Episode 9: Life Back Home

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"Well I'll be, Jessica and Luke weren't kiddin when they were going on and on about how these fancy virtual reality machines can simulate any environment to a T, this is a perfect copy of the real Ponyville." Applejack, Rara, And Ivan were in the holodeck, more specifically they were standing in the central plaza of Ponyville, hometown of the Equine cadets. Rara nodded in agreement with Applejack.

"Yeah AJ, they even have the ruts in the road that never get fixed. Makes me wonder if the insides are just as accurate." Ivan nodded.

"I of course am going off my basic knowledge of holodeck technology, but there is a 99.99% chance of the interiors of this town being just as accurate." AJ began walking off.

"Come on, lets go to Sweet Apple Acres. I haven't seen it since we left 4 weeks ago." Rara giggled.

"Feeling a homesick AJ?" Applejack smiled sheepishly.

"Maybe a little." Rara smiled and wrapped her forelegs around Applejack.

"Aw, my cowpony is homesick!" Applejack arched an eyebrow.

"Uh, Sugar, ya already knew that." Rara giggled.

"I know but you never actually said it until now." Applejack smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah yeah, you got me, I'm homesick. Now can we get going? I'm itching for some applebucking. Even if it's only virtual reality." The trio started on the way to the farm. Ivan looking around as they walked.

"Of all the planets I've seen and been to, Equuis is the only planet that continually piques my interest the more I hear you ponies talk about it." Rara and Applejack chuckled.

"Oh, you have no idea Ivan."

"Equuis, more specifically Equestria, is a magical place, and not only in the literal sense."

"And Ponyville right here? It's been on the forefront of most magical action in recent years. Hey Rara, remember the Everfree Forest incident?" Ivan arched an eyebrow while Rara chuckled.

"Oh, how could I forget? Vines nearly covered the entire town. All thanks to Discord no less."

"Discord? Isn't he the Lord of Chaos on Equuis?" Applejack nodded.

"You'd be right Ivan. In fact, he's been the cause of several of Ponyville's day to day action. Oh the stories AJ and I could tell." Ivan nodded.

"They sound like there was never a dull moment in Ponyville." Applejack and Rara nodded.

"Indeed. You know, I wonder what eveypony's doing back home now?"

Equuis: Ponyville

"I here by call this Cutie Mark Crusader meeting to order! Roll call!"


"Sweetie Belle."

"Diamond Tiara."

"Silver Spoon."

"Scootaloo." Scootaloo smiled as the 5 fillies confirmed their attendance in the CMC clubhouse. But she was waiting for one more. "Spike? Spike!" Everyone looked around to find the dragon.

"Where is he?"

"Shouldn't he be—oh, right." There was a collective sigh as they remembered where spike was.

"Man, this bites! How come he gets to go to space and we need to stay here? I mean, if he can attend some academy in the stars, we should be able to do so too!"

"Well, he is closer to the princess than us. I mean, how many times have WE saved Equestria compared to him?" Another collective sigh.

"Well, at least princess cadance and prince shining armor are gonna take us there for the week next week. I miss Rarity and my spikey Wikey." Applebloom, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon all went aww, while Scootaloo rolled her eyes.

"Yeah yeah sweetie, we get it. You miss your coltfriend. You're not the only one. I miss my honorary sister."

"And I miss Applejack and Rara. It's been a little difficult on the workload, but fortunately we got help from Sugar Belle. Also, Big Mac is really stepping up." There was a collective nod of agreement.

"Yeah. Anywho, enough of that, we need to get to why we're here. Costumes for nightmare night!"


"Hm, what to go as?"

"Hey Silver, got any ideas?" Silver Spoon brought a hoof to her chin as she thought.

"We'll want to coordinate so we all look like we belong together right?"

"Yeah. And we'll want spike to do that too, I'll go to Moondancer later and get a letter to him." Silver Spoon nodded.

"Ok, then, ooh, how about the power ponies?" Diamond Tiara shook her head.

"That's a good idea, but we don't have a 7th pony to go as that 6th power pony."

"Good point. And I don't think Flurry Heart would go as a power pony." A collective nod.


"So what else will go together?"

"Hmmmm." The 5 thought for a moment.

"Oh, I got it!" However, before scootaloo could say anything else, they all heard a siren coming from town. All of them recognized it immediately.

"The Ponyville Monster Attack Alarm!" All ponies got up from sitting.

"Alright crusaders you know the drill, lets get galloping to town hall!"

