'Nea arched an eyebrow.

"Why would a holodeck be the answer?" Jessica started walking.

"Come on. It'll be easier for me to explain after we watch the program." T'Nea, not having anything else to do that day, and as curious as a cat, followed Jessica to the holodeck.

The turbolift opened on twilight's floor and she stepped out, a PADD held in her magic in front of her. "Ok, classes are done, Jessica and I are good for stargazing tonight, all that's left to get done is..." she looked at her list and found that there was a problem, of sorts. She didn't have anything else that needed to be done today. "Huh. Guess I have some free time on my hooves. What to do?"

"Hey twilight!" Twilight lowered her PADD to see Starlight, Sunset, spike and Luke walking towards her.

"Oh, hey guys. How's it going?"

"It's going great."

"We're all just heading down to the mess hall for some dinner, care to join us?" Twilight nodded.

"Sure. I just need to get back up here in time to get my telescope. Jessica and I are stargazing again tonight." Spike nodded.

"Mind if I join you this time? I've been wanting to see Jessica's scopetron in action for a while now." Twilight thought for a moment.

"Hm, hold on, let me beep Jessica and ask her." Twilight tapped her combadge.

"Twilight to Jessica, do you copy?" There was a moment of silence, then Jessica's voice came through.

"Hi, twilight what's up?"

"Do you have any objections to spike joining us for stargazing tonight?"

"Spike? No, no objections here, he is cleared." Spike smiled and twilight nodded.

"Alright, see you tonight?"

"Yeah. I'll see ya." The connection was cut.

"Awesome! Dorm room 321 bonding night!" Twilight and the others chuckled.

In the holodeck, Jessica got off the com with Jessica.

"Thank god it's only one way communication until the receiver hits the button." T'Nea nodded.

"Yeah." T'Nea and Jessica were standing in the wreckage of what was known as the castle of the two sisters, witnessing the battle between celestia and Nightmare Moon. "So, while we got this thing paused, let me see if I have this right. For the past 3 weeks, you've been hearing..." T'Nea pointed to Nightmare Moon. "...that, in your mind, and you have been researching Equestrian history to find a match." Jessica nodded.

"I still don't know how she got into my mind. But the name sounded familiar to me. I can't exactly say why it did, but I just had this gut feeling that she wasn't a good guy. And this..." Jessica gestured to the scene around them. "...proves it." T'Nea nodded.

"It may prove that you recognize what's in your mind, but from what I've learned of Equestrian History, Nightmare Moon was banished to the moon for a thousand years, returned, then was supposedly defeated for good by twilight and the other elements of harmony. And she hasn't made a peep since then, until 3 weeks ago. Twilight and her friends may think you're crazy." Jessica nodded.

"Exactly! So I need someway of backing up my claims."

"Oh, you'll get your proof cadet, on Nightmare Night!" Jessica and T'Nea tensed as they heard NM's voice. T'Nea looked around nervously.

"Jessica you heard her too right?" Jessica nodded.

"She can project her voice farther then my mind now?!"

"Oh yes. I grow more powerful by the day, but on Nightmare Night, I will gain enough of a power boost that I will be able to project my image beyond your mind. Oh the fear my appearance will generate will be delicious!" Jessica and T'Nea shivered.

"Ok, disembodied voices, officially as creepy as all heck." T'Nea nodded.

"Maybe that will be the proof you need."

"No, Nightmare Moon won't talk when I ask her too, something tells me she'll make her grand appearance on Nightmare Night/Halloween." T'Nea sighed

"Then I guess the only thing to do is wait for then." Jessica nodded.

"And in the meantime, it's a long shot, but I'm thinking if I look hard enough, I might be able to find a brain scan spell or something. Just in case our Equine friends think it's a Halloween prank."

"That's a good idea. But one of our horn head friends will need to KNOW the spell for it to be any good."

"Something tells me twilight's gonna know it." T'Nea nodded.

"She does seem the mage type. Now, do you have all the evidence you need or do you want to finish this fight?" Jessica giggled.

"We might as well, I found myself wanting popcorn during this whole thing." T'Nea giggled.

"In that case, computer, resume program, remain in objective mode." The program resumed and Celestia and Nightmare Moon unfroze. Celestia stood back up.

"Oh dear sister, I am sorry, but you have given me no choice, but to use these!"

To be continued.

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