In the main town of Ponyville, ponies were racing in the direction of town hall as blue mare with a teal mane shouted at them.

"Everypony get to town hall! The great and powerful trrrrixie will handle this!"

"Don't you mean WE'LL handle this Trixie?" Trixie looked over to see a green unicorn charging up for an attack. "After all, remember the last time you tried to face something like a bugbear on your own?"

"Oh be quiet Lyra, you know what Trixie means." Lyra rolled her eyes as she sent a magical blast straight at the bugbear that was attacking the town. The blast collided with it and sent it back, a tiny bit.

"Grah! Why do bugbears need to be so resilient?!" A tan earth pony ran up beside Lyra.

"Because bugbears are built that way Lyra. Let's focus on getting Ponyville into Town Hall. We can group up with Moondancer, Derpy, and Vinyl And coordinate our efforts from there." Lyra nodded, but Trixie shook her head.

"The great and powerful Trixie does not—Bon Bon!" The earth pony named Bob Bon cut Trixie off by grabbing her by the tail and dragging her off, with Lyra close behind.

"Trixie, we don't want you in the hospital AGAIN. Out of me you Vinyl and Moondancer, you're the most powerful unicorn." Bon Bon nodded.

"Exactly. You are our most powerful asset to this team, we can't have you breaking something due to recklessness!" Trixie just groaned.

At Town Hall, Moondancer and Vinyl were ushering ponies in while Derpy was keeping a look out for any stragglers.

"Come on Everypony."

"This way, remember not to come out until we get you." The flow of ponies died down as Derpy landed on the ground.

"That's just about Everypony."

"You sure?"

"WAIT!!" The three mares turned to see the CMC galloping for their lives, with Bon Bon, Trixie And Lyra close behind them, and the bugbear closing in on THEM. Moondancer turned to Vinyl.

"Vinyl, I believe your Portable DJ 3000 would be useful for halting the bugbear's advance." Vinyl smiled as she took out a small box from her saddle.

"Thank celestia for Federation Technology!" Vinyl pressed the box and it began expanding as the CMC rushed past them into Town Hall.

"That's everypony, lets close the door, and get to bugbear butt kicking!" Moondancer slammed the door to Town Hall shut as vinyl's DJ set finished expanding and powering on. Vinyl slammed her headphones in and gave the incoming bugbear a smirk.

"Hey dude! Get ready to shake your tail! Because we're here to have a party tonight!" Vinyl hit the play button and turned the volume up all the way. The resulting sound waves from the speakers sent the bugbear back farther then Lyra's attack. Vinyl and her friends smiled.

"I assume Vinyl using her DJ set was Moondancer's idea?" Moondancer nodded.

"It's a known fact that sound waves that are provided the correct amount of power can act as strong wind currents." Derpy smiled.

"Really? That's fascinating." Trixie rolled her eyes.

"Science later Moonie, Trixie wants this bugbear gone so that she can get back to setting up for her magic show tonight." Bon Bon rolled her eyes, but nodded.

"Yeah. Derpy, you take to the air and keep it busy from that angle. I'll take it from below, everyone else, put those horns to good use and attack it from the distance." All 6 mares nodded in agreement.

"Let's fumigate this town!" Derpy launched into the air towards the bugbear, and found he looked familiar. "Hey. Isn't this the same bugbear that the mane 6 fought against?" Bon Bon took a look and saw that it was the same one.

"Yeah, this is the same bugbear! It seems like it needs another lesson." Derpy nodded as she swooped in and punched the bugbear from behind.

"Well, we're about to give it that lesson." The unicorns of the group gathered from behind the DJ set. Vinyl had an idea.

"Hey, lets combine our magical powers with the sound blast attack this time." Trixie and Lyra nodded.

"Let's try it." Moondancer smiled.

"Bon Bon! Derpy! We're ready to send that bug flying, get out of the way!" Bon Bon And derpy nodded and put some distance between them and the bugbear. The unicorns lit up their horns.

"On 3. 3."



"Light it up!" The four unicorns fired as Vinyl made her set up fire again. The strength of 4 unicorns and a sound wave was enough that when it slammed into the bugbear, it sent it flying into the sky, far far away from Ponyville. Derpy watched it disappear and smiled.

"Looks like it's blasting off again." Bon Bon nodded.

"Let's hope is STAYS away this time." The 6 mares gathered around Vinyl's setup. "Great job everypony. Crisis, averted." The mares cheered.

"That was close. We're getting good at this monster fighting deal that the mane 6 went through before being shipped off to that fancy academy in the stars." Moondancer nodded.

"Indeed. Though that is the last time l let my twin sister talk me into anything revolving around her life. Taking over the library in her absence is one thing, fighting monsters? Twilight didn't mention that until literally the day she and her friends left." Vinyl nodded as she opened the Town Hall doors to let everypony out.

"Yeah, monster fighting wasn't what I thought I'd use my music against, but it's awesome nonetheless." Lyra and Trixie nodded.

"Trixie admits that it feels good to help others for a change."

"And we get to battle monsters, you have any idea how long I've wanted to do that with my Bonnie? With the Mane 6 gone I FINALLY get that chance!" Bon Bon blushed.

"If you wanted to fight monsters Lyra, all you had to do was ask and I would've taken you on my missions." Lyra shrugged.

"I figured I wasn't allowed on official missions. After all, I'm not an agent." Bon Bon giggled.

"Probably for the best, I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you out there. Heck, I feel uneasy letting you into the fray here." Lyra chuckled and wrapped a forelegs around Bon Bon.

"I put my hoof down when my hometown is in danger. If I can help save Ponyville I'll do it. Against your explicit orders if I have to." The 6 chuckled. Moondancer cleared her throat.

"Well, if you'll excuse me, I was in the middle of reshelving the library. I have to go finish that." Vinyl nodded.

"Party at my club tonight. After Trixie's show. Everyone up for it?" Everypony nodded.

"Bonnie and I'll be there."

"The great and powerful Trrrrixie shall attend your after party vinyl."

"I might not. Unless I can find a goal sitter for dinky." Vinyl smiled.

"Oh, if you want, dimly can come too. I don't mind keeping it PG for a night." Derpy smiled.

"Really? Wow. Thanks Vinyl." Vinyl nodded, then turned to Moondancer.

"If I'm finished reshelving the library by then, I'll be there." Vinyl smiled.

"Alright! Rock on. See you guys tonight then?" Everypony nodded. "Cool. Anywho, should probably get back to the club. After all, gotta Isolate the PG songs so we don't have a slip up. See y'all later." The 6 said their goodbyes and parted ways, Moondancer made her way back to the library, and contemplated her life since moving to Ponyville and taking over for her sister. The friends she's made, the things she's done, and of course, the monster attacks that make it seem like Ponyville has monster magnetic houses.

"From a hermit to a savior of Ponyville in a month. Now I know what twilight meant when she said moving to Ponyville turned her life upside down, then inside out." Moondancer gazed up at the sky, which was blue because it was day time. That didn't stop her however from looking into space.

"Oh twily, what in Equestria made you think I could do this? What made you want to ask me to move to Ponyville from Canterlot to take over for you when there MUST'VE been other ponies more suited for the task?

"Hey Moondancer." Moondancer jumped a bit when she heard a voice from behind. She turned to see sweetie bell smiling at her.

"Oh, greetings sweetie bell. How are you today?"

"I'm good. Now that that bugbear is back where it belongs, anywhere but here." They both chuckled.

"I suppose that would be cause for a brightened mood. What were you doing before the attack?" Sweetie bell giggled.

"Me and the other crusaders were trying to figure out what to go as for nightmare night. We'd like to coordinate so that we all look like we belong together, but spike isn't here so we need to make sure we come to a decision quickly." Moondancer nodded.

"Speaking of spike, I received a letter from him this morning. Addressed to you predictably." Sweetie's face lit up.

"Ooh, can I come with you to the library than? The crusaders and I actually came up with something for nightmare night while we were all hiding in Town Hall and I'd like to get a letter to spike and see what he thinks." Moondancer nodded.

"Certainly. After which, maybe we could work on the mail spell." Sweetie nodded.

"Yeah. I'd like that, I feel a little guilty having you be the 'middle pony'. Especially since you have your other duties as a librarian and savior of Ponyville." Moondancer smiled.

"Yeah, I'll admit that it is getting a little annoying to basically be the middle pony for everypony at Starfleet academy for their families and whatnot. But, not every family has an unicorn so alas, there needs to be a middle pony." Sweetie nodded.

"Well, once I learn the spell I'll gladly take over the letters from spike that aren't specifically for you, I can be the official Equine Starfleet correspondent for Ponyville, in fact, Cutie Mark Crusader Equine Starfleet Correspondent Service!" Moondancer chuckled.

"I'm sure Derpy would appreciate the help. But you'll need to wait until spike comes back because the final part of the spell is the actual connection between you and spike. Did you think spike was naturally connected to all unicorns?" Sweetie playfully pouted.

"Now how useful would that have been? We could've been able to stay in touch whenever he went with twilight to visit you in Canterlot, or princess cadence and prince shining armor in the crystal empire." Both of them giggled.

"If That were the case, we wouldn't get a word out of spike, so it probably is for the best." They both continued giggling as they continued to the library."

On the other side of town, Applebloom, Big Mac, and Sugar Belle passed under the entry sign of Sweet Apple Acres. With Big Mac carrying Granny Smith, who was out of breath. "I'll tell you youngsters something. These here legs aren't made for galloping anymore. Why, they expired around the time Applejack got her cutie mark. Where's that Apple and her marefriend anyhow? They better not be goofing off when there's work to be gettin done." Applebloom sighed.

"We told ya granny, Applejack and Rara are at Starfleet Academy on Earth. Training to be the defenders of the Federation, or something like that." Big Mac nodded.

"Eeyup." Granny Smith scratched her head.

"Are they now? Oh, right. Guess my noggin is wearing out now too." Sugar Belle chuckled.

"Well, your noggin might be wearing out, but you can still tell stories like a champ Smith, so you still got that going for you." Granny Smith smiled.

"My only grandson chose right when he was shopping for marefriends. My stories can capture anypony's attention. Say, I ever tell you youngsters about the time my pappy made the journey to this here land to plant apples?" The three walking ponies smiled.

"Oh, I love that story granny! Tell it, tell it!"


"Never get tired of that story." Granny Smith chuckled.

"Well, I reckon I could tell you. After your chores are good and done." The three smiles immediately went away.

"Aww." Granny Smith rolled her eyes.

"Oh quit your whinin, I still haven't gotten my nap yet thanks to that vermin attacking our home!" That got a chuckle out of three youngsters as they rolled their eyes. Typical Granny Smith.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were walking with scootaloo back to the orphanage where scootaloo lived. "So, scoots, you really think going as pirates would work?" Scootaloo nodded.

"Hey, we're running out of time, and pirates are generally easy to dress up as. And it's the best idea we have so far." Silver Spoon nodded.

"She's got a point. Besides, I've never actually gone as a pirate before. It would be fun. Imagine, spike is the brave captain of the SS CMC, the rest of us his hardy crew. That sounds like fun." Diamond Tiara thought for a moment.

"Well, being a pirate does sound fun. Alright, I'll give it a shot." Scootaloo smiled.

"Argh me hardies, next week, captain spike and his crew of the SS CMC be looking to plunder earth and snack on all the exotic candy treasures that await our stomachs." All three fillies laughed.

"I can't wait to try earth candy, as well as see How earth celebrates Nightmare Night, or, as they call it on that planet, Halloween."

"I still have trouble believing that Nightmare Night and Halloween fall on the same day. It just didn't seem possible."

"That's just how it is I guess. But hey, that just means we won't feel weird when we put on our Nightmare Night costumes."

"Yeah. Though it makes me wonder what other Earth and Equine holidays fall on the same day." The three fillies gave it some serious thought, and came up with nothing.

"Anyone else think of anything? Because I haven't a sweet clue what other holidays fall on the same day." Scootaloo and Silver shook their heads. Scootaloo shrugged.

"Eh, I'm sure we can ask twilight and her human roommate. What was her name again?"

"Jessica. And she's more that. She's twilight's crush." Silver and Diamond giggled while scootaloo rolled her eyes.

"Remind me again why girls get so excited about romance? One pony likes another, what's the big deal about that?" Silver snorted.

"Scoots, falling in love is a great feeling."

"And the reason others get so excited is that it's a chance for two souls to come together. Nothing brings people together like a good love story." Scootaloo rolled her eyes again.

"If you say so, it's not as big a deal as you're making it out to be." Silver groaned.

"Maybe not from a general romance perspective, but how many ponies have fallen for an alien before now? None. So if nothing else, it's a big deal because it's the FIRST pony alien relationship ever, that'll be big news if it comes to fruition." Scootaloo considered that for a moment.

"Hm, I guess that makes sense." Diamond and Silver smiled.

"Next week, you'll see why romance is a big deal." Scootaloo chuckled.

"If you say so." The three fillies continued walking, excited about their week long visit to earth next week."

To be continued.

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